341 Topics

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Member Avatar for Seesharp

need to check an SQL Server database (not asp.net membership) to see if an email is already in use before allowing the user to register. I have tried using the information in this website but it does not seem to work. Your help will be much appreciated

Member Avatar for Sarama2030
Member Avatar for code 117

Hi guys, hope you can help. I'm creating a mixture of an employee scheduling system with elements of a Human Resource Management System for small to medium businesses. I ideally want to create a java application with a database backend, which I'm trying to see if I can apply sql …

Member Avatar for Slimmy
Member Avatar for Mike Bishop

Can someone please tell me what i am doing wrong with this code. I have created a dataset and want to push that data into crystal reports. [CODE] Dim rpt As New CrystalReport1() 'The report you created. Dim myConnection As SqlConnection Dim MyCommand As New SqlCommand() Dim myDA As New …

Member Avatar for IrshadIkhlas
Member Avatar for megaman21

Hey everyone, kinda new to all this...really need some help: Ok so I want to creat a log in and registration form in VB connecting to a sql database. Databse Name: Users Table Name: UserDetails Table Fields: ID, Username, Password The ID field was specifed as primary and self incrementing …

Member Avatar for megaman21
Member Avatar for Misheki

I have a PHP shopping cart system and it's using MS SQL for the backend. Currently it's using the mssql driver. Now I want to move it to Windows Azure and I'm required to change the driver to sqlsrv 2 in order for it to work there. Can anybody tell …

Member Avatar for Misheki
Member Avatar for sels2005j

In my application some stored procedures are not working properly in current database of SQL Server. I have taken backup of database 2 weeks ago and all stored procedures are working in backup database. I have checked the properties of current database and backup database both are same. After restoring …

Member Avatar for crishlay
Member Avatar for c++_fem

Hi, Does anyone know how too solve this: I want to delete a row from database and I keep getting this error: [B]The ntext and image data types cannot be used in WHERE, HAVING, GROUP BY, ON, or IN clauses, except when these data types are used with the LIKE …

Member Avatar for zmeditation1
Member Avatar for dwayned

Hi I am trying to update my database based on the selected values in two comboboxes. Combobox1 = Manufacturers Combobox2 = Orderlists In the App the user selects a manufacturer and then an orderlist and then presses Ok button which updates the default orderlist for the manufacturer. I am having …

Member Avatar for InsitizrT
Member Avatar for Avrajit

Hi, I am unable to run my c# application on a different computer other than my own computer. I have an attached mdf database file in my project. I have 'SQL SERVER 2008' as pre-requisite in the setup project. The application is installing & running fine on my machine, but …

Member Avatar for Avrajit
Member Avatar for mshauny

Hi I'm not an asp .net developer although I have done web development with php and mysql, I'm more of a software developer for desktop and mobile devices. So this is my first big project with ASP .NET. I have a question with the ASPNETDB database, understand that the database …

Member Avatar for crishlay
Member Avatar for CelticWhisper

Hi all, First-time poster and netadmin/infosec guy trying to get into coding. My company uses a SQL Server 2005 database to store customer information and the like, and I'm hoping to learn to interact with it programmatically so I can write and/or customize software to make life a bit easier …

Member Avatar for dottomm

Hello everybody and thank you in advance for taking the time to read this. I am having trouble connecting to a remote MSSQL server from our web page server using the SQLSRV Connect. I have installed all the necessary php extensions and sql drivers, and they all appear as they …

Member Avatar for Mike Bishop

i have a very simple S/P called ClaimTotal [CODE]CREATE PROCEDURE ClaimTotal @Result varchar(50) OUTPUT as select sum(total) as Ctotal from claim[/CODE] i am struggling to get the Ctotal saved into the @result so that i can then pull this into my .net program. if anyone could help that would be …

Member Avatar for Mike Bishop
Member Avatar for Mike Bishop

i am trying to write a SP that will return a value in vb.net here is my SP CREATE PROCEDURE ClaimTotal @Ctotal BIGINT output AS select SUM(total) from claim where @ctotal = total I want to SUM my total coloum from my table claim, and store this in a varible …

