59 Topics

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Member Avatar for jacko_162

New user to Daniweb in the hope i can get some help cus my brain is fried. Im relitively a n00b at php but i can handle the basics, working with images is beyond me at the moment but im learning. I have the below code, which works. it uploads …

Member Avatar for jacko_162
Member Avatar for westony

I am developing an application with Visual Studio 2010. my application works fine in 1024 x 768 resolution but it doesn't fit in my laptop's screen which happen to have 1366 x 768. my question is how to make my application automatically resize according to the resolution ? Thanks !

Member Avatar for westony
Member Avatar for staticclass

Hi, I'm developing an application which has a treeview and a crystal report viewer. There are a lot of other stuff too, but I want to make the user be able to change the size of the treeview with the mouse (see the picture) [url]http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/3/mousedrag.png/[/url] how can I do this? …

Member Avatar for k.d.m
Member Avatar for McLaren

[CODE] if(!$this->upload->do_upload()) { //echo $config['upload_path']; $error = $this->upload->display_errors(); echo $error.':err'; //pagal galune .err javasctriptas atskirs kad cia klaida } else { $data = $this->upload->data(); $this->load->model('Image_model','image'); if($data['image_width'] > 700) { $task = $this->image->image_resize_for_gallery('./uploads/gallery/'.$this->input->post('album_folder').'/'.$data['file_name']); if($task != 'ok') { echo $task.':err'; //pagal galune .err javasctriptas atskirs kad cia klaida } } if($this->image->gallery_thumb($this->input->post('album_folder'),$data['file_name'])) { …

Member Avatar for Spycat

Hi, I have a site that looks fine locally, but when I view it online, it gets messed up. Specifically, it does not resize correctly (eg at 800x600). In a turnabout, this only occurs in Firefox (3.6.16) - in IE 8 it resizes ok. To further confuse the matter, if …

Member Avatar for Spycat
Member Avatar for kajDesign

Hi, This is my first post--I'm really a graphic designer, but have been asked to do some web design. I'm amateur at best, and at worst, don't know the crap I'm doing. I'm having problems getting my site to display correctly across multiple browsers and resolutions. Though it displays correctly …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for massy

i'm not sure what its called but basically my web site looks and runs fine until the window is NOT full screen. the items are replaced and reorganized. how do i make it so the web page is fixed and if the browser window is not maximized it just shows …

Member Avatar for AdriftUniform

Hi there, I have a system where a user can upload an image, once an image has been uploaded php crops the image and then resizes to to a thumbnail. This works perfectly well with JPEGs, but does not work with PNGs and GIFs. I have used code to make …

Member Avatar for AdriftUniform
Member Avatar for kirtan_thakkar

I want to limit uploading size of the user image. How can i do this? User should upload only jpg file and it would be less than 100kb. and is there any way i can convert that image into specific resolution? Thanks....

Member Avatar for Gewalop
Member Avatar for Wraithmanilian

This code is for a stand-alone file, named "thumbnail.php" or something similar. Once uploaded to your server, it can be called from inside an IMG tag. There are four options for this script without modifying anything. [LIST=1] [*]First, you can resize the image to a percentage of the original, as …

Member Avatar for Web Dev Rob
Member Avatar for 84hd0ns

Hello, I would like to have a dynamic resize slider for a flash game, I am trying to do something like the slider here [URL="http://www.agame.com/game/funny-cars.html"]http://www.agame.com/game/funny-cars.html[/URL]. Does anyone know how I should go about this, my site is [URL="http://tsgs.tk"]http://tsgs.tk[/URL]. Thanks

Member Avatar for 84hd0ns
Member Avatar for Thew

Hello, how can I resize a [U]borderless[/U] window with a [U]custom[/U] component (something like status bar) that docks at the bottom part of my window. I draw a sizing grip in the bottom right corner of my scustom tatus bar. I was able to implement functionality for my borderless window …

Member Avatar for AdriftUniform

Hi, I have a successfully working system at the moment where a user can choose a file and upload it to my MYSQL database as a BLOB, but before the image gets saved as a BLOB I want to resize it. I have been giving this a try by using …

Member Avatar for AdriftUniform
Member Avatar for mindbend

I'm trying to make family tree webapplet, to test it out outside of the site I just used JFrame. I've used GroupLayout to set up things, but I'd like to have a fixed size, now it just takes up the size of the JFrame. NewClass.Java [CODE=java] /* * NewJPanel.java * …

