575 Topics

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Member Avatar for reddsoxy

I am self teaching myself python and I have hit a question that I can't seem to figure out dealing with raw_input. This is the code that is confusing me: print "How tall are you?", height = raw_input() print "So, you're %r tall ." % (height) I input my height …

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Member Avatar for b.prog

So, my problem is that I want to run a process every 5 minutes, however I also want a console input which can modify its preferences and call functions depending console input. How can this be done system-independently?

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for marcin19962

https://dl.dropbox.com/u/21125662/compilation/OsuModTool.txt It doesn't really work - text didn't change - why it doesn't work? It doesn't give me any error (but print prints what it should) https://dl.dropbox.com/u/21125662/compilation/post_adder_win.txt I call function through keyboard event

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Member Avatar for sunfutbol
Member Avatar for sunfutbol
Member Avatar for Sendy Hipo

Hi! i have problems with input validation, so here goes the problem : Write a program that uses a structure to store the following data about a customer account: Name Address City, State, and ZIP Telephone Number Account Balance Date of Last Payment VideoNote Solving the Weather Statistics Problem Review …

Member Avatar for Sendy Hipo
Member Avatar for javacle

i'm trying to analyse this php, i noticed that whenever i enter values into textfield, like input type="text", and i retrieve the data, it is not showing in the address bar like, www.host.com/login.php?usermae="user"&password="pass". Please why is this happening, is it a new feature in php? or something else.

Member Avatar for |-|x
Member Avatar for phfilly

Hi! I'm still new to Actionscript 3.0 and was wondering if you could help me please. I'm trying to do a registration form in flash. The user entering his name/email/password and I want to save that value to a variable and return that. The error says that my return type …

Member Avatar for HTMLperson5

How can you get an `if` statement in another `if`, for instance: $line = <STDIN>; if $line eq "\n") { print "You did not type anything } else { print "You said: $line"; } Could you put another` if `next to the place where it says: You said: blah like …

Member Avatar for HTMLperson5
Member Avatar for klevasseur

I have some text files (actually csv) that have the extension .ROS stored on a server and I can't seem to open them in Python. If I change the extension to .txt or .csv, I can open them fine either as text or csv, but I'd rather keep the .ROS …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for greencode

Hello, I'm working on an assignment that requires me to do the following: "A file contains 6 numbers per line and contains several records. Another file contains 3 numbers per line and several records. Write a program to input each of the numbers, find the highest number, the lowest number, …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for TrustyTony

Gribouillis has allready posted code similar to this in his snippets, but here version for input suitable for for expressions, generators and list comprehensions. Need to add robustness by some try...except blocks for real world use.

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for jjoensuu

Hi, a question about stand-alone Java applications that do not have a background DB. In our Uni class we were asked to build a very small application using JOptionPane methods such as "showInputDialog". The application asks for users name and birthdate and at the end displays a summary of these …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for abhishekagrawal

Dear All, I have written a program that finds the integer whose square is closest to but greater than the integer number input as data. But it is giving me an erroneous answer. My algorithm is: 1. Select a number which is half the input number. 2. Square it and …

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Member Avatar for LastMitch

Hi I have a question. I haven't try this yet but rather have someone tell me that it will work or not. For example I have this let's call this **1.php** file **1.php** has these two categories SKU: <?php echo stripslashes($row1['sku']);?> Item ID: <?php echo stripslashes($row1['itid']);?> I want to submit …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for dinosaur123

Hello, I am having trouble with a program I am writing. The problem is that I need to take information from a text file, read it, and then output the information into another text file. I keep getting this output: > <ProductSummary>0015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A0 </ProductSummary> I need it to output something like …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for tahsin.rahit

HI I want to pass HTML input array to jquery. I don't using `<form>` tag. only `<input>`tag. `<input type="checkbox" name="remove[]"/>` and `<input type="text" name="quantity['xyz']"/>` Here *xyz* will be diffrent for each input (these 2 line is actually generated by PHP loop) These two lines will be repeated several time by …

Member Avatar for padraga

Hi, I am quite new to C++, Currently, I'm learning how to do a problem which will take a text file of thousand most common words in the english dicatonary with another text file. After finding how many words are in said text file show the percentage of which are …

Member Avatar for ChrisMackle

So im learning SDL to get an idea on game programming for my career as a game developer. I havent done any learning for a couple of months after getting stuck on this problem. So im using a lazyfoo.net tutorial engine. that moves a player and has a collision with …

Member Avatar for sfuo
Member Avatar for gotboots

Hi all, Heres my problem, not sure if this is the right place but daniweb users seem to answer every other question I have so here goes. I have windows 7 on my laptop. I have a repair disc that I have made from the same machine when it was …

Member Avatar for flagstar
Member Avatar for windiggy

I need to figure out what is wrong with this program and correct it so it works. I have been screwing around with it for hours and still cannot figure out what is wrong. I know that I need to change the first line, but I have no idea how …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for SpartanIE

I'm trying to design a function that accepts a list of numbers as an argument. I can get the program working when i put a list into the programme but I can't figure out how to allow a user to enter a series. What i've got so far is below. …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for ask,dziner

hello all, i m new in php, i try to get text text box value in checkbox when i insert the data in the field if when check box is checked and then that checbox value store in database and i also need to show that if that checkbox value …

Member Avatar for Biiim
Member Avatar for codingcon

Hi all my name is codingcon and i just joined daniweb :), i am new to the the javascript language and only have the basics down. Ihave this idea that i want to make and i just dont know how to do this one thing. basically i wanna know how …

Member Avatar for antonioazevedo
Member Avatar for rapidwein

**Bold Text Here** The included file is a code to make a quiz using javascript and radio buttons . When you finally submit , it shoudl print the question numbers for the correct answer in green and the wrong answers in red . But the code is not working properly. …

Member Avatar for rapidwein
Member Avatar for pattilupwned

Hello, I am just starting out in a basic C++ class and am having some trouble with this problem for class. Any help would be seriously appreciated. In the program, I have to use an input file that includes the name of a college, where the college is located, the …

Member Avatar for m4ster_r0shi
Member Avatar for Prisms

I am trying to compare a string from my text file to a user input i was wondering how I would do this I have tried the == operator but that seems to be getting me no where. I am currently trying to use the .compare() but it doesn't seem …

Member Avatar for Prisms
Member Avatar for BaconWeave

I'm having fits with an assignment. Basically, the program is supposed to read in command line arguments and input from a text file and, through a long and convoluted chain of dynamic structures, sort them according to the command line input. The input text file reads as such: [I]3 "Smith, …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for Prisms

Hello everyone I'm currently working on a program that takes a student name and number of classes. Then asks the user to enter the his classes. I have most of the program done but I'm having trouble with my dynamic array for some reason it wont let me type in …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for layneb131

So im trying to create a times table: Write a program to print a multiplication table (a times table). At the start, it should ask the user which table to print and how high the table should go. The output should look something like this: Which multiplication table would you …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for Dillary

(I'm new to programming in general) I created a program in python without an interface and part of it used a raw_input to get a users answer and compare with a stored answer. This was in a loop that limited the number of attempts the user could have. This worked …

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The End.