32 Topics

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Apple has been holding a highly unusual press conference to clam fears about the iPhone 4 and the 'death grip' problems some users have experienced. Unfortunately, Steve Jobs seems to be in two minds about what message to get across. On the one hand he says there is no problem, …

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[ATTACH=RIGHT]20573[/ATTACH][URL="http://www.daniweb.com/hardware-and-software/apple/apple-hardware-and-devices/interviews/323685"]Super engineer and friend of DaniWeb, Steve Wozniak[/URL], told Reuters on Friday that he would consider returning to Apple, or more accurately returning to an active role at Apple if asked. With Steve Jobs on an indefinite medical leave (his third since 2004), the possibility of the other founding "Steve" …

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Apple has kindly donated the source code for the original MacPaint software to the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, CA. This is in large part thanks to the [URL="http://www.engadget.com/2010/07/20/computer-history-museum-makes-original-macpaint-source-code-avai/"]exhausting efforts[/URL] of Andy Hertzfeld, one of the original members of the developmental team for the original Macintosh in 1984. When …

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The co-CEOs of BlackBerry developers Research In Motion, Mike Lazaridis and Jim Balsillie, have accused Steve Jobs of unacceptable behaviour and Apple of avoiding responsibility for its design mistakes. "RIM's customers don't need to use a case for their BlackBerry smartphone to maintain proper connectivity" they say. Meanwhile Nokia insists …

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Microsoft and Apple haven't had a great time of it recently with mobile consumers. For Microsoft, the market roundly rejected the Kin, which just about anyone who follows the cell phone market knew would happen. Meanwhile, Apple is taking it on the chin about how they are handling the iPhone …

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Apple had a great week last week when it launched the iPhone 4 to much fanfare. [URL="http://articles.latimes.com/2010/jun/29/business/la-fi-iphone-sales-20100629"]1.7 million units[/URL] reportedly flew out the door in the first three days alone setting sales records. People [URL="http://www.pcworld.com/article/199761/hundreds_wait_in_line_as_iphone_4_goes_on_sale.html"]waited in long lines[/URL]; reportedly longer lines than for the iPad debut or the iPhone 3G …

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Last week was a tough week for Apple followers as we were bombarded with a slew of stories that sounded dire, but upon further examination maybe weren’t so bad (or maybe they were). Confused yet? You’re not alone. Let’s look at three stories from last week that illustrate this issue. …

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Someone posing as Apple head honcho Steve Jobs on Twitter has managed to fool a major UK newspaper into reporting that the [URL="http://www.apple.com/iphone/"]iPhone 4[/URL] would be recalled after posting a Tweet which said "We may have to recall the new iPhone. This, I did not expect". The Daily Mail website …

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The long-awaited iPad, the tablet computer from Apple had its coming out party this afternoon and for a while, I wondered if the event was even worth watching. For the first half hour, Jobs droned on about web pages, video and email like they were some fantastic new phenomena we …

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Two years ago Apple introduced MobileMe. At the time I wrote a post called [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story219246.html"]Apple Has No Business Charging for Mobile Me[/URL]. My point was that people didn't want to pay $100 for a cloud service, that by all rights they should be getting for free. Folks pay a premium …

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Apple released details of the [URL="http://live.gdgt.com/2010/06/07/live-wwdc-2010-keynote-coverage/"]extraordinary new iPhone 4[/URL] today at its [URL="http://developer.apple.com/wwdc/"]World Wide Developer Conference[/URL]. It's truly an amazing device and I'm sure everyone is going to be talking about the new features ad infinitum, so I wanted to reverse track and cover 5 things Steve Jobs didn't talk …

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[ATTACH=right]15150[/ATTACH]Google went after Apple in a big way at [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story285274.html"]Google I/O[/URL] last week and I've been seeing a lot comments suggesting that Google has now surpassed Apple technologically. First of all, I don't think you can dismiss Apple's market power that easily. Secondly, Google made some announcements, which doesn't equal …

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Last night during the Oscars, Apple debuted [URL="http://www.appleinsider.com/articles/10/03/07/apple_posts_surprise_ad_for_ipad_during_the_oscars.html"]its first iPad commercial[/URL]. Steve Jobs was even at the awards ceremony and [URL="http://www.tipb.com/2010/03/07/steve-jobs-oscars-red-carpet/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+TheIphoneBlog+(The+iPhone+Blog)&utm_content=Google+Reader"]reportedly walked the Red Carpet[/URL]. The iPad is due out the first of next month and many folks have already announced plans to run out and buy one the second …

