121 Topics

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Member Avatar for daudiam

I want to make a GUI application in which I want to do something continuously (i.e. in while loop) in a different thread, until the user presses a button. In this other thread, I am accessing GUI elements and hence I have to use [B]SwingUtilities.invokeLater()[/B] for this thread. But since …

Member Avatar for daudiam
Member Avatar for thecreators

Hi all, I am new to threading. I am trying to send HTTP Web Request using multi threading, I am not able to acheive what I need. My requirement is to send request to thousands of same or different websites and parse the response i get it from httpwebrequest. In …

Member Avatar for nimaid

Hello. I'm kinda new to C++ and want to play two beeps through the system speaker (PC) (Using Beep() of course) at the same time for a song I'm working on. I heard about multithreading, but, as i am only slightly experienced in c++, am having trouble understanding it. Could …

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for tomprice0189

Hi, I have a problem with my form application that when I close it (using cross in top right), the whole program crashes indefinately. This has only recently become an issue when I introduced some invoke code for updating a label and picture box on my form I have an …

Member Avatar for Diamonddrake
Member Avatar for laptop545

Hello All, I have a question regardind=g accessing shared resources. I have a for loop in which i am creating many threads.. And each thread at some point of time they call this function : [code] Public Function UpdateMailJobs(ByVal con As Data.DataRow, ByVal jobid As String, ByVal varName As String, …

Member Avatar for the_carpenter
Member Avatar for Tarkenfire

Okay, so in all honesty, I began learning Python about 2 days ago, so this is a rather noobish question(well, I've programmed in other languages, so it's not THAT noobish), but I'm making an IRC bot and can't figure out how to make it so that a line of code …

Member Avatar for Tarkenfire
Member Avatar for swinefish

Hello all I'm having a major problem with instantiating objects across threads in WPF. For example, if I have the following: [icode]Line l = new Line[/icode] I get the following error: 'InvalidOperationException: The calling thread must be STA, because many UI components require this.' While I understand that in general, …

Member Avatar for Kami3
Member Avatar for chan_lemo
Member Avatar for maxish

Hi, I have C# .net application which reads data from the serial port and launches a new thread to process the data when all data has been read (end of data is determined by timing constraints). I create a new object where the thread will run, copy the data that …

Member Avatar for PierlucSS
Member Avatar for Talguy

I have two questions one is kind of a newbie question and the other one is a little more advanced. I have been coding C++ off and on for the past couple of years as a hobby and a little for my EE classes. I usually in my class reference …

Member Avatar for Aranarth
Member Avatar for Swence32

We are creating a Who wants to be a millionaire style game in VB. Our server is pulling information such as questions and answers from a Access Database and sending them to the contestants (Clients). All transfer of information is directly from the server to each client. One of the …

Member Avatar for Swence32
Member Avatar for P00dle

Ok, so I wrote a very simple programme, just to practice multithreading. I know it can be coded better, but I'm still learning about this, so please be lenient. This is my code so far: [CODE]package threads; // Create a thread import java.io.File; class threads implements Runnable { // This …

Member Avatar for P00dle
Member Avatar for d.devendran

hi expert, i'm newbie for python, anywhere i'm learning from internet sample, i got doubt here, i found below sample for thread import threading def hello(): print "Hello" t = threading.Timer(2, hello).start() t = threading.Timer(2, hello) t.start() this working fine when run manually ( python thread.py) but i try to …

Member Avatar for jcao219
Member Avatar for pymatio

Hi everybody, I'm trying to make a program that goes through a directory and checks for broken links. Unfortunately it isn't working: [CODE] // Main.cs using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using Gtk; namespace LinkMonkey { class MainClass { public static void Main (string[] args) { bool cli = true; bool recursive …

Member Avatar for Sonali_86

Hi, I had a query whether Windows multithreading API throw any Synchronization exception. If I am sharing a STL string between threads and the string is not guarded,will there be any synchronization exception. Another query is does STL container throw exceptions apart from memory violation Thanks in advance :-)

