1,826 Topics

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Member Avatar for Thew

Hello, I have a small question. I have done some projects in C++ and Delphi. In C++, when I work with classes, I always use pointers.I make functions and classes that takes pointer to a class as an argument. But in Delphi, like this example: (some class).Create(Owner: TComponent) function take …

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Member Avatar for turbomen

Dear Sir, I have got a serious problem to understanding of the answer. The question is: Create the first half of a game of rock, paper, scissors. Ask the user for R,P or S. Get the computer to generate 0,1 or 2. Now convert the computer's number to R, P …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for MrBaseball34

I use TRegExpr v.0.952 and now i want use RegexBuddy, but i can't replace code. Can u help me? [CODE] var Temp: TStringList; Index: Integer; regex: TRegExpr; begin Temp:= TStringList.Create(); regex := TRegExpr.create(); regex.Expression := '(?m)(?g)^ftp:.+'; try for Index:= 0 to FList.Count - 1 do begin regex.exec(FList[index]); if (regex.Match[0] <> …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for Leila1
Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for turbomen

Dear Sir, Could you tell me how can I do this question? Write a program that will readin three numbers nd output a message indicating whether or not the numbers were entered in ascending numerical order. (Equal entries are regarded as being in order, e.g. 4 4 5 is OK). …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for revski

hi, just a quick question can somebody please tell me how to restrict the output of the code below to 2 decimal places. [code]VolumeCalc.Caption := FloatToStr(StrToFloat(EngineSizeVal.Text) / 2 / StrToFloat(CylNumVal.Text));[/code] thx for the help.

Member Avatar for revski
Member Avatar for turbomen

Dear Sir, Please find the attached document for your reference. Could you tell me what is wrong of my answer? [code] program Project1; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses SysUtils; var balance, posNeg, positive, negative: integer; begin randomize; writeln('Get average balance'); balance:=random(10000); posNeg:=random(2); if posNeg=0 then begin balance:=balance*-1-30; end else begin writeln('Positive balance.'); …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for airefrais

Hi, I am doing my Final project on audio applications using Delphi and I would like to get a pascal (Delphi) programme on reading, modifying (amplitude of a wave file) and saving the resulting wave file. My purpose is to generate sine waves at different Amplitudes at 24 or 32 …

Member Avatar for mediastar
Member Avatar for revski

Hi i have another question this time about mathmatical calculations in delphi. i have 3 labels on the form. Label1 is formatted like this 200/50, i need to use both parts of this caption in the calculation, the calculation needs to be 200 * .50 the 2nd Number in the …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for revski

hi, i havent been programming in delphi long so sorry if im being stupid with this question. my application basically has a trackbar which alters the value of a label caption. and 2 text boxes. that value of the 1st text box is the Caption of the label * the …

Member Avatar for andre.vanzuydam
Member Avatar for DUST.ZHU

I create an application with three threads(access oracle database by bde tquery) main program:random select,insert data;cycle:10S thread1:random select,insert,delete data;cycle:10s thread2:random select;cycle:60s thread3:random insert;cycle:20s five errors occur between 24 hours,longest interval:12hours;shortest interval:0.5hour, error as following: "Lost communication with SQL server.ORA-03113:..." "General SQL error. ORA-03114:..." ping database is ok during error; the …

Member Avatar for turbomen

May I ask you a question on Delphi? The following is my question: Write a program that asks for two numbers from the user. Add these numbers together and store them. Then output to the screen the equation with the correct answer. Eg please enter a number 28 please enter …

Member Avatar for turbomen
Member Avatar for BradenMurphy

Heya, I would like to know how to pass a packed record in delphi into a C# dll procedure. Any ideas?

