32 Topics

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Member Avatar for Danniboy

Hi Guys, I have just finished setting up a brilliant space in which we have a large TV with the following connected to it: PC, Nintendo Wii, Playstation 3, Xbox 360, Windows 8.1 Laptop, The only thing missing, is that I am currently using just the basic inbuild TV speakers, …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for happygeek

Nintendo is sitting firmly at the top of the games console tree right now, having just been 'bigged up' by the release of the US sales figures for October which show the Wii on 803,000 and the DS on 491,000. Both well ahead of nearest rival, the Xbox 360 on …

Member Avatar for johndaniweb
Member Avatar for happygeek

First there was a year of hype surrounding Project Natal, but the reality that is Microsoft Kinect has been in my family home for a week now. Everyone from my 10 year old daughter to my retired mother-in-law have played with it, so what's the verdict? Is this the future …

Member Avatar for william.goo.3
Member Avatar for poseidon32

hi guys,i get this error when i try to see how many computers are connected to my network,from the command prompt i type NET VIEW and come this error,or is there any way to see who is conected to my network and how can i block specific computers ...thank you

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for poseidon32

hi guys,i get this error when i try to see how many computers are connected to my network,from the command prompt i type NET VIEW and come this error,or is there any way to see who is conected to my network and how can i block specific computers ...thank you

Member Avatar for samanalaya

I need to control a 3D object using wii remote (motion plus inbuilt) in xna gaming environment. I am using C#. Actually I want to do something like in wii cricket or in wii tennis in xna gaming environment using c#. its a pleasure you can suggest me a place …

Member Avatar for PCBrown

[ATTACH=RIGHT]17059[/ATTACH]When it was announced at E3 in 2001 that Retro Studios would be developing the (then) next installment in the Metroid series, Metroid Prime, it was shocking to hear that the game would be played from a first person perspective. Considering it was being developed by a third-party studio, rather …

Member Avatar for WASDted

[ATTACH=RIGHT]16768[/ATTACH]Last year World Cyber Games brought us a television reality show that crowned the best all-around video gamer [URL="http://wcgultimategamer.com/"]WCG’s Ultimate Gamer[/URL]. Tonight WCG UG Season 2 starts on SyFy and promises bigger challenges, a faster pace, new games and more drama. The winner gets $100,000 cash, a complete Samsung electronics …

Member Avatar for PCBrown

As more Q1 fiscal reports keep rolling in, it's clear that Sony stands out among the gaming pack, thanks in part to a significant rise is PS3 Sales. Unfortunately, Nintendo and Capcom didn't fare so well. [ATTACH=RIGHT]16254[/ATTACH][B]Sony[/B] Sony bounced back from a 1st quarter loss of $426 million last year, …

Member Avatar for bperegord

I'm trying to get my Wii online. I'm trying to enter my router. I have the address as When I enter that, the window comes up. When I leave the user blank and the password as "admin," it does nothing. After 3 tries a window pops up and says …

Member Avatar for gerbil
Member Avatar for PCBrown

[ATTACH=RIGHT]15945[/ATTACH]Team Ninja, widely known for their Ninja Gaiden titles, are in charge of the latest entry in the Metroid series, known as Metroid: Other M. The series director Yoshio Sakamoto and two Team Ninja cohorts reveal their intentions and aspirations for the revamp of Nintendo fans' favorite space vixen and …

Member Avatar for popin
Member Avatar for PCBrown

Sales for the latest Tiger Woods PGA Tour titles from Electronic Arts have plummeted 68% from last years edition of the game and people have begun pointing fingers at the entitled golfer's promiscuity. It sure is easy to pass the buck when the accused is steeping in scandal, but that …

Member Avatar for Glass_Joe

At a recent Q&A session in front of investors at E3, Nintendo of America CEO Reggie Fils-Aime adamantly defended the Wii console’s pace to break the record-setting game sale trends of the Playstation 2, claiming that his console is at the “high watermark” of its existence, with software sales numbers …

Member Avatar for newsguy

[attach=right]13768[/attach]TV presenter and Twitter hero Jonathan Ross was amongst the glitterati of the gaming, gadget and entertainment industries who were invited to a 'top secret' hands-on briefing about Project Natal, hosted by Microsoft in London yesterday evening. He took his son with him, and his son posted a video of …

Member Avatar for newsguy

I love a [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/20193/53/"]good patent story[/URL], I love my [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry1264.html"]Nintendo Wii[/URL] and I love bouncy cushions. However, it is a rare thing to be able to write a news story which covers all three. Yet it would appear that Nintendo has, indeed, filed a European patent for a bouncy cushion …

