64 Topics

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Member Avatar for gunsofnavarone

I need to select data available between 20:00 and 08:00 (8 PM to 8 AM). How do I achieve this? The column is of type TIME.

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for andywyndom

I am wondering if anyone wants to try and better this code sample. Here is the request: Given a range of dates (start, end) return all rows that cross that range where the rows contain a start and end date. This appears to work. I just wonder if anyone else …

Member Avatar for andywyndom
Member Avatar for lupacarjie

Hi! I am trying to make a simple program that would determine the number of occurrence or frequency of 20 given array elements according to their respective range. My output should be like this: [CODE]Range Frequency 0-4 0 5-9 1 10-14 3 15-19 5 20-24 7 25-29 3[/CODE] However, I …

Member Avatar for Yugatha
Member Avatar for edpfister

So I've looked for an answer to this question on the web but couldn't find anything that covers this specifically. Our database stores the project version in the format #.#.# (Rev_#) so there is both text and numbers in the string. I have no control over the data so I …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for SmackTubby

So, I am fairly new to C++ programming, so if you can help me, please try to keep it simple...I'm still learning. What I'm trying to do is assign a score to a grade letter (A,B,C,D,F) and then display it. This is what I'm have: [CODE]string lettergrade1; string lettergrade2; if …

Member Avatar for SmackTubby
Member Avatar for pwolf

Create a function generateNumbers(num) that takes in a positive number as argument and returns a list of number from 0 to that number inclusive. Note: The function range(5) will return a list of number [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]. Examples [CODE] >>> generateNumber(1) [0, 1] >>> generateNumber(10) [0, 1, 2, …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for pwolf

so im trying to make it so that pressing enter without inputting any value, will break the loop, however, an empty string can be used because of [ICODE]for i in range(len(x_str_array)): x[i] = int(x_str_array[i]) bit.[/ICODE] [CODE] 'Exercise 7.3' # modified program from exercise 7.2 a=1 z="" while x !=z: x_str …

Member Avatar for pwolf
Member Avatar for ak24

I'm trying to determine the minimum range of floating-point types. It's easy when using values from standard headers: [CODE]#include <stdio.h> #include <float.h> main() { printf("Minimum range of float variable: %e\n", FLT_MIN); printf("Minimum range of double variable: %e\n", DBL_MIN); return 0; } [/CODE] This code gives the following output: Minimum range …

Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for abc_123abc

hh.. how can i get the value accumulated from the date i select from datetimepicker1 to datetimepicker2 in vb.net and mysql? the value here refers to the daily sales and i need to find the total sales between the range dates that i choose.. please help me..as im beginner and …

Member Avatar for gd740
Member Avatar for Alba Ra

Hello, I'm still trying to work out the same problem: how to process data from an Excel sheet (above all sort through it but in groups; will explain further down) to use in a Cluster Chart without storing it as data in an Excel sheet. The problem at hand: I …

Member Avatar for shandoosheri

hi how can i include a range of numbered files like file1.php,file2.php,file4.php i have tried this code but it didn't work [CODE]<?php foreach (range(0, 7) as $fileno) { include "files/file" + $fileno + ".php";}?>[/CODE]

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for bestofb

Hi, I have searched alot but can only find info on moving entire rows bound between 2 datagrids, but noting on moving single cells. I have some code below that works ok from DGV to textboxes but not from DGV1 to DGV2. [CODE] Dim i As Integer i = DataGridView1.CurrentRow.Index …

Member Avatar for bestofb
Member Avatar for iefilec

hi. i just want to ask how can i populate a listview n vb.net that has a is limited by a date from and date to. i have a datetimepicker for start date and datetimepicker for end date and i want do list all the entry of my database in …

Member Avatar for MartinPlatt
Member Avatar for WolfShield

So, I am working with some code I don't understand. Here is the file: [CODE=Python] import sys import os def change_ext(directory, old_ext, new_ext): for f in os.listdir(sys.argv[1]): base, ext = os.path.splitext(f) if ext[1:] == sys.argv[2]: os.rename(f, "%s.%s" % (base, sys.argv[3])) if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) < 4: print "usage: …

Member Avatar for WolfShield
Member Avatar for tigerra80

My assignment is to write a golf program that tallies the scores and prints out names and final scores in this format: Player4:21, Player2:33 etc etc. My question is can you use the range function to assign input to the proper variable name in Python 2.7. Here's what I have …

Member Avatar for sneekula
Member Avatar for spe_eddy

I am wanting to refer to a number of items from the end of a list, but can't get the syntax right, [CODE]previousDays = 5 pDaysRange = (31-previousDays,32)[/CODE] previousDays is the variable I can change, there are 31 days in the month so i'm trying to take the last 5 …