Member Avatar for madhav_75
Member Avatar for ProjectEchelon

Hello All... This is my first post so please be gentle with me and I will try to explain the issue I've been fighting with for 3 days. I am trying to update a gridview element from a different thread. This update task is part of an outer foreach loop …

Member Avatar for ProjectEchelon
Member Avatar for anjal_pawar

Write a program to print * / * / * / * / * / * / * / using two child thread. One thread responsible for printing * and another for /

Member Avatar for MaraShyla
Member Avatar for nitin2010

I have a static function that write to a log file . In my project I am already using multithreading , hense I m getting exception that 'process can't access file because it is being used by another process ' I want to mutex that code so that if one …

Member Avatar for powerbox
Member Avatar for nitin2010

In my program ,am using ThreadPool for threading. In which function creating progressbar is in one thread and function that changing visibility of progressbar is in another thread. then following exception occurring... [COLOR="Red"]Controls created on one thread cannot be parented to a control on a different thread[/COLOR]

Member Avatar for Unitaren

Hello, This is my first post to the community. I have never really been one to ask of much help but I am stumped. I was asked to asked to write a word count program that received input from a scanner object. The input could consist of one or more …

Member Avatar for Unitaren
Member Avatar for tajendra

If i have process P1 which contain two thread T1 and T2, then is it good to bind whole process to core C1 or To bind thread T1 to core C1 and T2 thread to C2 core. Which will give more performance ? If we assume C1 thread can consume …

Member Avatar for Banfa
Member Avatar for Krytikal

Alright... so I found numerous examples on the proper way to suspend and pause threads but none really relate to my problem. I have a thread which runs in the background of my game which does all the simulation of moving players, calculating spaces and ect... I have a pause …

Member Avatar for Diamonddrake
Member Avatar for dshiells

Basically I am trying to learn multithreading in C++. Platform: Windows XP. So far so good but I want to make sure I'm using mutex correctly. It compiles and runs as expected, but just wanted to make sure I use the CreateMutex() function in the correct place. Thanks! Here's my …

Member Avatar for thelamb
Member Avatar for Diamonddrake

I am working on a really fun project. I have written much of a program that lets you use a RockBand or GuitarHero drum kit to play drum sounds on your PC, record, playback, ect. I have decided conclusively as I add features I need more than just a gui …

Member Avatar for Diamonddrake
Member Avatar for lee.j.baxter

Hi everyone, I'm using WPF to make a nice UI for a completely automated system (to the point where there are no interactive controls what-so-ever) that downloads media from the net and learns from it. I've got a class that I've created which acts as an entry point to the …

Member Avatar for Geekitygeek
Member Avatar for JamesGeddes

Hi Everyone, I'm making a windows mobile app in C# that aims to help those affected by Alzheimer's Disease Part of it needs to send text messages at 5 minute intervals, however, the rest of the C# program needs to continue at the same time. I know that when you …

Member Avatar for Cory_Brown
Member Avatar for lee.j.baxter

Hi folks, I'm developing an AI system in C# that will pull out information from the internet in various forms and learn from it. The system will consist of a multitude of agents that interact with a very large central database of knowledge. At the moment I'm at the prototyping …

Member Avatar for lee.j.baxter
Member Avatar for amit.hak50

Create 2 Thread classes.One Thread is Incrementor and has one variable cnt1 with initial Value 0. Incrementor thread increments value of cnt1 by 1 each time. The other thread is Decrementor which has variable cnt2 with initial value 100. Decrementor thread decrements value of cnt2 by 1 each time. - …

Member Avatar for johnroach1985

Hi there! I new learner in Python. And just couldn't get threading. I wrote this script. [CODE] import sys import MySQLdb if len(sys.argv)!=3: """the program name, mac and ip makes three""" """stop program and send error""" sys.exit("Must provide mac and ip!") mac = sys.argv[1] ip = sys.argv[2] print 'Connected to …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for ashu2409

Hi, i have created a window service with multithreading, but getting many deadlocks on sql in one Stored procedure when i start this service,and after that service does not do anything but in idle mode. the details of exception is below. Error :Wednesday, September 23, 2009 2:22:58 AM Method:UPD_CrawlerLastUrl 1. …

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The End.