51 Topics

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Member Avatar for leiger

This code works perfectly fine when I run it as a class file (the font is located in the same directory) - however when I package it into a JAR file it can't find the font and the program crashes. The font is definitely being included in the JAR archive, …

Member Avatar for karlmeier
Member Avatar for firecy

I've been programming in Java for a few years now, and I've always wanted to be able to run my programs on computers without the JDK installed. I've been trying to make an executable .jar file, and it seems to work on my computer(the one with JDK installed). However, as …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for e-papa

Hello there! Please I need help in converting a jar/jad file to cod/alx i.e converting j2me files to blackberry files.

Member Avatar for e-papa
Member Avatar for Kjeks

Hey! I got a Java Project which runs fine when i call the Main class with the java command. Made it into a -jar file with: jar cmfv manifest kort.jar * the manifest file contains [code] Main-Class: src.KortBord [/code] with the line break at the end when i try to: …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for sathya88

hi, am try to create a simple jar file... i got some error to run that jar file error =" Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from bala.jar" my code: [CODE]import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public class hello{ public static void main(String args[]){ String s= JOptionPane.showInputDialog("enter name plz...."); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"hello "+s); } }[/CODE] here …

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Member Avatar for sirlink99

I am trying to export a project using eclipse, and the Images that I have in a separate folder do not export. I have tried to use [icode]image = new ImageIcon (Toolkit.getDefauleToolkit ().getImage("Image/image.png"));[/icode] and [icode]image = new ImageIcon (ImageIO.read (new File ("Image/image.png")));[/icode] and neither of them worked. It works when …

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Member Avatar for bleachisback

Hey guys, I'm not entirely new to java, but how it handles jar files puzzles me a bit. I want to be able to back up an already existing jar file (which I have working great), then detect and add all of the class files I have in my program's …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for corby

hey i am making a game and i wanted to see it as an exe file so i took the java code, creater a jar file, and then created a exe file. When the program runs on my computer it works fine, all the images load since they are on …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for jackmaverick1

Hi! I'm looking to be able to add a user created extension to a program I'm making. The extension should be able to execute on it's on accord, then pass control back to the program when it's done. So, Say I click a button (it's got a GUI on it), …

Member Avatar for jackmaverick1
Member Avatar for initialise

Hi all, I'm stumped and can't seem to find an answer on Google. I am running a java application through Eclipse and it connects to mysql. It connects fine if I run it through Eclipse but if I make a standalone jar file and then run it through Window's Vista …

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Member Avatar for C#mark

I have a batch file that sets JAVA_HOME, PATH and CLASSPATH and calls a jar file. The last line in the batch file is "java -classpath test.jar test %1". When I run the batch file from the command line, using a paramater, the parameter displays in the console as expected. …

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Member Avatar for zach&kody

My friend and I are in a computer science class, and we were wondering how to edit the contents of a jar file? What software would we use, lines of code we might need, or any other input would be greatly appreciated. -From our computer to yours'- zach&kody

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for SeanC

Hi all, ive got a problem relating to the log4j.jar file (I suppose it would be the same problem regardless of what the .jar file is). I created a library based off the log4j.jar file, and the logging works and everything runs smoothly on my laptop. However, when I use …

Member Avatar for vealparry
Member Avatar for rfencl

Hi, I have a jsp web application running in Tomcat 6 that uses a set of 3rd party jars. One of the jars is attempting to load a log4j property file by using a relative path. ( \folder\.properties) I have the property file but I need to know where to …

Member Avatar for wiggerboi95

hey everyone, i am a new developer using the bluej IDE on mac 10.6. Whenever i use the virtual terminal to execute, it works perfectly. the other day, i attempted to export the file to a JAR file through the programs basic functionality, as JAR files are natively run on …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for redZERO

Hi everyone I have a project that I have created in Netbeans. I would like to deploy it as a JAR file, so i have "build"'ed it and I have a jar which runs nicely in the /dist folder. Problem is, the program in question requires reading from and writing …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for synxmax

Dear Guys I want to start creating mobile based applications and i am newbie in this field , where should i start , how to create a simple application jar file which can run on mobile devices , for example a simple interface with buttons , sound handling , graphics …

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Member Avatar for isaac4luck

Hi, I am quite new to Comp Sci and I just wrote a program in BlueJ that calculates the value of truth tables and validity in arguments. I followed the book's instructions and have a method with the signature: (It's in the class "Main") public static void main(String[] args) { …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for morisboy

Hi, Is it possible to create a jar file (mobile app) from JSP files? I mean instead of using some toolkit to compile the java files and create the jar file, can I do the same using JSP files? Thanks.

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for ehsun7b

Hi I'm using [B]NetBeans + GCC[/B] in Linux and also [B]NetBeans + MinGW[/B] in Windows. I need to run an OS Command e.g.: [ICODE]java -jar myjar.jar[/ICODE] I prefer [B]not[/B] to have the terminal/cmd window. It works fine in Linux, but in windows, it ends up in opening a [B]cmd[/B] window …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for sree22_happy

Hi friends, I am facing a problem with Signed jar file. I have two jar files.One contains applet class and other jar file contains supportive classes used by that applet.I was able to self sign the applet jar file let name it as "ScreenApplet.jar" using jarsigner tool. The supportive jar …


The End.