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Member Avatar for mauimaui346

I am writing a program for a college assignment to compute grades of students. the code compiles ok, but i keep getting a runtime error 2. can anyone help? [code] {Author: George Brandon Miller} {Program: Grade Report - Compute the grade point average for students} Program Grades; var { misc. …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for snuppy
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Member Avatar for havejeet

Hi all, I want to send automatic mail from my Delphi application with attachment without invocation of any client tool like outlook. Actually My application runs as a windows service and every 5 minute generate some response files. I want those files to be mailed automatically. But how do I …

Member Avatar for havejeet
Member Avatar for rockinsteve

Hi. I am new to the site and not too clever at Pascal (beginner). I need to be able to get an IP address, then compare it with one I want to use then if the address is the same run a program if not quit. This is to get …

Member Avatar for rockinsteve
Member Avatar for krokodajl

Hi Everyone! I have a wired problem with print preview in Delphi. When I am invoking a PreviewModal procedure on QuickReport object Preview page appears. But sometimes [B]printer setup[/B] and [B]Print[/B] icons are inactive. Colud someone explain me this situation? Best regards

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Member Avatar for KenTheFurry

Well I have been making bots for a few sites for a while. But for this new site it uses frames and when ever I try to get anything from the frame I a 'Access Denied' error. Even when I try to use the Frames to get info from the …

Member Avatar for DjiXas

Hi all, I am wondering if it's possible to change the order of elements? Added few check boxes and then GroupBox. However, groupbox is under checkboxes which makes them not visible. How do I change that? There must be a better way than just recreating groupbox first and then checkboxes.

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Member Avatar for Thew

Hello, I want to ask you if there is some way how to print visual components like TButton with TPrinter? I've seen only examples how to print images etc. (which contain TGraphic). Thanks

Member Avatar for mediastar
Member Avatar for anandkrishnantc

Hello, I want to invoke oulook mail from my code in Delphi. It should be like if user select a menu option "Send Mail" , the new mail message window should appear . If outlook is not running aleady, it should start Outlook also. MS oulook 2003 and 2007 only. …

Member Avatar for mediastar
Member Avatar for manutd4life

hello every1 i made a factorial program and the only thing i need to do is to validate: Whether it is empty or it contains letters Here's the code: [code=pascal]program factorial; uses wincrt; var counter:integer; number:integer; total:longint; Begin write('Enter your number '); readln(number); total:=1; counter:=1; while (counter<=number) do Begin total:=(total*counter); …

Member Avatar for mediastar
Member Avatar for lewigi2012

Hello I'm making a program where the user will be able to organise their orders so they see which ones are complete and incomplete. I want to allow the user to be able to delete an entry from a file (*.txt) as this will be used in two ways: 1. …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for BradenMurphy

Hey, I would like to know how to only allowing one instance of a program to run at once. Ie: You can't run the application multiple times creating multiple processes. I only want to allow one instance of that application to be running at any given time.

Member Avatar for mediastar
Member Avatar for Uday Branwal

I have licensed of Delphi 2006, but unable to register it. When i try to run it its getting me to the registration wizard, there i am putting serial # and autho. key. but still saying invalid licensee or user. Can someone please help me out of this issue. Appreciate …

Member Avatar for andre.vanzuydam
Member Avatar for Brent720

I am having an inordinate amount of difficulties locating an example of how to display Unicode using Lazarus and FPC. It's supposed to be fully UTF-8 capable now, yet all I get are question marks for text strings, or else little skinny boxes in place of the characters. Can someone …

Member Avatar for Brent720
Member Avatar for BradenMurphy

Hi, I'm using CodeGear RAD Studio for compiling a delphi.NET application. Is there anyway to check what .NET version is being used to compile the application and how would you set the .NET version for compiling?

Member Avatar for lewigi2012

Hello. I'm making a program for my friend who is running an RPG Adventure at his school. I'll explain the basis behind the program and then what the problem is. Basically, before any battle, each player is required to roll a d12 and add their Battle Initiative Value (BIV) to …

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Member Avatar for CTBC

How do I create custom colors? I do not like the color for the clRed, nor the clMaroon. I want a red that is the same color as this hex value: #AA0000. This will help a lot to make the form look exactly how I planned it. Thanks,

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The End.