1,302 Topics

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Member Avatar for infolicious

I have a blog with variety topics of technology information, submitted to blog directory, backlinks site and etc, but unfortunately it's not indexed by google, yahoo index is okay. My blog is about 6 months age. Please help suggest me how to make google index my google!

Member Avatar for seoindia
Member Avatar for Emily Banks

In a new development to [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story302325.html"]news earlier today[/URL] that Verizon and Google were nearing an agreement that might end net neutrality, both companies have now released statements to the contrary. In Google's case, the statement came as a [URL="http://twitter.com/googlepubpolicy/statuses/20393606477"]Tweet[/URL] around mid-day Thursday. "@NYTimes is wrong. We've not had any convos …

Member Avatar for Emily Banks

Rumors surfaced today saying Verizon and Google are reportedly close to making a deal that could end net neutrality. The [URL="http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100805/ap_on_hi_te/us_tec_google_verizon"]Associated Press[/URL] reported that the two companies, which have been in talks for close to a year, may reach an agreement in the coming days. If such an agreement were …

Member Avatar for PCBrown
Member Avatar for EricMack

[ATTACH=right]16392[/ATTACH]Just a day after Research in Motion gobbled up all the day's buzz with the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story301696.html"]release of its new OS version 6 and Torch Blackberry[/URL], King Crackberry has been dethroned. Smartphones running Google's Android OS were the top-seller in the US during the second quarter of 2010, accounting for a …

Member Avatar for CatRambo

[ATTACH=RIGHT]16368[/ATTACH]Users of multiple Google accounts have found it inconvenient in the past to have to log in and out of the individual accounts in order to access a particular one. [URL="http://www.google.com/support/accounts/bin/answer.py?answer=181602"]Now you can access all of them from a single browser window[/URL]. The functionality, which is in the process of …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

I read a blog post this morning on the Mini-Microsoft blog called [URL="http://minimsft.blogspot.com/2009/07/microsoft-has-turned-corner.html"]Microsoft Has Turned the Corner[/URL] and it got me wondering if they really have, or if it was merely wishful thinking on the part of the author. Then I saw that Microsoft had released [URL="http://www.microsoft.com/office/2010/"]Office 2010 videos[/URL] and …

Member Avatar for Tech_ww
Member Avatar for CatRambo

Security company [URL="http://www.barracudalabs.com/"]Barracuda Networks[/URL] has named Google the "king of malware," in [URL="http://www.barracudalabs.com/downloads/BarracudaLabs2010MidyearSecurityReport.pdf"]a report released this month[/URL] that shows the popular search site linking to twice as many malware sites and files as its chief competitors, Bing, Twitter, and Yahoo combined. [ATTACH]16328[/ATTACH]Barracuda points to a growing need for online reputation …

Member Avatar for andrewliu

Hello. I'm new to php and I'm just getting my foot wet. But I've been going through lots of tutorial and I was looking into this google tutorial: [url]http://code.google.com/apis/maps/articles/phpsqlsearch.html#findnearsql[/url] and its what I wanted it to do. Calculate a nearby store locator. But I was curious about how to modify …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for timrichardson

The python module python-gdata includes an pretty comprehensive example of using python to fetch google calendar events (calenderEvents.py) No matter what I do, I only get 25 events returned. This is the default value of the maximum number of records returned. The example script includes these comments [code] In reality, …

Member Avatar for timrichardson
Member Avatar for Glass_Joe

With a fanship of over half a million people strong morbidly updating us about going to the gym and how they’re about to eat dinner semi-colon right bracket, Facebook's dominance seems untouchable, as they relish on their throne as the Wal-Mart of social networking. That is, until you mention Google. …

Member Avatar for Glass_Joe
Member Avatar for nccsbim071

Hi, I am facing a really wierd problem, i just formatted my harddrive and installed windows xp service pack 3. Now i can't access any of the google services. like gmail it get some certificate errors and not trusted site in mozilla and something like this in all other browser. …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

First there was the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story285531.html"]Google Pac-Man game[/URL] to waste a bit of online time, now Google has dropped an Easter Egg game into YouTube in the shape of the classic Snake. Yes, you can now play Snake on YouTube right in the middle of watching a video, right there in …

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Member Avatar for CatRambo

[ATTACH=right]16134[/ATTACH]At [URL="http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2010/07/introducing-google-apps-for-government.html"]today's press conference[/URL], Google announced a new version of its Google Apps productivity suite, [URL="http://www.google.com/apps/intl/en/government/trust.html"]Google Apps For Government[/URL]. The software has been certified as meeting U.S. Government security requirements. Like the Premier version of their suite, the cost is a yearly charge of $50 per user, and includes applications …

Member Avatar for InsightsDigital

I had a conversation with a colleague who insists that Google has a free social media monitoring tool. Is it Caffeine or Buzz? I think its Buzz but the person meant that this tool can be used for business use like Radian6 or BuzzLogic. If you know the answer, please …

Member Avatar for joelchrist
Member Avatar for CatRambo

[ATTACH=RIGHT]16048[/ATTACH]What do you do when you're creating new features so quickly that your software can't keep up? Speed up production, of course. Google has announced that they plan to introduce a new version of their web browser [URL="http://www.google.com/chrome/"]Chrome[/URL] every six weeks in order to get new developments as quickly as …

