250 Topics

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Member Avatar for simonsayz27

Hey everyone. I first post and I couldn't figure out how to encase my code, sorry. Let me know and I'll do it next post. Anyways, I've built binary tree using recursion and included a function to print out the sum of the level of the tree of a given …

Member Avatar for codewalkz
Member Avatar for hopeful man

hi everybody, i was reading some lessons regarding Recursion, and then i came across a question that i couldn't answer it ,, therefore i need your help in this question, the question is : Write a program to accept an integer value and find the factorial from 10 to 1 …

Member Avatar for Grn Xtrm
Member Avatar for TigerGirl

Hi. I have a recursive public static method search that takes a Tree node (any arbitrary binary tree, not necessarily a search tree) and returns whether or not that tree satisfies the order property for a binary search tree. So, my method is [CODE]public static boolean search(TN t) { if …

Member Avatar for TigerGirl
Member Avatar for TigerGirl

Hi I have a method that has a reference to a linked list and an int that is the value. I want to recursively call that value to count and return how often that value is in the linked list. So, here is what I got: [CODE]public static int find(LinkedNode …

Member Avatar for TigerGirl
Member Avatar for Rabex

can s/o plz give a simple example of how recursion can be used in programming....im new to this topic so i need help i cant develop new codes myself.

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for xxunknown321

My teacher wrote this code. i am having trouble understanding what is going on in the code. can someone please help me by commenting in the program if you can tell me the importance of the functions and how everything works. please help me.... i'm a noob programmer #include <iostream> …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for carie

Hello, I'm working on a recursive loop subcategory system. The code below is ALMOST where I need it. The last thing I'd like to do is indent each subcategory based on levels deep, rather than just separate by commas. I can't seem to wrap my head around it. Any suggestions? …

Member Avatar for carie
Member Avatar for simonches

Hi, I'm trying to make a program in python that solves word puzzles like this: "nj" (the answer to that is "ok") where each letter is off by one, for example a or c instead of b. the program is supposed to generate a list of possible words which will …

Member Avatar for simonches
Member Avatar for lllllIllIlllI

This code shows an example of using recursion to simply solve a problem. Note though, it can take a long time to do larger numbers such as the 50th fibonacci numbers this way. Hope this helps! :)

Member Avatar for sneekula
Member Avatar for Grn Xtrm

Hello friends, I'm working on a program that takes a number input from the user and recursively sums the number 'n' to one. For example, inputting a 5 would sum 1/5 + 1/4 + 1/3+ 1/2 + 1/1. I have sucessfully gotten the fraction sequence to display but I am …

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The End.