752 Topics

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Member Avatar for monstercameron

i've been thinking, what is the easiest way to make a game...flash(albeit mostly 2d). what platform has the most games... any thing w/ flash suupport. what format has the most devs...flash. look at kongregate, miniclip, armor games, they recieve a new game everyday. there are alot of markets out there...open …

Member Avatar for monstercameron
Member Avatar for DawnyB

For my intro to programming class i have to design a game where a ball is shot at an angle and hits squares that are worth points. I have two questions 1.How do you get the ball to move. I was given this code but I don't know if I …

Member Avatar for Archenemie
Member Avatar for b10hzrd

No doubt, by now you have heard of Microsoft’s latest addition to their Xbox 360, the Kinect controller-less …uhh controller. Instead of a standard handheld controller, the Kinect is a stationary sensor bar that sits in front of your TV. While the Kinect has been compared to the Nintendo Wii’s …

Member Avatar for SSSD

Hi, just recently playing mmos on my pc, namely 'fusionfall', graphically it is a good game but it is very slow. So i was wondering if there are any other browser based mmos you could recommend? i dont want to download anything as my computer is slow enough already! Not …

Member Avatar for Glass_Joe

A recent study by Texas A&M International University found that contrary to popular belief, violent video games can actually aid in alleviating stress. The beneficial findings are a sharp contrast to the otherwise bleak shadow cast in recent years by narrow-minded big wigs trying to get ahead in the polls …

Member Avatar for PCBrown

Peter Molyneux, the man behind Lionhead Studios and the fantasy based series, Fable, spoke at a TED Global (Technology, Entertainment, and Design) conference in Oxford on Tuesday, reintroducing Milo, the “virtual human” software that utilizes Microsoft’s upcoming Kinect controller for the Xbox 360. This is the first time Milo has …

Member Avatar for Agni
Member Avatar for Niki_Fears

A new game development company, [URL="http://www.direwolfdigital.com/"]Dire Wolf Digital,[/URL] has officially announced itself to the world today and could be prepared to make a big splash in the gaming world come 2011. [ATTACH=right]15818[/ATTACH]The company shows some strong potential given their current make-up of seasoned veterans in the gaming and business world …

Member Avatar for mundvawala

hey guys ...i m making a project of "CHESS GAME"..... in which to identify any pieces of chess board ,i had used described mechanism....(see code of array) ... but it actually not working...it takes garbage value...it is working only for the "Rook"... i can't understand this behavior...so plz help me …

Member Avatar for Krefie
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

Back this morning from an excellent evening hosted by Toshiba listening to Bruno Beusch, managing director of [URL="http://www.gamehotel.net"]gamehotel[/URL]. He gave a talk about how games were becoming increasingly pervasive and was quite persuasive; the thing that really caught my attention, however, was the idea that game makers would be able …

Member Avatar for anu07
Member Avatar for happygeek

UK Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, has just sat down after speaking for an hour to deliver the coalition Government's 'Emergency Budget' to a crowded and noisy House of Commons - and it's not good news for the games industry. Of interest to those in the IT industry in …

Member Avatar for pi_lord12

Ok, so I'm trying to make a constructor for a text-based game for a monster. Here is the code for it: [CODE]public class Methods { String name; //characteristics of monsters int bodyPoints, mindPoints, attack, defense; public Monster(String name, int bodyPoints, int mindPoints, int attack, int defense) { this.name=name; this.bodyPoints=bodyPoints; this.mindPoints=mindPoints; …

Member Avatar for pi_lord12
Member Avatar for zreed

I need to code a program for my friend and it has been giving me some difficulties. This needs to have two classes, one called Tester and another called Game. And the data in the Game class needs to be pulled to the tester class after the calculations are finished. …

Member Avatar for CrazyDieter
Member Avatar for Buolbear4444

I made a Roguelike game with SFML in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and got it to compile fine in both configurations. However, when I run it in Debug mode in either, I get an error message. Debug says: [quote] This Application has failed to start because the Application configuration is …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for epicasian

I'm looking for a good introductory book for 2D OpenGL Game Programming. The only books on OpenGL I've seen were on 3D. Does anyone know of a good 2D OpenGL Book? Thanks in advance, EpicAsian

Member Avatar for epicasian
Member Avatar for NekoChan

'k so this is my introduction. I'm about to make my verbal exam for "Abitur"/A Level in computer science and want to study either film or 3D Animation/Gamedesign I totally looooove PS2 Games like God of War and NfS and lots of others as well as computer games! And I …

Member Avatar for NekoChan
Member Avatar for Richard7

Hi everyone, I recently bought a Gamers PC and I'm very happy with it, however I'm wondering about the transfer rate of the RAM, and not too sure if it's good enough... I'm running Windows 7 ultimate 64 bit, and the specs are as follows : - Radeon HD 5770 …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for Buolbear4444

I recently downloaded the Retribution Game Engine. However, I cannot find any tutorials for it. Where can I find some? Also, Can I use it commercially?