Member Avatar for prashantchalise
Member Avatar for axman1000

I would like to retrieve the previous date (i.e., current date minus 1) and use it in a query through an = operator. I got the following query to retrieve the previous date: [icode]select DATEADD(DD, DATEDIFF(DY, 0, GETDATE()), -1)[/icode] It gives: 2011-03-14 00:00:00.000 I would like to get only: 2011-03-14, …

Member Avatar for axman1000
Member Avatar for axman1000

I have an SQL Server Query: select *from table1 where column in ('list of values') When I execute this, I get all the details, however, when I do this: select *from table1 where column in ('list of values') and date_of_req='2011-03-15' I get an empty table. All the column headings are …

Member Avatar for axman1000
Member Avatar for axman1000

I will get an Excel 2003 file everyday via email. This file has 5 columns. The first for columns have static headers and text in them. The 5th column is the date of the report and below that is a list of values in the same column, followed by an …

Member Avatar for axman1000
Member Avatar for v5rox

i m trying to update a table in my sql database using stored procedure. i have executed my stored procedure and dat works fine, no problem in that. i knwo because the values are updated when i execute it. however when i try to do so through asp.net code that …

Member Avatar for tamsoft

Hi, am SQL beginner, now i trying to code student marks management so i came across to db i was confused. Please give idea to create such thing, i have students, mark tables as per the semester. then how i place the information according to register number. so that how …

Member Avatar for geoamins2
Member Avatar for liam0014

Hello, I am quite stuck. I have my database running on a seperate machine from where I am writing my application. The connection between Visual Studio and the database seems to be fine as I can display data in various controls on the GUI. My problem arises when I try …

Member Avatar for prvnkmr194
Member Avatar for emaduddeen

Hi Everyone, I have a table that has a 2 column primary key. I set up the key where the 2nd column is an identity column. When I ran my VB application I discovered the ID (2nd column) did not increment the correct way. I was hoping it would increment …

Member Avatar for emaduddeen
Member Avatar for Mahesha999

Hi, I tried installing MS SQL server 2008 on win 7 Ultimate x86. It was slipstreamed installation with SQL SP1. I got 7 errors during installation. All of them are showing almost similar messages (but different event ids)except the 2nd error (which was about failure to open some registry). The …

Member Avatar for Mahesha999
Member Avatar for lordmwesh

SQL 2008 database disappeared after canceling copy Hi All, We have an SQL 2008 database of around 12GB. I was trying to create a copy of the database through the Microsoft SQL Management Server Studio. The server is in production mode, and it was taking too long to copy, and …

Member Avatar for vuyiswamb
Member Avatar for sumandy

[CODE] Create table Cameras (CameraID varchar (35), CheckOutDate varchar(10), ReturnDate varchar(10), primary key(CameraID), foreign key(CameraId) references History(CameraID)); Create table Borrowers (PsuID int not null, BorrowerName varchar(30), Email varchar(50), Telephone varchar(12), ReasonUse varchar(200), primary key(PsuID), foreign key(PsuID) references History(PsuID)); Create table History (PsuID int not null, CameraID varchar (35), BorrowedFrequency int, …

Member Avatar for sumandy
Member Avatar for freaky_sxyvs

Hi, I am vee and I am trying to create a Natural Language search engine based on LSI. I am stuck up and I would be really glad if I could use some help. I have a two-dimensional array which is full of numbers. I want to transfer the contents …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for ansari.wajid

Hi Experts, I have a windows service running every minute and has many database operations to perform. It runs perfectly for many days, sometimes it suddenly stops and throws this exception. Later when we start to debug it, the exceptions goes off, but if we don't debug, the exception continues …

Member Avatar for ansari.wajid
Member Avatar for mahdi68

in my application i show database table in a datagridview , now i want to modify and change some records and save this changes on database , how can i do this ? thanks

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

Hi there, How can I use the “EncryptByPassphrase” for a table in ms sql server 2008 r2??? or if i can get a good tutorial appriciate a lot thanxxxx

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

Hi, I have a question in MS SQ L enter prise edition. I have writtend an application in Visual studio 2008 standard edition and I am connecting to ms sql sever enterprise edition 2008 r2. When I depoy the application I created and install inanother computer some components relating to …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for Mike Bishop

Morning all, I have the following code that gets a jpg image from sql which works fine. What i would now like to do is save this image as a file on my pc in a temp folder that i can use in a report. i would like to change …

Member Avatar for Mike Bishop

The End.