Member Avatar for mindbend
Member Avatar for feoperro

Hi, How do you use the paragraph <p> </p> tag if you want to use it on an entire table? I tried: [CODE] <p> <table> <tr> <td> Content 1 </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Content 2 </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Content 3 </td> </tr> </table> </p> [/CODE] But it did nothing... …

Member Avatar for Kraai
Member Avatar for Nirvin M

I am developing a science application on VB.NET. I want the controls to be edited, resized, and drag & dropped (like in Visual Studio IDE) by the user during runtime. How to achieve this functionality? Please help...

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for bjeffries

I was wondering if anyone over here could help me figure out why this thumbnail generator is not working. I am using the [url]http://code.google.com/p/smart-lencioni-image-resizer/[/url] I have a discussion on his google group going but he I am not really getting anywhere over there on getting this issue figured out. I …

Member Avatar for bjeffries
Member Avatar for spazticrexe

I have having an issue where I have specified a font size with em, but when I go to resize the fonts on the page (in IE7 using the View>Text Size>Larger or Largest) Everything on the page with the exception of the text controlled by the following css resizes correctly: …

Member Avatar for dennishall
Member Avatar for ajay531

hi i am using windows application. in that form i place picturebox, openfiledialogue, loadimage, saveimage buttons. using loadimage button to load image into picture box. using saveimage button to save image into one folder(save image into harddisk) at the time of save image first we crop the image like height:100 …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for isosceles_krame

Hello daniweb designers, I'm a programmer who is working with a mockup for a site I'm building. No, correction, I am a JUNIOR programmer. And I've never worked from a mockup before. I'm doing this particular build on my own for work. I've been able to get all parts of …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

Hey I have a question in datagridview resize columns in visual studio C#. I made the datagridview “AllowUserToResizeColumn” false from the properties window in the interface. But when I run the project, some of the columns can be resized Why is this. How can I make all the columns to …

Member Avatar for hindu times

Hi there, I've been working over the past few weeks on these pages... - [url]http://www.rjt-online.com/photos.php[/url] - [url]http://www.rjt-online.com/video.php[/url] The issue I'm facing is with the Video page. As you can see, the iFrame that hold the videos themselves is working fine in IE, but when you look at it on other …

Member Avatar for hindu times
Member Avatar for johnroach1985

Hi. I really know very little about linux scripting. And I need help writing this script. The script is to get one parameter which is <directory>. And than the following will ensue; [CODE] for each image within directory [INDENT]if not(image exist in temp-directory) [INDENT]cp image to temp-directory and resize to …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for ms_sws

Is there a way to create a div or some container in which there will be an image such that the image fills the container but retains its aspect ratio? So if the container is 100px x 100px and an image is 200px x 100px it will be resized to …

Member Avatar for prabinrai
Member Avatar for kurtzky

Hey guys. I have a question. In my program, I'm calling a Process (Internet Explorer) on button click, but I want to customize the size of the IE window being opened to something like 800 x 600 pixels. Do you know how do it? Below is my base code. [CODE]Process …

Member Avatar for Lusiphur
Member Avatar for rajeevbhatt17

Could anyone suggest the best way of resizing an image (.bmp/jpeg) without loss of quality. The problem we are facing is that when we tried resizing one of our images (3000X3000 pixels) to 75X75, it looks fine, and also comes out well when printed directly or as image in a …

Member Avatar for jeanttt
Member Avatar for pichi89

Hey, I need a function that virtually increase the size of an array, by creating a new array with the size of the old array plus the default array size and copying the content of the old array to the new array, finally returning the new array. This is a …

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for LloydFarrell

hi all, im looking to resize an image from the following code, but i keep getting errors when trying to resize the image inline. [code] <a href="read_message.php?messageid=' . $row['message_id'] . '">' . $row['img1'] . '<br>' . $row['datetime'] . '<br>' . $row['message_title'] . '</a><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="1">&nbsp;(You have mail)</font><br><br> …

Member Avatar for colweb
Member Avatar for diracleo

When content is loaded into a div on my web site, the div, while waiting for the new content to load, resizes to 0px in height, which causes the scrollbar on the browser to shift upward, and then when the new content loads, the scrollbar is too far up for …


The End.