Scramble Word(helpp.!) Programming Software Development by PHkiDz … was the user must input a word/String and shuffle/scramble the word that the user inputted and shows the possible…(str); System.out.println("\nThe First Word in the Scramble List is \t \b"+scrambleWordList.getFirst()); } public static void… Scramble using JSP Programming Web Development by zoroman Hi. I need to do a scramble game. Simply I need to randomly select a word from … String Scramble/Descramble Algorithm Programming Software Development by chriswelborn … to do it anyways. I wanted an algorithm that could scramble a word or string up, and then put it back… strScramble() and strDescramble() a set number of times to really scramble things up. With short words, less than 5 characters long… it's really hard to scramble, if you do it more than one time a small… Word Scramble Game Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Duki … with my mom and brother over email... Very simple, just scramble up a word, and the first person to guess the… Re: Word Scramble Game Community Center Geeks' Lounge by cecil.vera [quote=iamthwee;335274]lescamrb[/quote] scramble? Re: Scramble Word(helpp.!) Programming Software Development by NormR1 For a simple gui: a text field for input, a textarea for output and a button. User enters text, presses button, output displayed in text area. Re: Scramble Word(helpp.!) Programming Software Development by PHkiDz i tried it sir, but the code in the permutation method does not associate with the GUI.. Re: Scramble Word(helpp.!) Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill You could change your permute method to return the permuted Strings, rather than being void. Then you will be able to call it from your GUI and display the results it returns. Re: Scramble using JSP Programming Web Development by stephen84s JSPs should only be used for display purposes in Web Applications, kind off like swing and AWT are used for the User Interface. Your actual programming logic should be written in normal Java class, to the methods of which you will pass your parameters (in this case the word to be scrambled) and they will return back the result. So never put your … Re: Scramble using JSP Programming Web Development by zoroman Thank you, I have sorted out Re: Scramble using JSP Programming Web Development by peter_budo Would you mind to share your solution? Scramble the word Programming Software Development by scholar Hello friends, there is yet another problem for you... We have got a string say HOUR Now we need a program that can choose the specified number of words say n from this word in all possible ways and displays them ...for example in this case for n=3 the output should be HOU OUR URH RHO Re: Scramble the word Programming Software Development by Narue >there is yet another problem for you... I've already solved that problem. Perhaps you meant to say "This is my homework". >Now we need a program that can choose the specified number of >words say n from this word in all possible ways and displays them As much as it sounds like you want us to hand you the solution on a … Re: Scramble the word Programming Software Development by Sci@phy And what have you done so far? :) It's rather interesting: n!/(x!*(n-x)!) different combinations, where n is size of string typed, and x is size of output strings Re: String Scramble/Descramble Algorithm Programming Software Development by Reverend Jim Very inefficient way to test for odd or even. A better way is (number And 1) = 0 This evaluates to True if number is even and False if it is odd. Re: Word Scramble Game Community Center Geeks' Lounge by cecil.vera printer? Re: Word Scramble Game Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Duki yeap yeap Re: Word Scramble Game Community Center Geeks' Lounge by cecil.vera [B]suubido[/B] Re: Word Scramble Game Community Center Geeks' Lounge by mattyd dubious Re: Word Scramble Game Community Center Geeks' Lounge by cecil.vera yup Re: Word Scramble Game Community Center Geeks' Lounge by mattyd Lmeente Re: Word Scramble Game Community Center Geeks' Lounge by cecil.vera element? Re: Word Scramble Game Community Center Geeks' Lounge by mattyd You are correct, Sir. Re: Word Scramble Game Community Center Geeks' Lounge by ~s.o.s~ [quote=mattyd;318101]You are correct, Sir.[/quote] I guess that would be Madame.... ;) [B]wrcanilg[/B] Re: Word Scramble Game Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Duki crawling? Re: Word Scramble Game Community Center Geeks' Lounge by ~s.o.s~ *nods* Re: Word Scramble Game Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Duki yay [B]ntduo[/B] Re: Word Scramble Game Community Center Geeks' Lounge by ~s.o.s~ Donut ? Re: Word Scramble Game Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Duki ah! precicely Re: Word Scramble Game Community Center Geeks' Lounge by ~s.o.s~ [B]mraassc[/B]