81 Topics

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Would you steal sensitive data from your employer if the price was right? According to a new survey conducted in the financial heart of London by [URL="http://www.infosec.co.uk"]Infosecurity Europe[/URL] reveals that 37 percent of those asked would do just that. While 63 percent remain honest, the cost of corrupting the remainder …

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Microsoft, the company behind the Xbox games console, has announced the results of some new research which suggests that video games are [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/19975/532/"]not as bad for kids[/URL] as some would have us believe. However, the real surprise has been that kids want their parents to keep a closer eye on …

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What do you do when you poo? It is the kind of question you might expect your ten year old son to ask his ten year old mates in the school playground. However, it seems that Microsoft has been asking pretty much the same thing in order to generate some …

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A new [URL="http://www.e-janco.com/Salary.htm"]study[/URL] by Janco Associates, Inc. is full of gloom-and-doom about the state of employment in the IT industry. A year-long survey of U.S. and Canadian businesses indicates a combination of job outsourcing, layoffs, and other cost-cutting measures have led to the worst job market IT professionals have seen …

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In the USA, according to the Digital World Digital Life study, housewives spend around 38 percent of their spare time on the Internet. Bored British housewives, however, spend a whopping great 47 percent of their leisure time online. That is more time online, by the way, than students (39 percent) …

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Quick, what segment of your IT setup uses the most electricity: your servers and network technology or the assorted PCs scattered around the cube farm? If you said the stuff in the server room, you're wrong. According to recent [URL="http://blogs.zdnet.com/green/?p=1599"]data released by Forrester Research[/URL], desktop computers, printers, and monitors account …

Member Avatar for happygeek

You cannot have missed the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3629.html"]story[/URL] this week about how a picture of a naked girl on an album cover led to Wikipedia being blacklisted by the Internet Watch Foundation in the UK. That blacklisting, which in turn prevented people from being able to edit Wikipedia posts depending upon their …

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The November election brings with it the promise of changes, new beginnings, and hope for those who've endured the past 8 years with less than an enthusiastic attitude. The choice of President and Vice President means far less to most of us than the people they choose for Cabinet positions. …

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Although the [URL="https://www.linux-foundation.org/en/2007ClientSurvey"]Linux Foundation 2007 Desktop/Client survey[/URL] does not actually finish until the 30th November, there would seem to be little point adding your opinion to the thousands who have already done so as the results appear to have escaped. The web is already buzzing with reports that participation levels …

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Research commissioned by Internet security software makers [URL="http://www.avguk.com/stop-cybertheft"]AVG[/URL] has revealed that one in three people in the UK have experienced some kind of cyber theft over the Internet. What's more, it is also one of the UK's most feared crimes, outranking burglary, assault and robbery according to the independent study …

Member Avatar for happygeek

A study of some 800 workers in the UK, conducted by [URL="http://www.hp.com"]HP[/URL] with the help of [URL="http://themindlab.org/"]The Mind Lab[/URL], compared working environments to see what impact it made upon productivity and health. The experiment was headed up by cognitive neuropsychologist Dr David Lewis, and involved the creation of a 'battery …

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New research from [URL="http://answers.vizu.com/"]Vizu Answers[/URL] and [URL="http://adage.com/"]Ad Age[/URL] suggests that when it comes to blog posting discovery, the majority of readers use links from other blogs to arrive there. The fact that the figure is as high as 67.3 percent is slightly surprising, given the amount of people that use …

Member Avatar for happygeek

An independent test of [URL="www.microsoft.com/athome/security/spyware/software/default.mspx"]Windows Defender[/URL] against third party vendors has demonstrated holes in [URL="www.microsoft.com/windows/products/windowsvista/default.mspx"]Microsoft Vista’s[/URL] spyware protection. Calls of Swiss Cheese could be heard coming from the direction of Spyware Doctor vendor [URL="http://www.pctools.com"]PC Tools[/URL] which commissioned Australian concern [URL="http://www.testlab.com.au"]Enex Testlab [/URL]to evaluate how Windows Defender compared to its own …

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[URL="http://www.comscore.com"]comScore Networks[/URL] has today revealed which Web properties were the most popular, ranked by way of total unique visitors over the age of 15 and across the month, during December 2006. According to the comScore analysis, Internet usage increased 10 percent between December 2005 and 2006, with the search and …

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A report published by the Social Issues Research Centre, combining data from a YouGov poll with the results of physiological tests on separate study group of Internet users, suggests that there is a link between badly designed websites and negative effects on human health. Specifically, the reports links five key …

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It's here! No, not winter, the 2006 Certification Magazine results are in. Last year I wrote a [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry461.html"]similar article[/URL] regarding these results, and the top spots were all 'System Administration' certifications. This year it is quite a bit different, the sought after CCIE has actually fallen from the top 5, …

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If you believe the results of a study by those chaps over at the USC-Annenberg School Centre for the Digital Future, the answer to the question posed in this blog posting title is 43% of Americans. That is the number of people who took part in the survey, were already …

Member Avatar for happygeek

According to Oxford, UK based database security specialists [URL="http://www.secerno.com/"]Secerno [/URL]databases are open to attack from growing insider threats that give employees carte blanche to access confidential data. Naturally, the company has a product to plug, a database assurance platform called Secerno.SQL, but to be honest I am more interested in …

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Jon Jacobs has spent $100,000 on his own Virtual Nightclub, within Online Role-Playing game "Project Entropia". The winning bid for the space station he plans to use is currently being built within the game. Project Entropia, is a virtual world, with 236,000 players, who convert real cash to in-game dollars, …

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The case between Google and Microsoft over executive Kal-Fu Lee began this week in court. According to reports, the case already has both sides trowing mud at each other. Some of you may recall that Kal-Fu Lee, a former executive of Microsoft, recently left the company and joined Google in …

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There has been a lot of hype about former Vice President Al Gore’s revolutionary television network – [url=http://www.current.tv]Current_[/url]. In late July, Current_ went live after being anticipated since early April. The network is said to be like no other TV network around; it’s not news, it’s not fiction, and it’s …

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The End.