Member Avatar for spe_eddy
Member Avatar for spe_eddy

[CODE]testingdays = testingData.getMeasurements() for day in testingdays: dayValues = [] dayValues[0].append(day.tempMean) dayValues[1].append(day.tempMax) dayValues[2].append(day.tempMin) dayValues[3].append(day.dewPoint) dayValues[4].append(day.humidMean) dayValues[5].append(day.humidMax) dayValues[6].append(day.humidMin) dayValues[7].append(day.pressure) dayValues[8].append(day.meanWindSpeed) dayValues[9].append(day.maxWindSpeed) dayValues[10].append(day.maxGustSpeed) dayValues[11].append(day.visibility) [/CODE] this is my code and when i try to run it i get the error message: "Traceback (most recent call last): File "main.py", line 166, in <module> …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for pupucashu

The program takes a file with names and GPAs and sorts them in order of highest GPA to lowest using vectors. I cant seem to find out whats wrong with the code. Everytime i run it it says 'vector subscript out of range'. Can someone please help me? File: James …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for TrustyTony

Saw somebody was viewing this thread and thought the qrange needed one update. From post [url]http://www.daniweb.com/code/snippet216627.html[/url].

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for BaSk

I'm trying to run a date range query which works, but I also need to get data outside of the date range inside of the same query which I get to work. The issue I'm having is when the start date is in say 2011 and the end date is …

Member Avatar for BaSk
Member Avatar for FutureWebDev

The program takes 10 numbers of type float, which are entered by the user, and outputs the average ( also of type float ) of those 10 numbers. If I am going to test a range of values for those ten number, am I correct to test the highest values …

Member Avatar for FutureWebDev
Member Avatar for mrar85

hello someone out there...help me with algorithm to determine range of marks!! here is my code so far [ICODE]#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <iomanip> struct stumarks { int studentid; int progassn; int lab; int test; int exam; char seperator; double finalmark; } stumarks[9]; using namespace std; int main() …

Member Avatar for mrar85
Member Avatar for pietpiraat

Hello everyone, i'm using a jquery datepicker like this: [CODE]<script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $('#inlineDatepicker').datepick({ rangeSelect: true, monthsToShow: 3, minDate: '+7d', rangeSeparator: '|', altField: '#resdate', altFormat: 'dd-mm-yyyy', pickerClass: 'locgrid', onDate: nationalDays } ); }); var natDays = [[12, 18, 2010], [12, 19, 2010]]; function nationalDays(date, inMonth) { if (inMonth) { for …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for Lord_Migit

Hey folks, i have a problem with a vector im attempting to program. There are no compile errors but during run time i get an error saying: "Debug Assertion Failed! Program:...filepath\GA.exe File:...include\vector Line: 779 Expression: vector subscript out of range" etc... I have tried stepping throught the program to no …

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for Toikkala

Hey, i need to make app that should take 10 chars from list. I tried it with range command but it's not working. [CODE] list = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyzo' for list in range(10): print list [/CODE] And this code just prints numbers 0 to 10. So, is there some other command that …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for hanvyj

I am trying to return the last value of a list: [CODE] public int GetControllerState() { // return the last controllerState in the list if (controllerStateList != null) { if (controllerStateList.Count > 0) { return (int)controllerStateList[controllerStateList.Count - 1]; } else { return 0; } } else { return 0; } …

Member Avatar for hanvyj
Member Avatar for Rickay

For a program I am working on, I need a way to use an if function for a variable, if the variable is within a certain range of numbers. i.e. [CODE]if(x == 1-5) // meaning if x is from 1 to 5 //do something... if(x == 6-10) // i.e. if …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for echellwig

Hi, I am having some trouble using the int function on an element of a list. My code currently looks like this. [CODE]for j in range(int(L)): for k in range(int(Allele[j])): alleleslocus_j.insert(k,loci.readline())[/CODE] where Allele is a list of length L inputted by the user. I am having problems with the second …

Member Avatar for echellwig
Member Avatar for kishanvkumar

Hi, I would like to get help in designing a table for representing a range in a column. Lets say we have a excel sheet of a matrix like below. GameName | agegroup 20-24 | agegroup 25-29 ------------------------------------------ Cricket | ------5--------|-----7------ Football | ------3--------|-----9------ Lets say the numbers represent the …

Member Avatar for kishanvkumar
Member Avatar for benqus

Hello! =) Please help me with this! =) This is my last one to my diploma work! =) If the user enters a number in the textfield, than JS should set the selection in the textarea to that line. Empty lines are changed to " \n" coz I like for-in …


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