Member Avatar for tonymuilenburg

Hi All, I'm building a C# game that will handle drag and drop of images and labels in a visual studio form, but when I drag around a component, the form takes big performance hit. For example, I have some images moving around on the form (pictureboxes) and these stop …

Member Avatar for tonymuilenburg
Member Avatar for aleesya88

code [code] import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.geom.*; public class QuestionA extends JApplet { public void init() { PanelLukis panel = new PanelLukis(this); getContentPane().add(panel); } } class PanelLukis extends JPanel { private int x_axis, y_axis; private int squareWidth, squareHeight; private int x, y, coordinateX, coordinateY, squareNo; JApplet app; public PanelLukis(JApplet …

Member Avatar for aleesya88
Member Avatar for zreed

I need to code a program for my friend and it has been giving me some difficulties. This needs to have two classes, one called Tester and another called Game. And the data in the Game class needs to be pulled to the tester class after the calculations are finished. …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for tinanewtonart

So for this assignment we have to inherit from the base class 'Game' I think I have with my version named 'ChildGame' I would like help with checking the syntax of my function calls from main() [CODE] /*************************************************************************************** Programmer: C.Backlund Program: TicTacToe_1.cpp Purpose: A tic tac toe game Date Created: …

Member Avatar for tinanewtonart
Member Avatar for pickleleon

I've created a game and want to record highscores through textboxes. I've thought using an Access database may be one idea but seems quite complicated at my level of programming. I'm looking for some ideas or an alternative to using access. If not then some way i could go about …

Member Avatar for JOSheaIV
Member Avatar for vishal96

I and my friend are developing a game and it contains over 3000 games, its not hosted yet, but I wanted to make a plan for promotion and marketing. We are on a low budget and can't afford paid advertising, so please do tell me if you know any free …

Member Avatar for nhikoy0215
Member Avatar for codecx

I'm almost done making a 2D game (and yes I'm sorta a newb) and I still haven't figured out how to delete an entity. Instead, as a place holder, I set the texture path to "" and all the variables to 0. I am using a class and here is …

Member Avatar for codecx
Member Avatar for umers56

i neez help manz. here is what i have so far: ------------------------------------ Dim x As Integer Private Sub cmdexit_Click() 'this will end the program End End Sub Private Sub picmario_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) 'this will allow the user to use various keys to 'move mario 'this will move the mario up …

Member Avatar for umers56
Member Avatar for WASDted

[attach=right]14941[/attach]Hey folks! Here is a matter that is near and dear to my heart. I've always been a gamer at heart and, like many of you, I can always think back and recall the great memories that have included video games. I grew up with the conception and most evolving …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for ebay1989

Hey guys, I'm new to all this but basically I've been given the task to create a simple C# board game using the console screen. The game consists of a 36 square board and 2 players (player 1 & player 2). Both the players take it in turns to roll …

Member Avatar for phoenix911
Member Avatar for edgareatis

Ok this will be a easy to make game for pros but for new users it will improve your understanding of c#. Ok start my setting up your GUI(Generall User Interface) by selecting a trackerbar, 2 buttons, a label and a trackerbar. Place the trackerbar at the top of your …

Member Avatar for Jordian

Hey guys, I'm pretty inexperienced with Python, but I wanted to give it a shot because I plan on using it on an upcoming visual aid contest. I've been working on a side scrolling type project where you move left and right and the backgrounds scroll across displaying various images. …

Member Avatar for WASDted

Gamers beware. There is an email going around with a subject line that reads something like this: "You Steam will be disabled. Please reactive it." (notice how they cannot even spell "your" properly) [attach=right]14694[/attach] In this email you will find a head banner with the STEAM logo and a couple …


The End.