How to flush network buffers in Apple / Python Programming Software Development by TSC_Chazz … - I've checked timing by running Wireshark on the server. I'm aware of the existence of the `flush()`…, but because we're using sockets rather than the file handle abstraction, flush apparently does not apply. I have… tried the file handle abstraction (`socket.makefile`) with no better success - … Re: How to flush network buffers in Apple / Python Programming Software Development by rproffitt How long have you been asking this question? I see priors at over 5 months and the second question I have for you is what do you consider helpful? While I'd rewrite this another way I won't rewrite it for you. You are the author and must support your app for as long as you see fit. I see nothing wrong with the usual open socket, send data, close… Re: How to flush network buffers in Apple / Python Programming Software Development by TSC_Chazz I asked it once on one other forum, five months ago. Yes, this is a very low priority issue; if I can't get it working, I'll simply leave it as is and Apple users will be SOL. And what I would consider helpful is specifically what I'm asking: how do I get the data to actually leave the Apple machine without closing the connection? Re: How to flush network buffers in Apple / Python Programming Software Development by rproffitt We ran into this on other platforms and worked around it. Sorry, no magic() call I know of, just had to rewrite. TCP turned out to be the incorrect choice for our needs but hey you can google "tcp force send" to see if any of those ideas work. Again, I don't know of any magic() here. Only that we had to rewrite. Read https://… How to Fine-tune the OpenAI GPT-4o Model - The Wait is Finally Over Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …need to upload training files to the OpenAI server. To do so, create a client …get('OPENAI_API_KEY'), ) training_file = client.files.create( file=open(json_file_path, "rb"), purpose="fine…selected_data.apply(create_json_structure, axis=1).tolist() # JSON file path json_file_path = r"D:\Datasets\news_summaries.json&… Re: How to uploade the .gzip file to Swift Object Store? Programming Software Development by rproffitt I can't tell where the file is altered but it appears the file is indeed being altered. To figure out where I would be using the file command on the server as well. But I can't tell if you can shell into said server. Re: How to uploade the .gzip file to Swift Object Store? Programming Software Development by rproffitt … happens. To wit, I would see if the file made it to the server intact first. Use your code to send the… file up and the Swift commands to check the file with the file command… Re: How to uploade the .gzip file to Swift Object Store? Programming Software Development by Hanginium65 No, unfortunately. I can communicate with the server through the swift command since it's an OpenStack Object store. If I use the Swift command, the uploaded file is in the same format and size as the one on my local machine. I wanted to automate this process using a Python script. Re: Does anyone know how to self-host a nextcloud server? Hardware and Software Cloud-based Apps by QuintinFields … to serve Nextcloud by creating a new config file.Finally, head to your server’s IP address or domain in your browser… Comparison of Fine-tuning GPT-4o mini vs GPT-3.5 for Text Classification Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …next step is to upload your JSON file to the OpenAI server. To do so, start by creating… an `OpenAI` client object. Then, call the `files.create()` method, passing the file…environ.get('OPENAI_API_KEY'), ) training_file = client.files.create( file=open(json_file_path, "rb"), purpose="fine-… With Rapid Tech Advancement, Beware the Pitfalls of Centralization Community Center by Johannes C. … were highlighted just a few years ago when a [single server failure at a Meta data center](… are managed institutionally but allow for individual use. A Word file is a good example, as it can be processed on… Re: What is wrong in my this backup code? sql C# Programming Software Development by R_4 By the way I am using sql server that bult-in in Visual Studio File Server virtualization Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by gtcorwin …, my questions pertains to setting up a Virtual Windows 2014R2 File Server in this environment. Has anyone had any experience with VM…? Would you create a small VHD (100GB) for the file server as one and then have the files stored on a …/stability/backup gain in using 2 VHDs on a Virtual File Server? Also, is it better practice to separate out… File Server or other IST project? Hardware and Software Hardware by Steph102 … status. One he suggested is building a server. I thought maybe I could build a file server. But I do not know how… Windows 10 Pro running on File Server causing network lag Hardware and Software Networking by toomutch …fine, but after 5 years I decided to replace the file server before problems started developing. This is now an i7 processor…files from my laptop over the network to the new file server and then moves them back, and then from my … you need to change when installing Windows 10 for a file server, rather than just a 'normal' client setup? Many thanks,… Network Architecture for