Member Avatar for Emily Banks

Maybe you're among the few who have seen the changes already; Google Images is getting a facelift this week. Google announced Tuesday that the familiar landing page for an image search will be changing and the site will offer more sophisticated technology for the 10 billion images it has indexed. …

Member Avatar for redesignunit
Member Avatar for EddieC

Dear Steve Ballmer, I believe it's time to give up development of a mobile operating system. With all due respect to the multi-billion dollar empire you're entrusted with running, the simple truth is that Microsoft is quite bad at developing user interfaces that are friendly and intuitive. Windows 7 is …

Member Avatar for JameB
Member Avatar for PCBrown

It’s official folks, Google’s Nexus One has officially been discontinued and will no longer be available from their online store. [URL="http://www.engadget.com/2010/07/21/nexus-one-is-sold-out-in-googles-store-forever/"]Engadget[/URL] points out that the only way to get the phone is through KT, a Korean phone company (good luck), or Vodafone. Google is planning on distributing what remaining phones …

Member Avatar for nodoso

Hello everybody, I have some trouble with the google maps api. I want to add markers from a xml file to my map but it seems that the function is not parsing my xml file and I am clueless. Any ideas here is my code: [code] <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> …

Member Avatar for SolidSolutions
Member Avatar for EricMack

More of us could be taking Linux with us wherever we go in the coming years - that according to a [URL="http://www.abiresearch.com/products/service/Mobile_Devices_Research_Service"]pair of reports from ABI research[/URL] that predict a big chunk of both smartphones and non-smartphone mobile devices will be Linux-based by 2015. [ATTACH=right]15931[/ATTACH]"The number of Linux-oriented initiatives recently …

Member Avatar for Niki_Fears

[ATTACH=right]15792[/ATTACH]Google has been attempting to break out of their search engine based box for quite some time by presenting challenges to some of the IT world's biggest names such as Microsoft and Apple. Now with the new App Inventor that Google has launched for Android it is giving developers more …

Member Avatar for Dcurvez
Member Avatar for PCBrown

[B]Flash Support on the iPad Becomes Reality[/B] Comex, the programmer behind the user-friendly jailbreak tool, Spirit, has unleashed the source for his latest project, [URL="http://github.com/comex/frash"]Frash[/URL]. This little gem enables Flash support (sans video) on the iPad. Frash is still in the alpha stage, so if you run into problems, you …

Member Avatar for MyRedz
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

[ATTACH=right]14514[/ATTACH]So you want your company to be innovative like Google. You want to have a lab and a constant flow of ideas, but you don't know where to begin. In an entertaining speech the other day at the [URL="http://www.aiimexpo.com/"]AIIM 2010 conference [/URL]in Philadelphia, [URL="http://www.cyrusmistry.com/"]Cyrus Mistry[/URL] from Google explained some the …

Member Avatar for Lecee Lery
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

There was a a lot of news coming out Microsoft and Apple last week: * On Monday, Apple released its stellar [URL="http://www.apple.com/pr/library/2009/07/21results.html"]earnings report[/URL]. * On Monday, Microsoft opened up the [URL="http://www.mssharepointconference.com/"]SharePoint 2009 Conference[/URL] in Las Vegas * On Tuesday, Apple released its latest [URL="http://www.metro.co.uk/tech/article.html?Apple_launches_new_MacBook,_iMac,_Mac_Mini_and_Magic_Mouse&in_article_id=755089&in_page_id=150"]product lin[/URL]e * On Wednesday, Microsoft announced …

Member Avatar for Lecee Lery
Member Avatar for Allison2009

Hi, I have given around 5 links to a particular page of my website. They were from good PR4 and above Article Websites. But still I find those pages are not indexed by google. It is a Shopping Cart Website. The contents are also good enough. Hence can't blame contents …

Member Avatar for Lecee Lery
Member Avatar for happygeek

Hackers have targeted Justin Bieber videos on YouTube, exploiting a cross-site scripting vulnerability which enabled them to bombard viewers with pop-up messages and redirect them to porn sites. The hack attack lasted for the best part of two hours before Google was able to isolate the problem and apply a …

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for EricMack

[ATTACH=RIGHT]15743[/ATTACH]Months after its release, with over 3 million units already sold, Apple's iPad was still eliciting excitement among consumers of all ages during a recent visit to an Apple store in West Nyack, NY. Such a high-level of consumer engagement combined with Apple's notorious reputation for tightly controlled user environments …

Member Avatar for CatRambo

[ATTACH=RIGHT]15745[/ATTACH]Recent buzz centers around Facebook and Google interactions ever since [URL="http://www.skepticgeek.com/socialweb/googlers-take-on-social-networking-reveals-chinks-in-facebooks-armor/"]a presentation by Paul Adams, the user research lead of Google’s social team[/URL], revealed some of Google’s plans for social networking. In the presentation, Google sets out how it defines social and demonstrates why that definition showcases Facebook’s biggest weakness. …

Member Avatar for debow

Hello all, I'll try to explain what I'm wanting to do the best way I can. I have an event_results table that contains multiple athlete id's and for each athlete they are tied to an event in the same table. The screen shots should help explain. I also created a …

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Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

It's an odd thing to say about a business that spends so much of its time online and is so skilled at search, video (through YouTube) and all that stuff. But for me, [URL="http://www.google.com"]Google[/URL] has only half an idea of what it's sitting on and a number of sites out-do …

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The End.