Member Avatar for newsguy

File under strange but true. It would appear that Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second has been presented with a specially commissioned gold-plated Nintendo Wii games console by THQ as part of a marketing campaign for some new game. The rather loose connection between British royalty and the game in …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Games are dangerous, corrupting, evil things. After all we have been told that playing GTA IV is more harmful to kids than [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/19975/532/"]watching porn and drinking beer[/URL], and how the Nintendo Wii can [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/22425/532/"]cause serious injury[/URL] to players and observers alike. Now, it appears, the truth is emerging. A brilliantly …

Member Avatar for happygeek

According to the latest figures to be released, it would seem that as far as gamers in the UK are concerned Nintendo is the bees knees grabbing nearly half the market. The [URL="http://www.elspa.com/"]ELSPA[/URL] numbers show that the [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/22425/532/"]Wii[/URL] managed to increase game software sales by 112 percent over the previous …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Bloomberg is out with a story this week saying IBM will lay off 16,000 more employees, on top of the 15,000 the firm has already cut. Since economic recovery usually lags job losses, it’s another morbid sign that we’re still in the teeth of this economic hurricane. Note also that …

Member Avatar for newsguy

If you thought that gaming was all about next generation technology, HD graphics or innovative input systems think again. If the results of a survey into console usage in the US during 2008 is anything to go by, it would appear that gameplay is still in charge. The Nielsen research …

Member Avatar for Wootfish
Member Avatar for Brian.oco

An update on the report from the UK’s Financial Times and The Telegraph that Microsoft is all set to buy Yahoo’s search engine division for $20 billion: more media outlets are carrying the story on Sunday night, including Drudge and CNET. But CNBC found an inside source who claims the …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

A typically eloquent contribution from my colleague Happygeek tells us a great deal about the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3522.html"]games console wars[/URL]. Xbox is outselling the PS3 but they're both being trounced by the Wii. So far so good, but my guess is that the Xbox will still be the long-term loser. And I'll …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

It would appear that Japanese swimmer Kosuke Kitajima, who won gold in the men's 100m breast stroke event, [URL="http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=195049"]has a Nintendo Wii to thank[/URL]. I was always told not to wee in the pool, but Kitajima had his Wii in the gym so that's OK then. Apparently, the Olympic swimmer …

Member Avatar for Thinka
Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Here’s a factoid that might interest you. The one-day record holder for a movie premiere is Spiderman 3, which brought in $59 million in ticket sales on its opening day. The one-day record for a video game – Grand Theft Auto IV – earned $310 million on its opening day. …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Who would have thought, before the Nintendo Wii came along, that the idea of controlling a video game by waving a lump of plastic around in the air like a deranged loon would gain such mass appeal so quickly? Which is why I am not writing off the latest thinking …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for happygeek

There can be no doubting that the Nintendo Wii, despite the still extremely silly name even after living with it for a couple of months, has been something of a gaming revolution. Not because of the power of the console, Nintendo has no gone down the Hi-Def, triple core, HD-DVD, …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for John A

Who needs the Wiimote? ...when there's laptops. But, you say, you can't wave laptops around to control your videogame! Actually you can. Many laptops manufactured now come with motion sensors to suddenly freeze the hard disk when it gets bumped around. These sensors can be read by software, which you …

Member Avatar for sosmither
Member Avatar for John A

Everyone is up-in-the-arms about Nintendo's new console beating Sony's. The sales of the Wii in November (roughly 467,000) are more than double the PS3 sales (147,000), according to NPD. But what most articles about this don't talk about: the PS2 is still winning, and easily. It managed to sell 664,000 …

Member Avatar for MartinGM1983
Member Avatar for John A

All 3 major game consoles have been released -- Microsoft's Xbox 360, Nintendo's Wii, and Sony's Playstation 3. Out of all of these, the [URL="http://today.reuters.com/news/articlebusiness.aspx?type=technology&storyID=nN29388999&from=business"]PlayStation 3 appears to be losing[/URL]. Why? The previous generation console, the PS2, dominated consoles created by Microsoft and Nintendo. The answer lies in the companies …

Member Avatar for 'Stein
Member Avatar for happygeek

Sony used to have game. Its hold on the console market anything but inscrutable, being down to a long standing dedication to technical innovation, game play and pricing. But could that all be due to change following the debut of the PlayStation 3, dubbed PayStation, at E3 last week? Not …


The End.