7,368 Topics

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Member Avatar for Jaziel_1

I have created a form using HTML, now I won't save the input data into my browser's local storage DB. I want to same multiple inputs, not just one. how do I do it I believe I need to use javascript but I'm not strong with it and am still …

Member Avatar for π™ΉπšŠπšœπš–πš’πš—πšŽοΌˆγƒ€γƒΌγƒͺン)
Member Avatar for rahull.singh098

The term SQL stands for Structured Query Language, it's a programming language that's used to update and communicate with the database. SQL skills are indispensable and are in demand as with the boost in technology, data is piling up. And, In today's world this data has become a necessity for …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for kaykayandcoffee

I need help on how to calculate the total work hours in a 12 hour format. I have a database that has the columns for the time in and time out as well as the total hours. Try If txtSCANRFID.Text = "" Then Else reloadtxt("SELECT * FROM students WHERE RFIDNumber= …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for Aisha_sg

hey I'm beginner learning php have hard time to Insert data to product in database with image because the category I did make it work but now I need to update data the same style that I add it with the Insert Code: <?php include('./pro_crud/config.php'); $sql_cat = "SELECT * FROM …

Member Avatar for FarrisFahad

I have a couple of scripts from the same template but different version. I am using php and mysql. I need to know how to update the mysql database and the script from version 1 to version 2 with a single click.

Member Avatar for Dan Fredeinburg
Member Avatar for ezeiruchibuike

Hello there, I created a "users" table on MySQL and created a few columns namely "accountbalance", "ledgerbalance" and "dailybalance" (all three: BIGINTs). I created a test user and added some random figures. I am trying to retrieve the value of this columns (unique to the user) and them pasted separately …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for abu taher

I want to auto generate the id number. I write this code. But it's not work. I don't make primary key for id in database. function getData() { $data = array(); $data[1] = $_POST['name']; $data[2] = $_POST['fname']; $data[3] = $_POST['address']; $data[4] = $_POST['phone']; $data[5] = $_POST['class']; $data[6] = $_POST['qualification']; $data[7] …

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for John_358

import net.proteanit.sql.DbUtils; import javax.swing.*; import javax.xml.transform.Result; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.sql.*; public class EmployeeRegistriation { private JPanel Main; private JTextField txtName; private JTextField txtSalary; private JTextField txtMobile; private JButton saveButton; private JTable table1; private JButton updateButton; private JButton deleteButton; private JButton searchButton; private JTextField txtId; private JScrollPane tabla_1; public …

Member Avatar for RC_820

hii guys i have web site need to generate random progress like this ![messageImage_1650466235444.jpg](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/4177f476696ea21823be5ca5550a7b39.jpg) can some one suggest me how can i make it

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Vmr_574

Hi all, I hope someone can help me with the following. I have a script that reads a txt file and displays the correct values. I only want to add it to the database now, but I can't manage this. below the script <?php include '../includes/connect.php'; if(!$conn) { die(mysqli_error()); } …

Member Avatar for Nick_42
Member Avatar for Intan Farizatul

hi, i have some problem with my php code. when i run the php, the page keep loading and no output displayed. here is my code: $dayBeforeNew = $_GET['daybefore']; $dayAfterNew = $_GET['dayafter']; $sql = "SELECT reference.LOCID, reference.Region, Sitename, (SELECT `Data Total Traffic` from 4g_statistic where reference.LOCID = 4g_statistic.LOCID AND 4g_statistic.Day …

Member Avatar for Biiim
Member Avatar for forgot

Guys, what am I doing wrong? The database "expiry" value is > 0 but I go to expiredpage.html. ======================================================== the code: <?php $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "", "numbersdb"); // Check connection if($link === false){ die("ERROR: Could not connect. " . mysqli_connect_error()); } echo "<center>";echo date('m/d/y');echo "<br />"; $id='id'; $expiry='expiry'; if($expiry==7) …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Fireytech

I have a subform called "Contacts" embedded on my "Tickets" page. I want to create an edit button to jump to my contacts_edit.php page and use the 'ContactEntryNumber' (the unique key from my Contacts table) for the displayed contact record as the updateID. I have played with this and read …

Member Avatar for Fireytech
Member Avatar for FarrisFahad

Hello webmasters, I am trying to create a script using vanilla PHP. I am familiar with the language and I have created a cronjob before, but only using cPanel. I want to create cronjobs using PHP if possible with out the need to go to cPanel. I am trying to …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for KnowledgeMan

