899 Topics

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Member Avatar for hlamster

I don't know javascript very well... I have a form with the name register_group and a radio button for pc_parade_float with yes/no options. I want to display a different comment depending on if they clicked yes or no in the radio button. The code I have is as follows: [CODE]<script …

Member Avatar for Fest3er
Member Avatar for TrustyTony

This code is based on code from series of programs [URL="http://www.ferg.org/thinking_in_tkinter/"]'Thinking in tkinter'[/URL] This code is not perfect, especially it does not recognize key release when mouse moves out of button area during push. Leave event could also be captured for that to stop the event in that case.

Member Avatar for init

Hi. I'm creating an interface using the Tkinter library, but I seem to be having some issues with placing 3 buttons BELOW 3 buttons which are on top. All buttons should be inside the second LabelFrame. I've looked all over and I can't seem to figure out why the other …

Member Avatar for Ismatus3
Member Avatar for Lemony Lime

So, this seems like it should be the default to me... if you're going to make your own picture for a button, I don't see why you'd want the default border around it, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to get rid of it. I …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for new2GUIBuilder

Hye. I'm a new daniweb members. I've been learning java for 4years from zero. i became to not lazy in java programming since i have to do my thesis project in java. i am developing a very simple jave coding for my thesis. the objective is to print cheque. as …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for Amiet Mhaske

Hello guys, I am new to vb programming. Can anyone tell me how to access command button of one form onto another? I have one mdiParent form on which i have command button "PRINT" and "Add New Client", I want to disable Print button, when i clicked on "Add New …

Member Avatar for Amiet Mhaske
Member Avatar for JaffaApophis

Hello, I am trying to build a GUI with 2 textfields (1 for tutoring time & 1 for payment for session), a textarea (display the inputs in 2-D array & show report), and a few buttons (ENTER, RUN REPORT & QUIT). The two textfields are for the user to enter …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for next_tech

Hi Guys, My final project has come and it is to make a GUI for a program that we previously wrote. So I have to use tkinter as my package for python to get this written. Now I can't find anything on tkinter and python 3.2 or any GUI "designers" …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for abyss776

I've been searching the internet for a way to specify the size of a component within a JPanel, but I haven't been able to find anything that has worked. The best answer I came across was to override the getPreferredSize(), getMaximumSize(), and getMinimumSize() methods of the component, but the component …

Member Avatar for abyss776
Member Avatar for masala_curry

Hello, My application has a simple textbox for user input, a database connection, a button and a label. I will search for the user input in my database and update the label when the user clicks the button. This works fine on the first button click but ceases to function …

Member Avatar for masala_curry
Member Avatar for ricedragon

Okey , This is suppose to be a chat and server program and I am down to the last part but I cant seem to figure this out. I Use the JtextField to get the Input from the user and it is suppose to hold it until the sent button …

Member Avatar for harinath_2007
Member Avatar for ricedragon

I was given a client and server and I have to create a gui for it. I have done the entering part using the JTextField and the problem is getting the output of the class to go to JTextArea. (Its a Client server simple chat program) Here is the set …

Member Avatar for ricedragon
Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam

Hi ! i m working on asp.net project and using c# for it , i want to place my delete button on the right most of the gridview , by default button is placed at left side of the grid , can any one please help me . as i …

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for jdm3

Hello everyone, I'm working on an assignment that requires a game that drops multiple objects that need to be caught. I'm using multiple classes and the current one is raising a type error. " File "C:/Users/Joe/Documents/School/I-210/Final/game.py", line 118, in main gift = Present() TypeError: __init__() takes at least 2 arguments …

Member Avatar for jdm3
Member Avatar for effBlam

How am I able to open the contents of a text file into a GUI with each character in the text being an individual button. Say the text file contains 25 characters that are either "A" or "B" in random order. The text file also have 5 rows with which …

Member Avatar for bawakrbs
Member Avatar for compulove

Hello! I need code that will allow the user to do the following: 1. Select a browse button and choose the folder they want to save a file once the exe file at the end of the program runs 2. Display the folder location the user selected in the textbox …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for jainjayesh1681

