38 Topics

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Member Avatar for bertm81

Hey All, am looking for a way to break an xml Tag line into tag and attributes. Say I have This line [code=xml] <event time="12:30" value="This is a Sample Value" type="event"> </event> [/code] I have this so far [code=python] # Open file to read f=open("myTest2.xml") #start reading File for line …

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Member Avatar for AnooooPower

I want to outpout part of a richtextbox content to a textbox. Exemple (This is just part of the richboxtext1: [CODE]<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=?sid=defd7592f5b806ad8a4fa1273bd73077"> <[/CODE] This is code i used but is faulty :( : [CODE]Dim strBuild As String = Nothing strBuild = Split(Split(RichTextBox1.Text, "sid=")(1), "''>")(0) TextBox6.Text = strBuild[/CODE] I want …

Member Avatar for AnooooPower
Member Avatar for TechSupportGeek

Hello, I'll be as clear as I can in this one. OK, here is what is going on: I'm kind of trying to create a programming language of some sort using a Console application. I have got most commands to work, but what I haven't got is the ability to …

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Member Avatar for VB_CMI

anyone know how to do the backspace coding? example. textbox1.text with abc i click a button it remove "c" i click again it remove "b" i click again it remove "a" something like this?

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Member Avatar for manish250

hello all i have a string *354*4*string#.what i want is to fetch the string and calculate it's length. plz help

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Member Avatar for Trle94

Hey every one... im trying to read file path from .txt I can read it but there is one big hole in which i stepped.. So if you could help me out?? lets see the code looks like this: [CODE]Imports System.IO Public Class Form1 Function INIparse(ByVal TextStringToProcess As String, Optional …

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Member Avatar for RaigaX9

Hi, I'm having a small problem with the program that I'm doing. Here is the instructions for it: Write a program named ConvertDate that converts a date entered by the user into another form. The user’s input will have the form month day, year The month will be one of …

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Member Avatar for Rez11

I am trying to replace "the" with "that". My original sentence is "the ball is under the car". I can successfully change the first "the". But when I try to change the second "the" string1 ends up being "that ball us under that".So it cuts off the world "car". What …

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The End.