15 Topics

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Member Avatar for toll_booth

Let's say I have a 10X10 array that is a multiplication table, multiplied times some arbitrary integer constant. For this example, pretend that constant is 5. So the first row would be 5, 10, ..., 45, 50; the second row would be 10, 20, ..., 90, 100; etc. When doing …

Member Avatar for Shiny_1

I would like to include a new answer type in WP-PRO Quiz with visual analog scale. I would also like to change the title of the answer type. Please help

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for dev90

Hello, I am new to visAD library. I am trying to plot a 'lowerTerrain.nc' file in visAD. But its longitude(-180 to +180) and latitude(-80 to +80) ranges are displayed automatically in -150 to +150 for longitude range(X axis) and -90 to +90 in latitude range(Y Axis). I have tried this: …

Member Avatar for CoilFyzx

Hello Good day. I have an interesting question as it relates to adding a background image to a JPanel (or whichever component is best for what I'm trying to achieve. Hopefully I'll get some help here.) I have a large picture that I want to use as a background image …

Member Avatar for CoilFyzx
Member Avatar for Nubitol

anyone can help me? i have a task from my teacher. He asked me to make a simple image processing program that can process 2D image with this feature: -the program can make a translation, rotation (an angle of rotation with arbitrary), scaling, and shearing. -the program can make an …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Patiodude

I made an Edge animation with a stage which is, natively, 1600x900px. I've included it in an `<iframe>` linking to the HTML file outputted by Edge, on the page where it's to be displayed; as not all displays support this resolution, I wanted to use CSS media queries to resize …

Member Avatar for Patiodude
Member Avatar for gorleone

Hi guys, I have a maybe simple question, but I'm wonder how they do this: [http://www.blacknegative.com/#!/adisseo/](http://www.blacknegative.com/#!/adisseo/) background image scale perfect in all screen resolution (even 2560x1440 or 800x1280), and the background picture is only ~1000 x 1000 pixels. I make similar effect with <img src=""> and some javascript, but they …

Member Avatar for gorleone
Member Avatar for sandz24

Which of the two (Binary Image and Gray scale image) is easier to embed in a color image using Discrete Cosine Transform? I'm currently exploring image watermarking using discrete cosine transform. Thanks in advance!!! :)

Member Avatar for sandz24
Member Avatar for Robert955

Hello, for my Game I used this tutorial from riemers for automatically scalling graphics relative to the current resolution of the game window: http://www.riemers.net/eng/Tutorials/XNA/Csharp/Series2D/Resolution_independency.php If I change from the baseSize to another resolution the Mouse position gets messed up, I have a custom cursor on (int)ms.x, (int)ms.y but when I …

Member Avatar for benny2010

Hello does anybody know how to scale a sprite or image to fit the whole render window? at the moment i have my checkers board but its in one corner of the window and i want it to fit the window entirely would be a great help :)

Member Avatar for myk45
Member Avatar for deepak_1706

In my Forms application i tried to resize a pictureBox control during runtime and it seems to give some trouble. There is scale factor scalex , scaley which i applied to the width and height property of the control. [CODE] tempw = 980.0f; temph = 130.0f; tempw = float.Parse(pictureBox1.Width.ToString()); temph …

Member Avatar for deepak_1706
Member Avatar for Virangya

HELLO.. I've been designing web pages in dreamwaever 8 and i have put a table inside a div. No matter what i try the table wont scale accordingly inside the div. It always scales along the div. its width is 200px but automatically scale up to somewhere around 500px.. :( …

Member Avatar for tinimic
Member Avatar for john10

Hi, I've only learned c++ for about 2months, I've basically learned up to arrays, two and multiple dimensions but not in-depth. Currently reading through pointers. I've managed to achieve a similar graph to what i am supposed to have. What I'm getting. [IMG]http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n79/johnz13/graph1.jpg[/IMG] Should look like. [IMG]http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n79/johnz13/graph.jpg[/IMG] Problem I am …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for Nick Evan

[B]Background[/B] I was looking for a simple control in wxWidgets which I could use to plot out [i]some value[/i] against time, but I found that apparently I was the only one that needed that kind of graph. (so I don't know why I'm posting it... but anyway). I decided to …

Member Avatar for callmegood
Member Avatar for Pleasant Day

Sometimes I see great javascripts on the net, but the size is wrong for the space on my web page, either the javascript is too small or too big, it would be great if I could re scale it so that it would fit in the space I have available. …

Member Avatar for codejoust

The End.