Hi Friends, I am working on Project(Window Application in VB.NET) and unfortunately i am getting out of time,Need ur help. Theres one situation in which application to accept Five Email Address but the condtion is that during form load only one textbox need to display first and a button adjacent …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for crankyslap

When I click the "Go" button I want the button event in "wxQuestionMain.cpp" to call "somefunction()" which is inside "otherFile.cpp". That works just fine. But I then want to change the text in the textbox "txtCtrl1" from inside "somefunction()" and that won't work because "somefunction()" is not part of the …

Member Avatar for y2kshane

im creating a custom button . when user select a image file for button image i want to add it to the project resource (in design time) . how to do this?? im currently drawing image using image location but its not a good solution.

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for telmo96

Hey mates, it's me again. I'm trying to develop a small application, but I'm not sure how to put two icons in the same toolbar, probably theres another way of creating toolbars instead of "self.toolbar", I'm not sure. Check my code: [CODE]import sys from PyQt4 import QtGui class Routine(QtGui.QMainWindow): def …

Member Avatar for Danielhuo

I am writing a Java program, a MP3 Manager, but I have problems to work with buttons, TextFields, and TextArea. Here are the problem descriptions. Create a class MP3 with instance variables for: artist, song, album, track length (in seconds). Provide a constructor, get/set methods, and a toString. method. The …

Member Avatar for Danielhuo
Member Avatar for arindam31

Hi Guys, I am trying to make a text box that will accept a password from user.The password should be masked while typing. [CODE]def MyFunc2(self,event): box2=wx.TextEntryDialog(None,"Enter Password","PASSWORD","Waiting",style=wx.TE_PASSWORD) if box2.ShowModal()==wx.ID_OK: global pwd1 pwd1=box2.GetValue()[/CODE] The code is a piece of a program . The above code when run , shows the text …

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Member Avatar for Danielhuo

I am writing a program, but I cannot find what is wrong with the code. Only need to show one MP3, or an error message if there are any missing fields or an incorrect entry for seconds. It is not storing information about previous songs; it just display the current …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for rayden150

Im using netbeans gui editor and im trying to add a Jfreechart that is itself in a internal frame, and this internal frame I am wanting to add it to a panel, as you can see in this image: [url]http://www.flickr.com/photos/63259070@N06/6370734167/[/url] The internal frame doesn't even show up on the panel …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for compulove

I am writing program that should allow the user to hit a browse button and be able to browse in their local directory to select a folder that they will later on save a file to. I know you can do this in windows forms but since I am using …

Member Avatar for Tortura

Hey, I created a form with many controls. It's a GUI for a measurement program. Therefore some controls must be disabled and some enabled. When the START button is pressed, every control should be disabled except the ABORT button. It works with following code: [CODE] // Disable each control in …

Member Avatar for Tortura
Member Avatar for Mitche11

Hello. I am struggling to create this website. It looks great so far. The 2 problems that I am having are trying to add button functionality to the slideshow as well as make it so the images are hyperlinked to another page. If you could help me I would be …

Member Avatar for mina_k

[B]Hello , I'm new here as I'm new in python.. :D I need help in viewing database's data ,[B][U] I could view data in python[/U][/B] but i need to view it in GUI . [B][COLOR="Red"]i'm using:[/COLOR] - Qt designer - pysqlite[/B] Thank you all :)[/B]

Member Avatar for robert99x
Member Avatar for awesome_cool

I've been Programming in C++ for a year. I am done with Basics and all other OOP concepts(like inheritance,polymorphism and STL) I want to be a game programmer, but i don't know what to study now? I've heard about OpenGL, DirectX, GUI libraries as a result i m confused to …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for unmatchedz

hey ppl Trying to get this code working for this gui cube game It is an assignment so i'm being honest, I have know idea on how to get the tkinker function to work. have searched the internet but still having problems in getting it too work. I have tried …

Member Avatar for unmatchedz

The End.