82 Topics

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Member Avatar for karrlfunnell

hi i am on xp pro and i have downloaded wbfs manager when i try to load it i come up with this error message:- application has generated an error that could not be handled. process ID=0xdbc (3516), thread ID=0xdf4 (3572). click ok to terminate the application. click cancel to …

Member Avatar for kaizokupuffball

Hi! I am currently building a "social" website where people can send messages to eachother. When they are on their profile page they have this menu, one of the items are "Inbox". This is where the user can send personal messages to other users by typing the other users name, …

Member Avatar for kaizokupuffball
Member Avatar for klemme

Hey! I have this script for Uploading PDF's to the DB. I tjecks if the document ends on .pdf - and excludes everything that doesnt - which is fine. [B]BUT I have set a size limit on 1 MB for uploading, and it seems to be working. BUT if I …

Member Avatar for webdi

I'm no sure if this is the best forum to ask this question. It doesn't seem to fit in any of the categories. I've set up a password protected directory using htaccess. The client now is asking for customizable error messages if the user enters the wrong user name or …

Member Avatar for webdi
Member Avatar for jonow

I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction for what I am trying to do. I am creating this service in which I want to be able to send text messages, faxes, and automated calls from a server. I want to know the different ways of …

Member Avatar for hiddenben
Member Avatar for dgreene1210

I am only a very beginner and was wondering if anyone can give me some help in determining how to fix the error messages i keep getting when i try to compile. I have been pulling my hair out for 3 days. Any help is much appreciated! attached is the …

Member Avatar for MareoRaft
Member Avatar for Mr Programmers

I get an error message saying: "The type initializer for '<module>' threw an exception." The error message arises when Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Professional opens, shows the loading screen and eventually shuts down leaving the message behind. I have just downloaded and installed VS 2010 Professional. There is no error …

Member Avatar for NickPatton

I'm using sockets in C to write 10 bytes to a socket and then read 10 bytes from that socket. I create a parent process that forks, creating a child that acts as the socket server that writes the 10 bytes. After the 10 bytes are wrote, back in the …

Member Avatar for NickPatton
Member Avatar for vigneshvdm

[B][COLOR="Green"]hi evryone !! i am designing sites in sharepoint 2010 and i need to use the javascript in vb.net!! and how to display an alert message in a web page using vb.net!?! please help :) thank u :) [/COLOR][/B]

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for abhi10kumar

Is it possible to change the caption of buttons of messagebox (change 'Yes' into 'Save' and 'No' into 'Discard'), If yes, then How it can possible and access the values of the clicked button ??

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for Levi Morris

Hey everyone! I'm a final year programming student doing a research project on the impact of Java compiler error messages in Natural English, with regards to better diagnosis and rectification for novice Java programmers, who use the command line to compile and execute code. One part of my project wants …

Member Avatar for Levi Morris
Member Avatar for AdriftUniform

Hi there. I am creating a social networking website and I am having an issue when posting messages on a users profile. The message posts correctly and displays correctly too but when I refresh the page a duplicate of the last message is submitted. I do not want to prevent …

Member Avatar for itisnot_me
Member Avatar for GreaseJunkie

Hi, I've got this nice little sales tool/form written where I can drop email addresses into my webform and automatically send an HTML email, but I want to have the option to send a different html body using a drop-down option. For example, if I want to send a "general …

Member Avatar for GreaseJunkie
Member Avatar for jonow

I know how you can send text messages through PHP like you send an email (explenation: [URL="http://venture-ware.com/kevin/?p=106"]Sending a Text Message (SMS) with PHP [/URL] and more info: [URL="http://www.stemkoski.com/sending-text-messages-using-php-for-free/"]How to Send Free Text Messages Using PHP[/URL]) but the person has to give their cell phone provider (ex: Sprint, AT&T, Verizon). I …

Member Avatar for jonow
Member Avatar for jonow

Hello. To start off I am pretty bad at MySQL and PHP. I want to set something up that people can enter their cell phone numbers and it would be added to a server. Then I could go and send a message out to all of these numbers. I want …

Member Avatar for Bruce100
Member Avatar for shawnisalk

Hi, I'm trying to write a program for Windows that will control the mouse with the keyboard, but I'm not sure I understand how Windows works. My theory is that I will need to send mouse event messages for the mouse and hook the messages from the keys that are …

Member Avatar for shawnisalk
Member Avatar for KPheasey

I am having a weird problem setting a session variable. I use a session array ($_SESSION['message']) to display messages. $_SESSION['message']['type'] = error/success; $_SESSION['message']['message'] = $message; Here is the function for displaying the message: [code=php] function displayMessage(){ if(isset($_SESSION['message'])){ echo" <div class=\"notification " . $_SESSION['message']['type'] . " png_bg\"> <div> " . $_SESSION['message']['message'] …

Member Avatar for KPheasey
Member Avatar for Mbot

Hey, Im learning assembler and have written as small test program. the aim of the program is to take a char input from the keyboard and compare it wit "A". This section of the program works. At the start of the program I want to output a message just to …

Member Avatar for 1stDAN
Member Avatar for metalix

I know I am probably missing something small but I can't seem to get it running I need to send an html email for newsletters and on registration But it needs to be authorised so it doesn't get marked as spam or filtered. here is what I have so far: …

Member Avatar for mguttman

I am trying to implement an application in which a Perl script uses Win32::OLE to populate a spreadsheet from a database and present it to the user. The user is then free to modify the spreadsheet [I]manually[/I]. The modified data is then required to update the database. We would prefer …

Member Avatar for mguttman
Member Avatar for andrewliu

Hello, This might be an easy solution for you guys, but I'm learning php on my own and I'm having problems with this code. Its giving me an output of what I want but I'm also getting this error "Notice: Undefined variable: construct in C:\wamp\www\search_exp\data.php on line 27" the line …

Member Avatar for silviuks
Member Avatar for muralibobby2015

hello... i am working on wordpress now. i have one doubt please clarify..actually in my blog there is confirmation form. if user sends after filling that form. i want to display that messages in admin side. how to do?


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