Re: Fine-Tuning OpenAI Whisper Model for Audio Classification in PyTorch Programming Computer Science by Duane_4 This is an interesting and useful post. I believe there is a typo in the 7th code block relating to train/val/test split. The second line should read: val_df, test_df = train_test_split(temp_df, test_size=0.5, random_state=42) The whole point of temp_df in the first line was to separate out 30% for val/test; the second line splits that to … Re: Fine-Tuning OpenAI Whisper Model for Audio Classification in PyTorch Programming Computer Science by meyerrluanna The post gives a really clear, step-by-step guide on how to fine-tune the OpenAI Whisper model for audio classification. Its great how it covers everything from preparing the dataset to using tools for feature extraction and model training .This is definitely worth checking out, The explanations are practical, and the code snippets make it easy to … Re: mapping Programming Software Development by ddanbe brain mapping, memory mapping, gene mapping, texture mapping, spiritual mapping etc., etc. Please explain what university mapping is. mapping Programming Software Development by xtremebeauty i want to do university mapping so in what pattern i make my prog in c#windows application..???? Mapping CSV Headers Programming Software Development by ChaosCoder …End Class[/CODE] [B]I need to some way of mapping the header fields to properties in a class. [/B] …class properties. (IE: HouseInfo.Address) Couldn't quite get the mapping that I am looking for though. Unless if Ive overlooked… a dozen different systems. That is why having an isolated Mapping / Schema solution would be ideal. I've been racking … Re: Mapping CSV Headers Programming Software Development by ChaosCoder [QUOTE=PdotWang;1511937]To mapping fields like "Street Number", "StreetName", "… information would be used to biuld the dictionary.[/QUOTE] The Mapping doesn't need to be automated. For the program, all… NameValueCollections look like they could be used to accomplish the mapping, somehow. Mapping Program for Game Programming Game Development by Shinedevil … new to this forum. I'm having trouble making a mapping/navigation type program. Kind of like one where you type… to be non linear. I know how to make linear mapping programs, but what is the fun in that? Here is… Mapping the Internet with Digital Dandelions Community Center by happygeek … algorithms to map the Internet. While mapping any network topology can be complex and demanding, mapping the Internet takes the task to… mapping 2d image to a shape Programming Game Development by fallopiano … it lacks (perhaps b/c it's more advanced) is mapping images to a shape. In short, would anyone know how… to go about taking image data and then mapping it to a shape (any formulas?)? any help/suggestions would… Re: Mapping CSV Headers Programming Software Development by PdotWang To mapping fields like "Street Number", "StreetName", "… Mapping ATA HD to Laptop Hardware and Software Hardware by swaters86 … on how to backup HD files without using the "mapping on a new drive method with a working windows partition… Mapping to Hardware and Software Networking by ngungo … be At tumblr, there offers a domain mapping service. So: Yesterday, I set up a [url]http://blog… mapping classes Programming Software Development by ceyesuma … is interacting with the JSF,the object classes and the mapping.hbm.xml along with the session bean. I have deducted… Mapping in Win-XP Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by zhussain74 Hi, please help me to access the mapping drive from client PC to server in a network. Also help me to activate my missing partition, I had four partition in my Win-Xp PC of 80GB HD. where C & D is avilable but E & F is missing instead of E&F in Diskmanagment it shows 50 GB space, please help me out to fix the missing partition. Re: Mapping in Win-XP Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by cguan_77 [QUOTE=zhussain74;823591]Hi, please help me to access the mapping drive from client PC to server in a network. Also … Re: Mapping Network Drives Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by chrisbliss18 Mapping just makes it easy to refer to a network share … Re: Mapping Network issue Hardware and Software Networking by JorgeM …should work. However, if you want to ensure that these mapping are in place every time your users log on, you…remapped at each logon event. I have a sample of mapping drives via VBScript. Feel free to use and modify …to your needs. [Mapping Network Drives Using VBScript](… Re: Mapping a drive between WinXP VMware host and Win98SE guest? Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by eatonk Thanks for the info - but could you please provide more details, perhaps in the form of some sample steps/directions? I've tried mapping and can't. I very sure I'm doing or have set up something wrong. Thanks again - :oops: Re: Mapping a hard drive to a treeview ($1.00 to the best answer) Programming Software Development by Estella … will help you. you have the vb 6 code to mapping, try to convert that. This forum is meant for discussing… Re: Mapping Network issue Hardware and Software Networking by JorgeM What do you mean by reset the password for the domain? Also, are you mapping these drives via a Login/startup script? hibernate mapping classes Programming Software Development by ceyesuma …8"?> <!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN" &… </set> </class> </hibernate-mapping> [/code] this is the instructor xml [code]…stuName"/> </class> </hibernate-mapping> [/code] If you create a object variable … Port Mapping in C# is not working Programming Software Development by Nina 4 Ever …running and not giving any errors or exceptions, however, mapping is simply not happening. here is how i am … internal port e.g. 8080. 2. i manually add a mapping entry to my router: application : HTTP , external port 8080 …publicIP:externalPort i have searched for C# code that performs mapping, and they all look the same. i downloaded a… Stimulus Funding State Internet Mapping, Too Hardware and Software Networking by slfisher …broadband data[/URL], as well as state-wide broadband mapping and planning. The project, which will also help…grant of approximately $1.4 million to fund broadband mapping and planning activities in West Virginia. In addition, … are waiting to hear responses. The national broadband mapping project has come under [URL="http://www.daniweb… Problem with Mapping Programming Web Development by styles_p … i would like to use the NHibernate Mapping here is my mapping file <?xml version="1.0…" ?> <hibernate-mapping xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2" assembly="HibernateCollaborator.Core"…</property> </class> </hibernate-mapping> I think there're everything OK... and in the… Problem with Mapping... Programming Web Development by styles_p … i would like to use the NHibernate Mapping here is my mapping file <?xml version="1.0…" ?> <hibernate-mapping xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2" assembly="HibernateCollaborator.Core"…</property> </class> </hibernate-mapping> I think there're everything OK... and in the… Re: Tutorial for mapping? Programming Software Development by spoonlicker … in Map-Making (like Magellan!) - Mapping as in functional or topological mappings in mathematics - Mapping as in mapping some keys to some elements…-mapped pointers - ....[/QUOTE] I mean the traditional mapping that C++ developers use involving the mapping header that comes default with IDEs involving… Many-to-Many Relationships in O/R Mapping Programming Web Development by s_sana … you can handle many-to-many relationships in O/R mapping. Most .NET applications are object oriented and at the … The most important thing one can achieve in O/R Mapping is to capture the logical data model design in the… object model. We'll try to follow this rule when mapping many-to-many relationships to objects. Please read the complete… Confused about ternary relationship mapping Programming Databases by yugoza …]ResearchInterests_schema[/B] = (user_ID*: INTEGER, supervisor_research_interest: VARCHAR(50)*) [B]3 Mapping generalization hierarchies[/B] [B]Student_schema[/B] = (user_ID*: INTEGER, user_username: …20), user_l_name: VARCHAR(20), user_email: VARCHAR(20)) [B]2 Mapping relationships[/B] Unary relationships [B]Project – Student[/B] One… Can Users Trust Broadband Internet Mapping Company? Hardware and Software Networking by slfisher …to be effective, a national broadband data-collection and mapping exercise should be conducted by a government agency, …Nation were to take a prominent role in broadband mapping and data collection if it continues on its …federal officials to reject Connected Nation's method for mapping Internet availability, saying maps produced by Connect Kentucky … Re: Tutorial for mapping? Programming Software Development by mike_2000_17 You'll have to be more precise. Mapping? What do you mean: - Mapping as in Map-Making (like Magellan!) - Mapping as in functional or topological mappings in mathematics - Mapping as in mapping some keys to some elements (as in std::map) - Mapping as in memory-mapped pointers - ....