SelectedValue of dropdownlist is not saved when the page is loaded first time Programming Software Development by menelaussa ….WebAddress; txtCity.Text = SessionHandler.City; ddlCountry.SelectedValue = SessionHandler.Country; ddlLocation.SelectedValue = SessionHandler.Location; ddlChain.SelectedValue = SessionHandler.Chain; ddlAgency.SelectedValue = SessionHandler.Agency; } but for IsPostBack… Re: DropDownList has a SelectedValue which is invalid because it does not exist Programming Web Development by pritaeas SelectedValue is used to show/read the single value currently visible/selected in the combo box. That value is determined by DataValueField, which points to the column from your dataset. DropDownList.SelectedValue = Not Working Programming Web Development by jtok …")) Is System.DBNull.Value Then AddProblemTicketCreatedBy.SelectedValue = Nothing Else Dim CreatedBy As New TextBox….Text = dtrReader("OPENEDBY_EMPLOYEE_ID") AddProblemTicketCreatedBy.SelectedValue = CreatedBy.Text End If [/CODE] I… Re: DropDownList.SelectedValue = Not Working Programming Web Development by jtok … (dtrReader("OPENEDBY_EMPLOYEE_ID")) Is System.DBNull.Value Then AddProblemTicketCreatedBy.SelectedValue = Nothing Else AddProblemTicketCreatedBy.SelectedValue = dtrReader("OPENEDBY_EMPLOYEE_ID") End If[/CODE] Combobox SelectedValue = null Programming Software Development by Ap0ca1ypse …= CategoryID & DisplayMamber = CategoryDesc. With this the selectedValue = CategoryID when the user selects it. Now my issue… query setup (basically, Find all products WHERE combobox1.selectedvalue = @categoryID. Sounds simple enough and i thought … is due to the fact that the combobox2.selectedvalue = null. I know this seems all over… What exactly are the Listbox SelectedValue and ValueMember properties? Programming Software Development by zachattack05 … what exactly these properties are for. I'm assuming the SelectedValue property, when accessed, returns the "value" of… the ValueMember was the column (or whatever) that the SelectedValue got it's value from, but that doesn't seem… listbox, you can select a column name for the SelectedValue property and it works, even if you leave the … DropDownList has a SelectedValue which is invalid because it does not exist Programming Web Development by while(!success) … ds; Ddl_Teams.DataTextField = "TeamName"; Ddl_Teams.SelectedValue = "ID"; Ddl_Teams.DataBind(); } } protected…Details: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: 'Ddl_Teams' has a SelectedValue which is invalid because it does not exist … Re: DropDownList.SelectedValue = Not Working Programming Web Development by ericstenson Hi J Tok... I take it from AddSystemOS.SelectedValue = OS.Text That you are trying to set the selected … Re: Problem binding ComboBox.SelectedValue Programming Software Development by pnedic …If you miss some of those two key points, selectedValue property will not work correctly for sure. So … is few lines of code that provides you seting selectedValue of combo box at your desired moment (C# …quot;valMname"; [B]cmb.DataSource = dt.DefaultView;[/B] cmb.SelectedValue = long.Parse(val.Tostring()); //This casting is stupid, but....… Re: DropDownList.SelectedValue = Not Working Programming Web Development by veeruanu You cannot set the selected value directly to ddl like this Dropdown.SelectedValue = Some value; Y Dropdown.SelectedIndex = Give the Index of the Item you want to be selected Re: Combobox SelectedValue = null Programming Software Development by Geekitygeek … i fixed it by resetting the ValueMember before i accessed SelectedValue: [CODE] combobox1.ValueMember = "CategoryID"; string selectedID = combobox1….SelectedValue; [/CODE] It was a while back and i cant remember … Re: Combobox SelectedValue = null Programming Software Development by Ap0ca1ypse …new SqlCommand("EXEC getAllProductsForCategory " + cboSelectStockCat.SelectedValue, objSQLCon.mySqlConn); objSQLCon.mySqlRdr = objSQLCon.mySqlCmd.ExecuteReader();…new SqlCommand("EXEC GetProductsForCategory " + ddlProduct.SelectedValue ,objSQLCon.mySqlConn); objSQLCon.mySqlRdr = objSQLCon.mySqlCmd.