899 Topics

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Member Avatar for Angel78

So I have been working on this dice roller for a while but am stuck. My form looks like this, a comboBox1 where you can pick numberOfSides on the dice, a textbox1 where you type the numberOfTimes it shall roll the selected dice, a button1 and a richTextBox1 to display …

Member Avatar for PatSharbaugh
Member Avatar for gssr

Please tech gurus Help me ! Please help me urgent iam total newbie in MySQL and in PHP actually i want to auto generate user id if gender male selected in radio button than user id will be m00001,m00002,m00003..... like this, if gender female selected in radio button than user …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for frostymoon37

# How do i do a previous and next buttons with ajax and get different results on same page? # Im fairly new to coding so i need some help. im trying to build a web site for geology ( rocks, etc). My concept is this. How do i use …

Member Avatar for sid78669

I am working on a project where i need to dynamically count how many buttons need to be added to a certain panel. Each button press has to change a variable in the parent class and then to excute generation of a child panel which also dynamically generates buttons. my …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for woodenduck

Hey all, I want to write an application that I can run from the console where it loads settings from a config file. I also want to be able to double click on the executable and obtain a GUI where I can specify settings that will be stored in the …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for nevergone

Hello, I would like to create my own slot machine from my PC. For that I am looking for some slot buttons that can connect to USB, or for some separate keyboard letters to connect through USB ( EG : I would need a hardware with USB plug , that …

Member Avatar for ogsirus

Hi Guys having a bit of trouble here, I have create a form program with a set of buttons which do stuff (open,exit etc). I also got a speech recongtion which has a set of words ive put into a grammar list. the problem: i want to the program to …

Member Avatar for skatamatic
Member Avatar for HungMob

I keep getting an error with the "ButtonListener." I don't know what it is that's causing it, but help would be appreciated. import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JPanel; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class MovingCarPanel extends JPanel { private int delay = 2; private Car car; private Timer …

Member Avatar for DavidKroukamp
Member Avatar for rfrapp

Hello, I'm creating a game using SDL, and what I'd like to happen is: if the character jumps on a button, then it'll disappear. However, I cannot find a way of accomplishing this, as all the SDL functions I know of start at runtime and cannot be changed. If I'm …

Member Avatar for Hazuan Nazri

This is my search button and textbox code, but i will got error on pelanggandatagridview and searchdatas, i need to search data on SQL DB like google! just type any word with almost same with the data and it will show on pelanggandatagridview, please help me... Private Sub Button5_Click(ByVal searchword …

Member Avatar for poojavb
Member Avatar for Rogue.

So how would I click on a submit button with the HTML element being: <input src="/images/members/submit_button.png?1331667296" type="image">

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for next_tech

Hey Guys, I am working on a gui and I've got a two part question. I've got a jlist and a couple of buttons to add and remove components from the list. I've got everything working except for the keyListener. When the cursor is on the jList (hasFocus I assume?) …

Member Avatar for Philippe.Lahaie
Member Avatar for blivori

I have a GUI in which has a container for a JTable called 'listTable'. I want to populate the JTable with data stored in a linked list, using the AbstractTableModel. Basically, I have a LinkedList stored in Processing.java. It contains all the data retrieved from a text file. I created …

Member Avatar for ejosiah
Member Avatar for MrCapuchino

Hello, Something really weird started happening in my web application. I have some buttons defined in a Master Page File and then I have a lot of pages that derive from this Master Page file. One of the buttons (In the master page file) closes the user session. This means …

Member Avatar for MrCapuchino
Member Avatar for ashiiiish

How to disable the like link after it has been clicked ??? My Code echo "<a href=like.php?id=$pid>like($plike)</a>";

Member Avatar for ashiiiish
Member Avatar for Begginnerdev

Hello my fellow Daniwebbers, I have yet another question for you. I have been using a library to scan, located [here](http://bytescout.com/products/developer/scansdk/bytescoutscansdk.html), and have not been getting a consistant return. When I use the TWAIN Source, the GUI pops up and disappears almost instantly. When I tell the source manager to …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for kytro360

Hi, Does anyone know how to create a delay in C#? I dont like to use Thread.Sleep because it makes the GUI unresponsive. Do you know of any good alternatives?