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The Oscars 2010 had something new to add to the usual media frenzy, glamorous dresses and A-list celebrities: an iPad advert. Yep, Apple opted to get the mainstream iPad marketing campaign well and truly off the ground by debuting the iPad TV advert during the 82nd Academy Awards. If there …

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When Google developed the Nexus One, they might not have figured on one huge unintended consequence. They [URL="http://www.wired.com/epicenter/2010/01/googles-dont-be-evil-mantra-is-bullshit-adobe-is-lazy-apples-steve-jobs/#ixzz0eaEaTQsI"]pissed off Steve Jobs[/URL] big time. "We didn't get into the search business," he reportedly barked, at a Town Hall style meeting, following the iPad announcement last weekend. "They got in the phone …

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For years now, Apple has been on a heck of a ride creating pleasing products with a loyal customer base, but suddenly this month the tide seems to have turned, at least in the press. As my [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4636.html"]DaniWeb colleague, Davey Winder[/URL] pointed out last week, the press jumped on numbers …

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Apple kicked off its annual [URL="http://developer.apple.com/WWDC/"]World Wide Developer's Conference[/URL] on Monday, and it proved something very important; it could generate plenty of excitement without [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Jobs"]Steve Jobs[/URL] on stage. I know that I along with many others watch with anticipation as live bloggers on the scene gave us the blow by …

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I opened up Google Reader this morning and found major rumors from our favorite corporate rivals Apple and Microsoft. For Apple it is the oft cited iTablet. For Microsoft, it's a supposed iPod Touch clone. I try not to give too much credence to rumors (as I wrote in [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3626.html"]It's …

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Beacon Research is out with its monthly, and highly useful take on technology stocks, focusing on Google and Yahoo, among others. In its “Traders Alert” report, Beacon says that a new alliance between Google and IBM make the latter a good buy. "Google Inc. (GOOG) shares slipped .38% to $341.70 …

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It’s earnings week in Silicon Valley, even as the world is focused on the historic events in Washington today. Some heavyweights are on the financial reporting docket, including Google Inc., eBay Inc., Apple Inc. and Advanced Micro Devices Inc. Here is a quick run-down of what we can expect this …

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There has been a lot of chatter this week about the health of Steve Jobs. On one level, it's a perfectly understandable discussion. Jobs is a public figure and as such what happens to him--good or bad--interests us. But a friend of mine suggested that any discussion of Jobs' health …

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Apple shares have fallen, although not as steeply as many traders had imagined, after CEO Steve Jobs announced that he was taking a six-month medical leave of absence. My first reaction was surprise. Six months? That sounded serious. Then disgust, as Internet trolls had Jobs on his death bed. As …

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He has gone from dead to having cancer to suffering from hormone problems in the space of a few short weeks, now the Apple CEO is taking six months off work to recover. So just how sick is Steve Jobs? Last year the mention of the word cancer in the …

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A wild news day for tech stocks, with Sony posting its first quarterly loss in 14 years and rumors running rampant that Microsoft will start laying off employees after all. A week or so ago, Microsoft issued a statement saying that the company would avoid layoffs, and would instead focus …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

I was carrying around the headline of this post all day yesterday since I saw a [URL="http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2009/jan/05/steve-jobs-apple-health-letters-full"]Guardian article[/URL] yesterday morning with the text of a letter Steve Jobs wrote to the Apple community. Jobs explained that he felt compelled to let everyone know that he was sick, but he was …

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Martin Sosnoff, writing in Forbes.com today, offers one of the most comprehensive, clear-minded takes on the U.S. economy in 2009. He’s not bullish on tech stocks – yet – but he is cheerleading the biotechnology sector, which could offer investors some significant upside in a year where profits will come …

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No Santa Claus rally for Wall Street today, with trading activity light and most investors taking it easy before the grind begins anew next Monday. The markets were down, slightly with the Dow off by 31 points and the NASDAQ down 19 points. Some odds and ends worth noting, however. …

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This is the time of year for wish lists, so why not make a list of products I would like to see Apple make in 2009. I'm not under any illusions that Apple will actually listen to me, but this is a fun exercise and some of these would be …

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So, Apple isn't going to do the whole razmatazz thing again, the European Macworld is off and Steve Jobs isn't doing the annual presentation in January. Let's get the last item out of the way first: Mr. Jobs' absence has led to a load of speculation about his health. I …

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[I]In time the Rockies may crumble Gibraltar may tumble They're only made of clay But our love is here to stay ~Ira Gershwin. [/I] These are heady days for Apple and its CEO Steve Jobs. In spite of a world economy that appears to be sliding out of control, and …


The End.