35 Topics

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Member Avatar for jeffmylife

# What Are Voronoi Diagrams? # Voronoi Diagrams are an essential visualization to have in your toolbox. The diagram’s structure is a data-driven [tessellation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tessellation) of a plane and may be colored by random or to add additional information. ## Learn the Lingo ## The set of points that generate the …

Member Avatar for Smartfitness33
Member Avatar for jeffmylife

# Introduction # This tutorial provides guidance on gathering data through web-scraping. However, to demonstrate the real-life issues with acquiring data, a deep-dive into a specific, complicated example is needed. The problem chosen, acquiring the geographic coordinates of gas stations in a region, turns into an interesting math problem that, …

Member Avatar for OfeliaPoore
Member Avatar for phony

I need to check my code has all these requirements. The requirements for “main()” are: a. Use an object. b. Declare all required variables. c. Output user information. d. Input the radius 1 and radius 2 to be used to calculate the area of two circles. e. Use object Circle …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for supermastereu

Calculate the total area and volume occupied by a cylinder. Correct or not? #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> int main() { float At, V, r, h; printf("\n ===========Calculate the total area and volume occupied by a cylinder============\n"); printf("\n the base radius.......: "); scanf("%f", &r); printf("\n Cylinder height.: "); scanf("%f", &h); At …

Member Avatar for rana ranjit
Member Avatar for L-D

Hi, Entering website first time. Script says Admin then admin. Like so Admin Id: Admin Password: admin But get Error. Wrong Admin Login. Plus these errors top of page: Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/adven735/public_html/config.php on line 4 Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to …

Member Avatar for titos97
Member Avatar for beauty.is.raven

Write a Java application that prompts and reads a value representing the radius, of a circle, then prints the circle's circumference and area. I do not know where to start

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for CoilFyzx

Hello good day. I am trying to figure out if it is at all possible for me to do but I want to access the area that is outside the JScrollPane's view when my JFrame is resized. Let me explain; I have a LayeredPanewith two layers within a JscrollPane. The …

Member Avatar for CoilFyzx
Member Avatar for James19142

I wrote this function I plan on using to load in .obj files from Blender into a DirectX application. The problem I'm having is that when when the model is loaded, it appears that every other triangle face is missing in a pattern, for every quad, only 1 traingle is …

Member Avatar for James19142
Member Avatar for Encheiridion

hi, i need to past *.x 3d model file into vb6 script. can someone recomend some comprehensively teaching online redaction about? it will be good if there could possibly find way of puting multiple objects in. ex three to see the regle. thanks, i will publish the resultats, for next …

Member Avatar for Joseph Vann

Hello, I am working on a Tk program that generates geometric patterns, and I have written into all of my defs that if the variable "outline" is True it will draw a black outline, otherwise it will draw an outline the same as the fill. I tried a function called …

Member Avatar for ZZucker
Member Avatar for Alex_13

**nestedTriangles.cpp (attached) description:** The program takes as input a pair of triangles, specified be giving the coordinates of each triangle's vertices. It then determines if either triangle is "nested" within the other, meaning that one triangle lies entirely within the interior of the other. **Pseudocode:** One triangle lies within another …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Israel_1

Hi I need help with finding the area underneath a curve. Here is what I have so far; #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cmath> using namespace std; struct term { float coeF; float exP; char name; }; struct function { int size; term terms[10]; }; struct Integral { …

Member Avatar for Israel_1
Member Avatar for essaydoctor

What does a "private" area of a website involve?Webhooks, tokens, APIs? I am developing a website which will allow registered users to register, make a payment, and then get transferred to an area where they write an online essay in a textarea. I DON'T WANT NON-PAYERS TO GO HERE. The …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for akkbkht

Hello. Can I add any data directly from table into data base using dreamviewer 8 by php? i mean in design view, i add table. then when i enter a data in the cell, so can i add this cell text to a field in DB table? Also how can …