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for hughesadam_87

Hey everyone, Last semester my buddy and I made a tutorial on application programming in Python. This video uses the Enthought Tool Suite (ETS), a free powerful Python development toolkit, to build quick, easy and powerful GUI's. I see many posts on this site about Tk, wx, qt but haven't …

Member Avatar for hughesadam_87
Member Avatar for mags11

Hello. I am having a slight problem with layout in my program. The Textfield doesn't seem to be aligned with the Message Label. The program is a GUI MPG calculator. It's supposed to calculate the car's mileage. It's supposed to let the user enter the number of gallons of gas …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for rapidwein

**Bold Text Here** The included file is a code to make a quiz using javascript and radio buttons . When you finally submit , it shoudl print the question numbers for the correct answer in green and the wrong answers in red . But the code is not working properly. …

Member Avatar for rapidwein
Member Avatar for gatorsgirl

Hello everyone, I am looking for some assitance with an assignment that requires a user to input tutor time and earnings into a gui and then calculate the totals and averages in a text area. I have succeeded in getting the program to work, however it is totaling the user …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for andrecj

Hello Guys, I am looking for some help: I have a dynamic table that shows a checkbox, id, title,etc., and date of insertion of an article that I've added before. And then I have a button that I would like to control if the user have clicked the checkbox and …

Member Avatar for Avenirer
Member Avatar for Argyrisv

Hi there i m having some problems in creating and handling multiple buttons. The idea is that i have two buttons "Accept" and "Reject" and i want to give them differnt names using the variable $i from the for loop. Below i give you the code which shows what i …

Member Avatar for Biiim
Member Avatar for backblack

hello, i need some help with my source code. can anyone explain how to create a button to view next record from my database in php? sorry for my bad english <?php session_start(); if(isset($_SESSION['id'])) echo "Selamat Datang,".$_SESSION['id']."!"; else die('Tiada maklumat yang dicapai. Sila <a href="../index.php">login</a></h1> semula!'); $con = mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); if …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for BanksyHF

Okay, first off, this is not a thread for an answer like "Use delegates", or the like. I know how to use them, but one time I forgot to use them, and when going over my code, it worked, and I've been wondering why for a while. http://screensnapr.com/e/xx68FK.jp[/img] The image …

Member Avatar for skatamatic
Member Avatar for needjavahelp

Hi i need to add crosshairs to my code, like draw 2 lines across the screen on a JPanel, i also need to be able to turn them on and off with a checkbox which is on a JPanel. the other panel needs to be drawable on like a paint …

Member Avatar for zeroliken
Member Avatar for mangopearapples

Hey everyone, I'm trying to make a button have an image, it used to work but for some reason, now it doesn't. This is the error: [COLOR="Red"]Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException at javax.swing.ImageIcon.<init>(Unknown Source) at Main.createImageIcon(Main.java:109) at Main.<init>(Main.java:82) at Main.main(Main.java:103) [/COLOR] I see that the error is the: [CODE]ImageIcon NewFileIcon …

Member Avatar for Moraes V.A.
Member Avatar for cigoL..:)

Hello There, Please Help, I have a form that generates data from database. i have to select value from a combobox so that i can see the value. but i wanted that data from database to be the value of the radio button. is that possible?I haven't started yet? can …

Member Avatar for cigoL..:)
Member Avatar for tristanbacon

Hi everyone, I am currently working on a small program that helps users create Quests for use with our open source MMO and Virtual World Platform. I want to be able to put entries from the form attached to this post (questcreator_screen.jpg), into something similar to the below Python code: …

Member Avatar for skatamatic
Member Avatar for QuaminaIT

I have 3 arrays with 3 items in each. I want to divided them into groups of 3 radio buttons and i want to select one radio button, hit a submit button and have it post on the same page and then move to the next set and have it …


The End.