Very Small Business File Server Hardware and Software Networking by weasel7711 … much networking education. I am setting up a small file server to serve core files to about 10-12 computers. …It will be running Ubuntu Server while the PCs connected will be running various versions of…I should consider the following: Modem --> Router --> (Server, PC1, PC2, PC3, etc) I figured with the first layout… Windows Server with Virtual Instance(Linux) for File Server Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by fsuren I read somewhere that i can have a Win2008 Host Server running AD,DNS and DC services + I can add a …Virtual machine on the same server running Linux for setting up a File Server. Win2008 Standard has limitations for POSE and… Re: File Server virtualization Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by CimmerianX … I use NTFS to protect user folders like \\server\home\johndoe and \\server\home\janedeer. You can easily use AD tools to… a user to home or use a logon script for \\server\home\%USERNAME% for example. Re: File Server virtualization Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by JorgeM …not an expert in this area but have worked in server support quite a bit in the past. The performance …should consider the management of your data. Seperating out the file shares, user data may help you with regards to how…dealing with VMs, another thing that is missed often by server admins is the type of antivirus/antimalware software that it… Re: File Server virtualization Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by gtcorwin … mention of AV, I haven't noticed AV on any server I have hit so far (I am new here). CimmerianX… Firewall / File server / Print server ideas...?? Hardware and Software Hardware by 3knur8 …but i would prefer it to be) - Add a regular file server to the network for pictures, documents, etc. (i have 4… was planning to use for this) - Add a print server to the network I have been thinking about this for…ESXi box with 3-4 virtual machines running (firewall, print server, file server #1, file server #2) The RAID arrays would have to be hot… How to build as web base File Server Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by satimis ….11 I have a running Mail Server. I need to make it as a file server, in addition, allowing users who… have accounts (Linux/shell) on the Mail Server to upload/download…. While googling around on Internet I found; HFS ~ Http File Server [url][/url] [url… Re: Firewall / File server / Print server ideas...?? Hardware and Software Hardware by 3knur8 … largest amount of 'clients' accessing the file server portion will only be 2 or 3 at…, firewall software, and separate OS for print server) 500gb or larger HDD for reporting, record …installing ALL OS via USB. For the 'file server' idea... I might just get a 2… idea of using active directory for the file server portion of this... But that was just… Ubuntu 12.04 Samba File Server timeout error on large files Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by PhilEaton Hi! I have a work Samba file server on Ubuntu Server 12.04. I can successfully add small files to it … when I try to add a large file, for instance a 1.2gb video file, the server appears to timeout after appearing to… allow for these bigger files to be transferred to the server? Thanks! Windows Permissions on CentOS 5.2 File Server Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by acadata Here is the situation: Our CentOS 5.2 server acts as a file server for Samba environment. We have multiple shares, each share has… them to fix permissions after any user creates a new file, but we want the permissions and group to be set… to make the group be automatically set for any new file. What currently happens is that if "user 2"… Re: Can access file server by IP but not by name Hardware and Software Networking by JorgeM > I can access my file server using the IP but I have no …use the FQDN If you can access the target server by IP address but not by name, the…they pointing to a DNS server that has the ability to resolve the target server's host name? Have …anyone else is no longer able to access the server by host name, contact the DNS administrator that manages… creating a file server Hardware and Software Hardware by chris_so_cal … computer. I want to turn my old one into a file server. I don't need any fancy features on it but… is it at all practicaly to use it as a file server without it being hooked up t a moniter most of… Can access file server by IP but not by name Hardware and Software Networking by Gazzmonkey … days now, as the title suggests; I can access my file server using the IP but I have no access if I… before I started having these issues I was in the server room and accidently tripped over an Ethernet cable which just… so happened to be connected to the problem server, but I re-connected it right away!!! If anyone has… Re: Can access file server by IP but not by name Hardware and Software Networking by JorgeM …] `\\hydra.capricorn.local\` [hit enter] Any luck seeing the windows file server window open showing the file shares available on that system? Re: Can access file server by IP but not by name Hardware and Software Networking by Gazzmonkey … have to sort this out first before continuing with the file server issue, maybe they are related???