Member Avatar for akkbkht
Member Avatar for paigewms

**My assignment:** Write a program that extends the example that we have done in class. Create a class called Trapezium, which is determined by two parallel sides “a” and “b” and the height “h” between them.The area of the trapezium can be calculated as Area = (a+b)h/2 The perimeter = …

Member Avatar for mvmalderen
Member Avatar for kaizen202

How to shrink the client area of a multiline textbox (Windows.Forms.Textbox) from the non-client area? That is I need to draw a focus line in-between verticalscrollbar and the text area of textbox (i.e line to be drawn inside textbox). So I need a space between the client area (typable area) …

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for abdelrules

Hello, I am fairly new to c and i am finding it hard to spot why a part of a program I am making is not working. The program lets you work out the area and circumference of a circle. This is the code: #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> int area() …

Member Avatar for Gonbe
Member Avatar for tabj

I need a help? I m designing a webpage. I have used <**div**>s everywhere, from header to footer, moreover I have used **relative** **positioning** with **top** and **right** tag. Somewhere top value has gone -1200 and so. At last I m left with about 800px of useless area below the …

Member Avatar for lps
Member Avatar for abdulnawaz
Member Avatar for astian

Hi, I am writing a Silverlight Bing Maps based application and I am trying to merge two (and more) polygons. The approach I am using at the moment is the following: The geometry for the polygons is stored in a database, and Im writing and reading from it through a …

Member Avatar for Kniggles

``this code keeps kicking out the error Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/a2595218/public_html/login.php on line 49 with the out-put " The username you enterted was not found " I should be seeing the error " You must active your acount to play. $form";" …

Member Avatar for |-|x
Member Avatar for MrsHeard

[CODE]#include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; int triangleType(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3); double distance(double a1, double b1, double a2, double b2); int main() { double x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3; cout << "Enter vertices for the triangle." << endl; …

Member Avatar for MrsHeard
Member Avatar for DarkPyros

im wrote a program to determine weather a triangle is scalene, isosceles or equilateral based on the given side lengths...its not working properly..i.e its giving isoceles when i enter data for an equilateral...etc etc... i fugured it was my logic in writing the program that was missing something....could anyone tell …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for bops

Hello. I have a piece of code currently where I have a JFrame that I have removed the title bar and borders etc from using .setUndecorated(true). I have tried a number of ways with no success to make this window draggable by it's client area. [CODE] JFrame f = new …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for AfghanTea

I've looked everywhere and tried so many things nothing has worked. My cable is fine, I reinstalled my driver and changed my speed/duplex settings to everything but nothing worked I had AVG AV and I removed it from my computer and also took down my firewalls from windows and still …

Member Avatar for predator78
Member Avatar for nightbreed

Hey guys! I'm trying to write a program that calculates the area of the convex hull of a set of points in a plane. I can find which points construct the convex hull but calculating the area is a little bit difficult for me. I guess the problem is that …

Member Avatar for nightbreed
Member Avatar for bossy marmalade

Well I'm trying to connect my xbox to my pc it's been connected to my pc for about four years but now I recently moved and now for some reason my pc decides it doesn't want to connect to my xbox it reconizes that it's hooked up and it tries …

Member Avatar for bossy marmalade
Member Avatar for warlord902

So my problem is that, i have a text area with 3 rows. Its a part of a chat application which receives text from a user. I want to send the text and clear the text area as soon as the user presses the enter key. Now the problem is …

Member Avatar for warlord902
Member Avatar for inquisitivemind

Hi All, I am working on a graphics project which involves simplification of images using triangle decimation. I am coding along the lines of [url]http://mgarland.org/software/qslim.html[/url] and [url]http://jsomers.com/vipm_demo/meshsimp.html[/url]. The problem is that for the ply file that i have and the implementation that i did, there are small triangles spewed across …

Member Avatar for superchica08

hello I have done this program that prompts the user to input the length of the sides of a triangle and outputs the shape of the triangle. Using an enumeration type, triangleType, that has the values scalene, isosceles, equilateral, and notTriangle. so the problem i ma having with the program …

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The End.