Text and Image to Video Generation using Diffusion Models in Hugging Face Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …/docs/diffusers/en/index) to generate videos from text and images. The following script installs the libraries you will need to… also import some utility classes to save videos and display images. ```python import torch from diffusers import CogVideoXPipeline from diffusers.utils… Re: Top strategies for improving website performance and load times Programming Web Development by dineshkumar01 … load times, focus on these key strategies: Optimize Images: Compress and resize images without sacrificing quality to reduce loading times. Minimize HTTP… the number of elements on your pages, like scripts and images, to lessen HTTP requests. Enable Browser Caching: Store commonly used… Re: Top strategies for improving website performance and load times Programming Web Development by astrotulsiram … speed while maintaining a rich user experience: Image Optimization: Compress images (TinyPNG, ImageOptim), use modern formats (WebP), and implement responsive… images (srcset). Code Optimization: Minify CSS, JS, and HTML. Remove unused … Re: What are the key features to consider when developing a shopping app? Programming Mobile Development by Bhavika_1 …: ** * User-Friendly Interface * Product Search and Filtering * Product Details and Images * Secure Payment Gateway * Personalized Recommendations * Shopping Cart and Wishlist * Order… Re: Top strategies for improving website performance and load times Programming Web Development by Zain_18 have you tried WP rocket, perfmatters or lightspeed. and some other factors like images, you can reduce the image sizes and convert them to WEBP. Also, you must reduce the dom size of your main page. use less elements. Re: Top strategies for improving website performance and load times Programming Web Development by Synergy_1 Optimize images, minify code, use a CDN, and enable caching to improve site speed. Tools like Google PageSpeed Insights and GTmetrix help diagnose issues. Balance speed with user experience by prioritizing critical content and using asynchronous loading. Image Analysis Using Claude 3.5 Sonnet Model Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …066ea5e5c11f216efc3cc1457e8a40a0.jpg) **Note:** For comparison, the images we will analyze in this article are …quot;D:\Datasets\sad_woman.jpg" # Open the images using Pillow img1 = Image.open(image_path1) img2 = …Can you explain all the differences in the two images?") print(response_content) ``` **Output:** ![image4b… Anti-Hotlinking Script for WP on Apache (.htaccess) - Linkspam Prevention Programming Web Development by Chris Hüneke … allowed</h1> <p>Too view our images, please visit our <a href="<https://daniweb… Re: How to optimize portfolio website Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Chris Hüneke As your website will consist of mainly images and few text (i suppose), you should keep in mind … loading (core web vitals) and be sure to optimize your images well (titles, tags, etc.) Also some structured Data (Schema.org… Re: Why SEO is Important for the Website? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Emma_42 I am using Keyword Research, Meta Tags, Alt Text for Images, Search Engine Optimization Re: Future of Web Development: Trends and Tools Programming Web Development by jkon … C++ , (I can't even think how people white crop images in PHP or in Java ... (it is really slow and… Re: Will affiliate links in sidebar kill SEO practices? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Chris Hüneke … link is not irrelevant. There's some interesting discussion (see images attached) Re: Top strategies for improving website performance and load times Programming Web Development by Raj_578 Boost website performance and load times with these top strategies: optimize images, leverage caching, use a CDN, minimize HTTP requests, and enhance server response. Speed up your site for a better user experience! Re: Anti-Hotlinking Script for WP on Apache (.htaccess) - Linkspam Prevention Programming Web Development by amastyteam Thank you for such usefull post! Images in MFC Programming Software Development by M.Mahroz Images in MFC are created in OnDraw function. We have to … in our OnDraw function. Now if we want to draw images outside that OnDraw then we need to create a pointer… Re: images? Programming Databases by dyingatmidnight … kinda of a whim that had me wanting to add images and I just found I have no idea how to… mean, lets say I store all my images in [url]http://localhost/Catalogue/images/bookCovers[/url] cause that will probably be my… directory. So I throw all the images I want in there. What I need to do is… Re: images Programming Web Development by muralibobby2015 … admin's account deletion script[/QUOTE] i was already deleted images which is in database.i am not talking about admin… side. i am talking about images which is in folder when we are uploadimages that… images are stores in one folder. i want to delete images from that folder. Re: images Programming Web Development by venkat0904 … point clear [QUOTE=muralikalpana;1050145]i was already deleted images which is in database.i am not talking about admin… side. i am talking about images which is in folder when we are uploadimages that… images are stores in one folder. i want to delete images from that folder.[/QUOTE] images? Programming Databases by dyingatmidnight … to a table I have but I've never stored images in an SQL database before and I'm not sure… little cover flow script that needs file paths for the images it uses. Mostly I'm stuck on how to best… do that and then the query needed to return the images path. And really the select query will probably be self… Images Community Center Geeks' Lounge by freesoft_2000 Hi everyone, Does anyone know where i can download free images of say like the images of file open, cut, copy and paste for free in either png or jpg formats? Some links to these downloads would really be helpful. Any help is greatly appreciated Thank You Yours Sincerely Richard West Images Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Dave Sinkula … different. I was searching for something I had posted with images at one time, I don't recall if they were… Images Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Nick Evan For some time now, the images attached to posts have been unreadable. I never thought of ….com/forums/thread93280.html"]thread [/URL]. But since the images are mutilated beyond recognition, this thread won't teach newbies… Re: Images Community Center Meta DaniWeb by John A …. That said, I don't really like the default way images are displayed right now, particularly when trying to view DaniWeb… on older computers. One workaround when attaching images yourself is to use the [noparse][attach]number[/attach][/noparse… Re: Images Community Center Meta DaniWeb by John A … "shrink to fit" or "scroll >large images." Nope, that won't do any good. Normal image… details of how it works), rendering any "scroll large images" option on your browser useless. images Community Center by sittas87 … very simple I guess.Im looking for free images.Ive found some free images but I Im looking for a large image… images Programming Web Development by muralibobby2015 hello, is it possible to delete waste images from folder using php. for suppose user uploaded images....after his account expires his account will be deletes by admin. at the same how to delete his photos from folder. Re: images Programming Web Development by venkat0904 …, is it possible to delete waste images from folder using php. for suppose user uploaded images....after his account expires his account… Images Programming Web Development by pooja_shah I have a images in my local pc. That is located in "D:\projects\abc\systemimages\123.jpg" Now i upload image in my template from above location.So it should be shown in my thank u template but when i sent mail with thank you template to another person he/she can't see this images. Bubbly shah Re: Images Programming Web Development by dnanetwork … aka project directory. try something like this.. create a folder images in your project... add your thank you image to that… folder.. and on thank you page.. Image1.ImageUrl = "~/Images/Thankyou.png"; [B]please remember absolute path will never… Re: images Programming Web Development by Airshow …'s complicated with one "loading" message for multiple images. The reason it's complicated is because a) the message… should only disappear when [U]all[/U] images are loaded. b) if further images are loaded later in the life of the…