233 Topics

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Member Avatar for xHellghostx

I am having a problem with a program I wrote.. For the life of me I can't figure out what's wrong with the program.. the program should calculate a random value and then outputs an intrest rate and present value.. The problem is that I am getting zeros instead of …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for LinDoc

Hi! I am learning C, and am at very introductory level, using this book called C Programming: A Modern Approach. I have just studied about arrays, and while tackling the programming exercises,i got stuck in Que 9 in Chapter 8. This is what the question says [INDENT]Write a program that …

Member Avatar for pizFunk
Member Avatar for LinaClark

Hello, I am a newb all the way around and I hope that I explain this thoroughly in order to get the help I need. I have a mysql db inside of my python program that generates a hint. I need to have a random number (which will later be …

Member Avatar for rrashkin
Member Avatar for gamnlxvi

#include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> //For system() #include <conio.h> //For getche() #include <time.h> using namespace std; //You can modify these numbers but don't delete these constants or this starting code will not work const int MAX_HEIGHT = 20; //The height of the grid const int MAX_WIDTH = 40; //The width of …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for gunvinayaka

sir i need c code to generate random numbers between 1 to 100 and where the user can select the range(say 50 random numbers between 1 to 100 or 20 random numbers from 1 to 100 ) such that generated random sequence are not psuedo random numbers when it is …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for WhiteTulip

Hi! I'm writing a program that will take a an inputed phrase, assigns each letter to a picture of the letter from a file, and outputs the given phrase, looking like a ransom note. I have a start, but I'm not really sure where to go next. I've only just …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for Delightfully

Hello All!! I have an assignement that I am working on and for some reason I cannot for the life of me recall how to do something so simple lol. The directions are too "Write a function named Exam, which takes one argument n where n>2. Your function creates a …

Member Avatar for Lucaci Andrew
Member Avatar for Aoi.Ragnarok

The program I'm making is a program that will display a word in one language and ask for the translation in another. It will then display if it's right or wrong. However, when I test to see if it works, it will display all of the versions of Incorrect, even …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for babi.meloo

I need to design a class called Building that represents a drawing of a building(the parameters to the constructor should be the building's height and width). I need to color the buildings black with a few random windows colored yellow. Then I need to make an applet that draws a …

Member Avatar for babi.meloo
Member Avatar for rexyspy

Hello everyone... I love the magic that programming does, that's why am here. Right here, I am using ..........Visual Studio (VB.net) 2012 ..........SQL Server 2012 I am actually creating a program to do two main functions.... 1). To Search for records from multiple MSsql tables and display the result in …

Member Avatar for rexyspy
Member Avatar for jcl1290

hi, i havent been able to retrieve a random row from my database hourly, daily and weekly. i need to display a row (doesnt matter if it repeats) but i need to make it change in one page hourly, another daily, and other weekly. For promotion. how could the code …

Member Avatar for blocblue
Member Avatar for ushananthini

create a project that generates 5 random integers from 100-999. store them into an array. Re-display the numbers in a list box. calculate the sum and product of the 5 numbers and display them in label. use procedures and functions.

Member Avatar for nmaillet
Member Avatar for Magic681

So the task is relatively simple; create a program that will generate a random number, and then prompt the user to input a number. If the is lower or greater than the generated number, a message will display whether you're lower or higher than the number. The program also records …

Member Avatar for ravenous
Member Avatar for skorm909

The program I'm writing is supposed to take a number of *tosses* entered by the user, this part works. Then take that and check to see if it is within a circle that is inside of a square. Then take the number that are inside the circle, and divide it …

Member Avatar for noelthefish
Member Avatar for jongiambi

Hi im writing a program to simulate a slot machine, where a user enteres a coin and has a 70% chance of winning (say 3 coins). Anyways, I have a class slotMachine with a public int random() function. Here is the function: int slotMachine::random() { srand( time(NULL)); randomNum = rand() …