… Re: Combobox SelectedValue = null Programming Software Development by Ap0ca1ypse …. [code] objSQLCon.mySqlCmd = new SqlCommand("EXEC GetProductsForCategory " + ddlProduct.SelectedValue ,objSQLCon.mySqlConn); [/code] when the program is running the above… code ddlProduct.SelectedValue = null. The reason why the first combobox works correctly is… Re: DropDownList has a SelectedValue which is invalid because it does not exist Programming Web Development by pritaeas > Ddl_Teams.SelectedValue = "ID"; IIRC the SelectedValue should be one of the team names. I don't think you have a team named "ID". listbox and selectedvalue urgent Programming Web Development by sam1 … click event of button, but i need to use the selectedvalue of the listbox again in same event. as the listbox… item doesnt show i cant use selectedvalue. is there a way to first populate the listbox with… Pass SelectedValue into sort Programming Web Development by MashMeli … has any idea how to add the column with the selectedValue into the Sort? [code] dv.RowFilter = "NOID = '" + ddl….SelectedValue.ToString() + "'"; dv.Sort = "NOID = '" + ddl.SelectedItem + &… Re: Combobox SelectedValue = null Programming Software Development by kvprajapati …;; } private void comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { label1.Text = comboBox1.SelectedValue.ToString(); } } ... [/code] Re: Combobox SelectedValue = null Programming Software Development by Ap0ca1ypse …;; } private void comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { label1.Text = comboBox1.SelectedValue.ToString(); } } ... [/code][/QUOTE] Hello, this looks very useful. i am… Re: What exactly are the Listbox SelectedValue and ValueMember properties? Programming Software Development by phoenix911 … ValueMember(the value behind). and you are correct about the SelectedValue. It just means that you want the value of the… Re: What exactly are the Listbox SelectedValue and ValueMember properties? Programming Software Development by phoenix911 the value you put in the ValueMember is the value you will get when using SelectedValue Re: DropDownList has a SelectedValue which is invalid because it does not exist Programming Web Development by while(!success) pritaeas and JorgeM, Thanks for the pointer, it works now. My remaining question is when should I use DataValueField as opposed to SelectedValue? What is the difference or do they more or less serve the same purpose? Thanks for your time and help Re: listbox and selectedvalue urgent Programming Web Development by 4advanced ….Format("Selected Value = {0}", _ CType(sender, ListBox).SelectedValue.ToString)) End Sub End Class [/code] pagecode; [code] <%@ Page… Re: Combobox ValueMember and SelectedValue error in datatype mismatch Programming Software Development by john.knapp … OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM tbleMember WHERE FormNo='" & cmbName.SelectedValue.toString & "'", MyConn)` Try this: `myCommand = New OleDbCommand…("SELECT * FROM tbleMember WHERE FormNo=" & cmbName.SelectedValue.ToString, MyConn)` Re: Combobox ValueMember and SelectedValue error in datatype mismatch Programming Software Development by TnTinMN … OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM tbleMember WHERE FormNo='" & cmbName.SelectedValue.toString & "'", MyConn) to myCommand = New OleDbCommand("…;SELECT * FROM tbleMember WHERE FormNo=" & cmbName.SelectedValue.toString , MyConn) Unless you intend to extract more values than… Re: Different between SelectedValue, SelectedIndex and SelectedItem Programming Software Development by Santanu.Das …](…/library/system.web.ui.webcontrols.listcontrol.selectedvalue(v=vs.110).aspx) [… DropDown List selectedvalue Programming Web Development by DeOiD … info into the database, including the family_product_id, with the [INLINECODE]selectedvalue[/INLINECODE] property... the problem is that this value is always… Re: DropDown List selectedvalue Programming Web Development by DeOiD …) DDLtipo.DataBind() DBliga.Close() If Not Page.IsPostBack Then DDLtipo.SelectedValue = func.seleccionar2("SELECT id_familia FROM produtos WHERE id_produto = "… Problem binding ComboBox.SelectedValue Programming Software Development by edek … - it loads rows like it should. But, binding [ICODE]ComboBox.SelectedValue[/ICODE] does nothing. I think that this is some problem… Binding SelectedValue from Dataset Programming Software Development by toadzky …. Here's what I have: [code] cbb_State.DataBindings.Add("SelectedValue", data, "Current.State"); [/code] doesn't make… Combobox ValueMember and SelectedValue error in datatype mismatch Programming Software Development by beginner_emman … OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM tbleMember WHERE FormNo='" & cmbName.SelectedValue.toString & "'", MyConn) Dim reader As OleDbDataReader = myCommand…