frustum correction / "portal view" Programming Game Development by Tech B … position for a VR display. I've heard it called frustum correction or the "portal effect". [URL="http… Re: frustum correction / "portal view" Programming Game Development by Tech B I switched to Panda3D so I could code everything I needed. Blenders Game Engine would have been my ideal environment to do this in, but I can model everything and export it to a .egg file for Panda3D to read. For more details on how I set up the webcam [URL=""]ckeck … Dot product between plane and vector Programming Software Development by myk45 … reading an article to check if a point in view frustum and i read some DX article and i read the… Cascaded Shadow Mapping Programming Game Development by IdiotProgrammer Hello again. :) It's possible to avoid frustum splitting in cascaded shadow mapping? It's very hard to build! :( Re: fps troubles Programming Software Development by _adam_ … of all you need to understand what the view frustum is. The view frustum is a volume of 3D space that will… Re: A problem, I'm stucked in OpenGl Programming Software Development by Asen …(GL_LIGHT0); /* glEnable(GL_LIGHTING); */ glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH); /* Create a viewing frustum */ glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); gluPerspective(FOV_ANGLE, WINDOW_WIDTH/WINDOW_HEIGHT, CLIPPLANE_NEAR, CLIPPLANE_FAR); gluLookAt… Re: How to start a game? Programming Game Development by Ketsuekiame …; vPickRayOrig.z = m._43; // calc origin as intersection with near frustum float fnear; vPickRayOrig+=vPickRayDir*m_fzNear; // Iterate objects m_pSceneObject->Pick… Re: OpenGL Lens Distortion Programming Software Development by mike_2000_17 … the 3D world (cartesian) space to a projective space (the frustum, with 2D screen coordinates and depth). But the projection matrix… Re: Any Techniques for creating shapes in opengl? Programming Software Development by mike_2000_17 … massively important in 3D graphics, things like Field-of-View, Frustum, lens equations, etc.). There is a lot of math to… Re: I don't fully understand... Programming Software Development by raptr_dflo … things like "is the entire strip within the view frustum?" "is the strip devolving (in the distance) down… Re: OpenGL Render Problem Programming Software Development by myk45 … your generated mesh might be going out of your view frustum. It would be best to go incrementally. Using an ortho… Re: What is the depth after a vertex goes through view and projection matrix Programming Software Development by Mr.UNOwen … the depth be between 0 and 1 (if within the frustum)? Also, I did it to a rotation matrix by itself… Re: What is the depth after a vertex goes through view and projection matrix Programming Software Development by mike_2000_17 … the depth be between 0 and 1 (if within the frustum)? The projection matrix takes the vector to the so-called… Re: Dot product between plane and vector Programming Software Development by jwenting The page says exactly what it is... Which translates into human readable text as: the dot product gives the distance between points in space. In this case that's the distance between a point and a plane. Re: Dot product between plane and vector Programming Software Development by mike_2000_17 Planes are represented in the [general linear form]( This form can be understood as a normal vector `n = (a,b,c)` and a distance `d` between the plane and the origin, along the normal vector. So, for any point `(x,y,z)`, you can compute the … Re: Dot product between plane and vector Programming Software Development by myk45 @mike_2000_17 > This is the operation that DX calls "dot product of a plane and a vector". It is essentially the dot product of the vector with the normal of the plane, and then, offsetted by the distance of the plane to the origin, such that you get these negative (below), zero (on plane) and positive (above) values. That was …