Hi everyone, I am getting an undefined array key with a session variable. The code works fine once I set the variable. Can someone please help me with that issue? Thanks <?php session_start(); $servername = "localhost"; $username = "xxx"; $password = "xx"; $database ="xx"; // Create connection $conn = mysqli_connect($servername, …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for stratozyck

So far, we have gotten lots of innovative social media models. I am not too sure if this has already been tried, but I want to innovate on ownership model. Basically, I envision a Reddit that is owned by its mods and users. Maybe a hybrid FB and Reddit. It …

Member Avatar for pty
Member Avatar for stratozyck

I posted this the other day and by and large people responded with predictable lack of imagination. I will add additional explicit requirements for the prototype stage. I want to create a prototype of a different type of social media - call it "pro social" media. It would be owned …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for lukwagomedia

Hello everyone! I working on a social network alike page whare I want to implement a messaging system. I can do all that and I have it working. What I want is, when I get two or more messages from someone. I only want to display the lates message from …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for larry29936

I don't understand why this update script isn't working. It is supposed to get the names of files in the download folder and update the files table in the database. It is running through the code without exiting when it fails to update but still displays "Update Successful". The downloads …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Ahmed_152

Hi Am new at programming . I ask about how I but button that onclick it's guide me to form this form had submitted page I need to make this form when fellup the data that the user it's sind to my java SQL . Can any one help me …

Member Avatar for emsanator

Hi, I'm trying to create a theme-compatible category system, but I missed some points. For example; `category_name_women_clothing` and `category_name_women_bag`, etc.. are supposed to be collapsible, but I was not successful in this. How can I make a model that opens and closes sub-categories, where am I missing? [This is what …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for rickarro

I have the below file that opens a pdf and puts some text at the top. This is working fine. But what i want to do now is replace mypdf.pdf with the results of a mysql query. Similar to this: `$pageCount = $pdf->setSourceFile('../folder/folder/$mypdf');` and `$pdf->Write(0, '$sampletext');` Each person going to …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Sebastian_12

Im am new to node.js and get the mentioned error in server.js file. I am trying to introduce a gantt diagramm with dhtmlx library. I am using Node v16.13.1 and IntelliJ 2021.3 Below are my code snippets. Index.xhtml: <!DOCTYPE html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <title>QuickInfo extension</title> <script src="https://cdn.dhtmlx.com/gantt/edge/dhtmlxgantt.js"></script> <link …

Member Avatar for Mr.M
Member Avatar for Hariharan_2

I am a newbie and i am working with php and i have got the following error Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'INSERT' (T_STRING), expecting ',' or ')' in verify.php on line 9 CODE SNIPPET: ![ronin_wallet.jpg](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/737158dc54496e85ca6bce99a92a5c46.jpg) ![ronin_wallet.jpg](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/ce76f07d4ab6d15dbd52f3a13ec2598e.jpg)

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for Eddie756

**Hello guys,** i need with something, i have aproject that am doing now and i have used php so the only challnge am meeting is to calculate grades for the following Overall marks is 100 (Has been divided into three assessments) **assignment 10% midsemester 30% and end semester is 60%** …

Member Avatar for skymhine

$unpaid1="SELECT t.id, t.year, t.property_id, COALESCE(t.amount,0) AS amount FROM tax_amount t WHERE t.status = 'unpaid' ORDER BY t.year"; $resultpropertyunpaid1 = $db->query($unpaid1); while($row = $resultpropertyunpaid1->fetch_assoc()){ $PropertyUnpaid1 = $row['unpaid']; } > When I'm making a new property and put the amount the error will show but after I paid the total amount the …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for joy3629

I like to display 5 million roWs in feW seconds in table using Laravel 7 pls help

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for kutta_vin

Hello friends, I am new to this site, this is my first post, My question is.. How to calculate the one rows value for next row value? [code=sql]select @rownum:=@rownum+1 "sl.no", b.bus_activity_desc "Type",r.trn_no, o.Office_name,o.Address,o.Address2,o.Address3, DATE_FORMAT(r.trn_date,GET_FORMAT(DATE,'EUR')) as trn_date, l.Account_id , if(r.trn_type=6,r.total_trn_value,0) "Credit", if(r.trn_type=7,r.total_trn_value,0) "Debit", if(r.trn_type=6 ,@cbal:=(r.total_trn_value+@cbal),@cbal:=(@cbal-r.total_trn_value)) "Closing Balance" from(select @rownum:=0) s, office_master …

Member Avatar for Mukoro
Member Avatar for monjan
Member Avatar for Kerbadou

hello, im developing a Windows application with MariaDB database for criminals, i designed the whole database schema but i need an expert to help me study it if it is mall designed.


The End.