197 Topics

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Member Avatar for RJPII

I have been browsing the web for days now trying to find a solution to my problem and have yet to come up with anything so far so I figured I would ask some professionals. Basically I need to read a text file which contains records along the lines of: …

Member Avatar for Syed Umair Mohsin
Member Avatar for john10

Hey guys, I would like some help regarding saving or reading to or from a bin file. I've read several online tutorials about file input/output, however it doesn't given specific information when applying it to both an array of structures. My knowledge of pointers is weak, as I constantly need …

Member Avatar for jimmichaels29
Member Avatar for stefy14

I want to my program to prompt user to input a number with three or more integers I need the program to output a space between each numebr example: cin>>3334; i want the output to show 3 3 3 4 each with a space and then i also need to …

Member Avatar for amisha_1
Member Avatar for azgold

as seen in the pic a table. I have the following im trying to fill the boxes based on rows. So line one will fill by the correct ordergoing left to right then down. here is my code. $results = mysqli_query($con, " SELECT * FROM PMAsset Order by Linenum, LineOrder") …

Member Avatar for john_111
Member Avatar for Mike1986

Hi I did a Simpletron program in GUI interface, but when I want to print the instructions in the window, it will not be as I want to. I used JGrasp to run the program and it just prints the instruction after each and not the way I wrote it …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for scheppy

Hello All. I have a program that automatically restarts itself atfer a certain amount of time. I am doing this to test some things out. The program is wrapped in a jar. I run the jar from terminal with java -jar ProgramName.jar It will run and will output all the …

Member Avatar for scheppy
Member Avatar for Niloofar24

Hello my friends. Look at this please: >>> from bs4 import BeautifulSoup >>> import urllib2 >>> url = urllib2.urlopen('https://duckduckgo.com/?q=3D&t=canonical&ia=meanings') >>> soup = BeautifulSoup(url) >>> links = soup('a') >>> print links [<a class="header__logo-wrap" href="/?t=canonical" tabindex="-1"><span class="header__logo">DuckDuckGo</span></a>, <a class="search__dropdown" href="javascript:;" id="search_dropdown" tabindex="4"></a>, <a href="https://duckduckgo.com/html/?q=3D">here</a>] >>> I used this `https://duckduckgo.com/?q=3D&t=canonical&ia=meanings` as the url, …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Niloofar24

Hello! How can ask my scipt to print **every word** in a url page that starts with the letter "A" in this case? This is my code: from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import urllib2 url = 'http://www.thefamouspeople.com/singers.php' html = urllib2.urlopen(url).read() soup = BeautifulSoup(html) for word in soup.text: if soup.text.startswith('A'): print soup.text …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for SkateX

Greetings, I'm having problems with my output. Essentially I am just trying to print out any Cat who is over 3 years old and has Claws. But my output keeps printing out either nothing at all or the 3rd cat 3 times. I've struggled with this for hours trying to …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for markdean1989

I wonder why this program does not do any changes to the text file that I am trying to modify. Scenario: My program uses the Fstream header file, I declared infile as IFSTREAM and outfile as OFSTREAM. I simply want to transfer data from infile to outfile. The data is …

Member Avatar for markdean1989
Member Avatar for rela

I need to have the same following format of dadat, which are read in a text fil, in output. "Mainnumber" is the first number of each matrix (1,2,3) and for each "mainnumber" (i), the number of rows are determined for each (i) by ("nof_row_per_mainnumber[i]"= numberof_rows;). For every "Mainnumber" (matrix) it …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for rela

I wan to wirte in cout << ... to have the matrix in output in the same format that I wrote it in text file like this: 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 7 class Classname { double data[3][3]; public: void Read(char …

Member Avatar for rela
Member Avatar for acrocephalus

Hello, I have a code which generates QR codes from a csv file: #Importar base de dades pathFile = ('E:\Usuarios\Daniel\Documents\APNAE\QR\Llistat_socis_alta.csv') socisAPNAE = pd.read_csv(pathFile, delimiter = ';', encoding='ISO-8859-1') #generar codi QR for i in range(0,len(socisAPNAE.index)): soci = socisAPNAE.iloc[i,1:6] nom = socisAPNAE.iloc[i,1] nom = nom.encode('latin-1') qr = QRCode(version=20, error_correction=ERROR_CORRECT_L) qr.add_data(soci) qr.make() im …

Member Avatar for acrocephalus
Member Avatar for ngocham2001

Dear all, I have exists excel file on server. Now, I want output the file by php. I have this code: $file = "test.xls"; $file=basename($file); if (file_exists($file)) { header('Content-Type: application/ms-excel'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.$file); ob_clean(); flush(); readfile($file); exit; } When I click download button, I can open file, but appear "missing …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for Yozuru