Member Avatar for KaeLL
Member Avatar for nishad_forums

Hi, I have googled but found nothing about this. I am trying to generate a random number from a given array. But how do i do it? **Suppose:** I have an array `int arr[]={3,89,99,4,55};` and i want to generate a random number among these numbers. thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for nishad_forums
Member Avatar for pangit

Hi! I am new in vb.net and use it in our game programming. I don't know if this is the same in what they do. Here's the code. Thanks! :) Dim jeepEnemyGallery As New jeepGallery Me.y = CInt(Int((8 * Rnd(1)) + 1)) Select Case y Case 1 To 2 jeepEnemy …

Member Avatar for pangit
Member Avatar for jonsan32

I'm trying to get random images to display onto four different cells with their corresponding links in place. All that's happenning is one random image is chosen and displayed throughout. Is there a way to pull 4 images from the given list and display them randomly instead? **Thanks a bunch …

Member Avatar for jonsan32
Member Avatar for Abraham.Ka

Hello! When I power on my laptop (Fujitsu Siemens Amilo Pa) the screen turns grey and after a couple of seconds vertical lines of random color start to appear all over the screen. They change their color constantly. External monitor works just fine (through VGA connection). I disassembled the laptop …

Member Avatar for beholdafrica
Member Avatar for Geli19

Hello Everyone. I am having trouble creating new objects in a loop. I am using: DataType *Ptr = new DataType (); I use this in the beggining of the loop then end the loop with: delete Ptr; Each constructor and destructor gets called each time the loop is executed.... but …

Member Avatar for Geli19
Member Avatar for rfrapp

Hello, I am trying to fill an array with 20 unique random values between 1 and 60. I know what I need to do to get this to work, but I'm not sure how to do it. Here's what I've got: void fillArray( int arr[], int size) { int arr2[20]; …

Member Avatar for RainbowMatrix
Member Avatar for raistie_1

Hi all, I am currently trying to generate a number from a specified range using a function int number_range(int from, int to) { return (from + rand() % (to-from+1)); } but negative numbers cause the program to crash. How can i go about doing this so it can take numbers …

Member Avatar for RainbowMatrix
Member Avatar for coolikedat99

I am trying to make a program that generates a random number and asks the user to input the random number generated by the computer. Anyone know how to do this? This is my program: #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> using namespace std; int main() { int one; time_t …

Member Avatar for RainbowMatrix
Member Avatar for Boozinberry

So I've done some searching and I've found very little helpful information about this subject. My desktop is a HP and I'm using the Windows 7 OS. Doesn't matter what I'm doing rather it be on a web page making a post or just on a new text document, whenever …

Member Avatar for maurice..
Member Avatar for jpunkins

Here's thought I had while working on a project for a Visual Basic class. First off, we were required to create an application that shuffled and dealt a poker hand of 5 cards out of a 52 card deck. The code we are using to generate the seed for the …

Member Avatar for Nutster
Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello community, I was wondering if there is a free way to get website traffic for my websites. ##lol i have 6 websites:## [snipped] And i was wondering if there is a way to get people to want to register. Please help.

Member Avatar for joshl_1995
Member Avatar for smackthat9876

I want to call a script page in php where the referral link is visible when you mouse over the image, something like this: http //mysite com/phpscript?d=www.site.com/thread/217.html (I don't know php incredibly well yet - so if that doesn't look right please let me know) And then based on whatever …

Member Avatar for smackthat9876
Member Avatar for jcl1290

I want to let the users of my page (they dont have to be registrated) to register a food plate that they ate at my restaurant. It should have a picture and a review, now that should go to a database and appear randomly but daily at homepage. can anybody …

Member Avatar for jcl1290
Member Avatar for userIT

Given a 7x4 array generate four random numbers from the array with no repetition. I can already generate four random numbers the problem is the repetition part. Here's my code so far int f[4]; int s[4]; for( i = 0; i < 4; i++) { // use as index for …

Member Avatar for userIT
Member Avatar for boris90

Hi, I'm currently working on a site's HTML code and am wondering how can I achieve this: I need to make certain images change, in a form of a slideshow, randomly and with random intervals; this means I will need it to start with a certain image and to go …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro

The End.