39 Topics

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Member Avatar for aviavyne

Hello, I got a new problem. Our teacher asked us to create a menu-driven program which will make all types of conversions ([url]http://classroom.sdmesa.edu/vtrinh/pp4.html[/url]). This program must be able to do conversions back and forth (like inches to centimeters, and centimeters to inches). Below I started the assignment and so far …

Member Avatar for prvnkmr449
Member Avatar for MinimalStress

Hey guys, my name is Ross. Im new to programming and i need some help with assembler. I have a menu with a number of options that the user can do. 1. The first one is the user must input a string of characters up to the limit of 25 …

Member Avatar for tucanoj

I've been playing around with recursion a little bit, admittedly it's been some time since I've used it, and I'm feeling pretty rusty. I was simply trying to recursively reverse a linked list and wasn't getting anywhere and finally google'd some code and came across the below snippet, [code=c] node …

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Member Avatar for idblack

Hi, im currently studying for my final test in java beginner class, so there is a problem that i couldn't solved until now, i'm totally beginner and have search the solution for almost two days :( The program is taking variabel n from other text file, then this n will …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for holocron

Hello all, Here I intend to reverse a line of text ending in a newline, but only the individual words will be reversed, not every character. For example, "This is just a test." would output ".test a just is This". The code as stands prints a space for every character …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for polygon

Dear Folks, I am trying to use python-idiom to reverse a list of lists so that, for example, a = [[1, 2], ['apple', 'orange']] becomes b = [['orange', 'apple'], [2, 1]] My code for this at present is: [CODE] import copy a = [[1, 2], ["apple", "orange"]] if type(a) is …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for kylegetson

I am looking to have both a forward proxy, and a reverse proxy at the same time. It seems as though, when I do this, the Proxy definition I put in place to restrict access to the forward proxy also effects the reverse proxy. [CODE] ... #... inside my virtual …

Member Avatar for kylegetson
Member Avatar for aladar04

I can't reverse the inputted word... Here is my code... Please correct it... Sample Output: Type word(s): hello The reverse is: 'olleh' [CODE=c]#include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <iostream.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> char orig [300]; char rev [300]; int len; void original () { cout << "\n\n\tType word(s): …

Member Avatar for aladar04
Member Avatar for nunos

I was googling for a way to reverse a string and I found this. [code=python] >>> 'asd'[::-1] >>> 'dsa' [/code] It works, but there was no explanation where I got if from. Can someone please be kind enough to explain it. Thanks.

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The End.