64 Topics

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I have a JInternalFrame painted with a BufferedImage and contained in the DesktopPane of a JFrame.I also have a JTextArea where i want to write some java code (function) that takes the current JInternalFrame painted BufferedImage as an input and after doing some manipulation on this input it returns another …

Member Avatar for o0mkh0o

Hello! Im having a problem with the following code structure. The code compiles without problems but when i start the program i get an "exception: __non_rtti_object at memory location...". In the constructor of the model-class i still can get the object information of the node-class through the base pointer. Once …

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Member Avatar for feoperro

Hi, I was wondering if there's a framework that can help me with the following: I currently have regex checks on html input fields that work 100%, I would like to also have a check to the database for duplicate records so that if the user enters an ID that …

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The End.