Hello good people I am working on a caeser cipher program for class. However, I ran into a problem with my outputs. Up to a certain point for example: two('y', 'z') Would give a '\x92' output instead of a 'x' output. Currently this is my code so far: def chartonum(ch): …

Member Avatar for Yozuru
Member Avatar for johnas.delacruz

Is there a data type that can allow a user to input a 25 digit number... because the largest data type for numbers that i know is long long int and uintmax_t which can only store 18 numbers (i'm not sure about this)... because my problem should allow a user …

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for Vikram Sehgal

hello again, so i want to make a programme where the file saved is saved with different names at every loop.. like at first loop it will save as file1.txt, 2nd loop file2.txt, so on... so this is my code... #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; int main() { …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for Kniggles

hi I am having trouble on echoing a sum from a table, The mysqul works and give me the wantted result and looks like SELECT sum(brick) FROM `goodship` this is the code i am trying to get to show it on the site, <html> <head> <?php $con=mysqli_connect("hostwiththemost.com","bulderbob","superscreatpassword","shipstable"); if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { …

Member Avatar for kgavhane12
Member Avatar for karmstrong

I'm attempint to write a python application that will open a .csv file and look at comun one for certain string. If the string match print the row to a new .csv file. import csv input_file = csv.DictReader(open("stats.csv")) for row in input_file: print row

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for Start4me

I’m trying to create a textbox, where the user enters a number, and the output shows a word representing each digit, each word is in an individual label created by the code, regardless of how many digits are entered. So if the user enters 153, the output will be: one …

Member Avatar for Start4me
Member Avatar for questionboy

Hello, is it possible to create a website that can **receive a command/word from the user**, and then **search other websites **for a file associated with that word? The file it provides would be based on selecting the file based on a set of **pre-defined criteria**. So the site would …

Member Avatar for questionboy
Member Avatar for CoilFyzx

Oh boy They ust be tired of me now. My trouble: I have two ArrayLists of custom classes. ``ArrayList<Subject>` **a**` ``ArrayList<Student>` **b**` Within those custom classes are other custom classes which themselves have primitive data types as well as an ArrayList of other custom classes. It's a big circus going …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Pickletronic

Hello, I've been trying to create a function to calculate and return the total payment. RadioDay is a radio button with value of 7 while RadioHour is 70. Somehow I am getting InvalidCastException "Conversion from string "" to type 'Integer' is not valid." from the part where I want to …

Member Avatar for Pickletronic
Member Avatar for Jed_1

I've implimented this snippet of code dijkstra_shortest_paths( g, name2v[tempName1], get(&VertexProperty::predecessor, g), get(&VertexProperty::distance, g), get(&EdgeProperty::weight, g), boost::identity_property_map(), // index-map std::less<double>(), // compare std::plus<double>(), // combine std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), // infinity 0.0, // zero do_nothing_dijkstra_visitor(), get(&VertexProperty::color, g)); to use dijkstra's on a map created from a text file, but I have no idea how …

Member Avatar for Jed_1
Member Avatar for davidjennings

Hi All I am trying to find out the best way to capture the var_dump($contents) on line 29. I am think array? but I don't know how many string elements the array is returning. This is the output via var_dump($contents); array (size=45) 0 => string '.' (length=1) 1 => string …

Member Avatar for davidjennings
Member Avatar for arkulin

I am trying to create stored procedure which will insert one row in the first table and identity of inserted row in other two tables. For some reason I am receiving error "Procedure or function expects parameter '@id', which was not supplied.". My code is as follows: ALTER PROCEDURE InsertProf …

Member Avatar for arkulin
Member Avatar for stephanie904

I don't have any errors, I have everything I need except the output which I want it to show on certain row and column. My prompt displays on row 7, column 33 and I want the output to be on on row 9, column 33. So right now instead of …

Member Avatar for stephanie904
Member Avatar for can-mohan

Hi All, I have doubt in my mind regarding declaration of cin and cout object . As per my understanding cin and cout both object are accessible in main then they shouldn't have protected.in below code snippet i have overloaded both input and output operator and while giving new name …

Member Avatar for can-mohan
Member Avatar for urbanthistleuk

Hello, First of all apologies if this has been posted before, having trouble findin the answer, Let me start by inserting the code I have having the problem with, apologies if this isn't the correct way of doing things but I am still a newbie at php <?php include('config.inc'); mysql_select_db($dbname); …

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Member Avatar for Mathias_1

I'm trying to create a program where I can print output to my console application and entering test without being override. Is there anyway to accomplish this? Here is my simple code showing my issue: ` #include <iostream> #include <thread> #include <Windows.h> void myThread() { while (1) { std::cout << …


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