538 Topics

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Member Avatar for dannilip

I have this code: private void words(string path) { List<string> text = new List<string>(); var intro = "Video File Name:"; var words = File.ReadAllLines(path) .Where(line => line.StartsWith(intro)) .Select(line => line.Substring(intro.Length).Trim()); } When i use a breakpoint and look after all on the variable words i see: System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectArrayIterator<string,string> I want to …

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for ramy84

hi , i am trying to write code to remove specific word from the text entered by the user do do { Console.WriteLine("enter your text"); input = Console.ReadLine(); text = input.ToLower(); result = text.Replace("remove", ""); Console.WriteLine("Edited text:" +result); } while(text == null); { Console.WriteLine("enter your text"); input = Console.ReadLine(); text …

Member Avatar for Fenrir()
Member Avatar for Yorkiebar14

Hello, I have been using StreamWriters for a long and time and it has always worked but now I seem to be getting an Access Denied error while trying to save to the current users Desktop... Dim savePath As String = "C:\Users\Josh\Desktop\EpiPhone\029.csv" Using sw As New StreamWriter(savePath) '...Rest of code... …

Member Avatar for Jamblaster
Member Avatar for pardeepkhatri
Member Avatar for pygeek

Hi, im new to this forum, im trying to make a text editor in python for my school, and its nearly finished, but whenever i save a text file then open it again it makes weird square symbols at the end of each line. Thanks in advance. And i didn't …

Member Avatar for pygeek
Member Avatar for sparkthesunoff

I have two different text files, one of them contains a text, the other one works as a dictionary. The dictionary has some words line by line with their description beside them separated by a comma. I'm supposed to search for all these words in the text and then replace …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Quazy

Hello, I would appreciate some help to import data from a text file to a datagridview. If anyone could give me a hint to get started... The textfiles have the column name in the "[ ]" I would like to read the data after the [wp], [pos], [rad] blocks, the …

Member Avatar for Quazy
Member Avatar for nikolaos

I am making a project in Number Theory and i want to display some formatting text in a textArea in my Gui. I have a method named padding which takes an integer as an argument and return a String consisitng of a number of spaces. This number is 12 - …

Member Avatar for nikolaos
Member Avatar for blueguy777

my actual code is: $agent_id=mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['memberid']); $result = mysql_query("SELECT id,ac_no,agent_name FROM ankali_slabpay WHERE agent_id=$agent_id ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1"); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); $ac_number=$row['ac_no']; $agent_name=$row['agent_name']; ?> <?php $b = array(000350,000400,000450); //pre-defined installment amount values $replacement = "000000"; $cust_mast = '$C21'; $bank_name = 'KISAN SWARAJ'; $dfile = "READ ME CUSTOMERS.txt"; $fo = …

Member Avatar for blueguy777
Member Avatar for jerry717

Hello, So I have a PHP page where I can enter my name, address, phone #, etc. I have some of these fields designed to be required information. If I do not enter something in the required fields, then information I have in other fields are lost when I submit …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Adak

Demonstrates the Right Hand Rule maze solving algorithm, with some sweet console colors and text display and erasing, in Windows. Note that if the Start is moved away from all the walls in the maze, the right hand rule fails, circling endlessly. Also, a similar failure happens if the Start …

Member Avatar for zain_1
Member Avatar for rishif2
Member Avatar for YumnaZia

This is my program for a notepad! I am getting error at the part where I'm trying to extract the text from another .txt file!! I used the method realLine() but it only reads one line!! I want to know what other methods can I use here to extract the …

Member Avatar for YumnaZia
Member Avatar for pardeepkhatri
Member Avatar for pardeepkhatri
Member Avatar for singh.software

Hi there I need serious help with my software. Im making a system for an election. I need to make a login which reads and identifies text from the text file and if it is the correct user name and password then it opens another form. I have to make …

Member Avatar for singh.software
Member Avatar for Sanjay_6

Rightnow i am facing a problem of print Long Text. In my database i have data in long text format and that field has around 2000 line of text so how can i print that. I am giving here full code of my file please go through it and try …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for GeekPlease

Good days folks, I have a dgv where I have to select a text in a certain cell. For example in a cell there is a text like - "A SELECTED TEXT". What I want to do is when I highlight the word "SELECT" in "A SELECTED TEXT" it will …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for tanatos.daniel

I have the following code: #include <iostream> #include <conio.h> using namespace std; long filesize(FILE *stream); int main(void) { FILE *stream; char c; int i=0,n; long lSize; stream = fopen("tanc.TXT", "r"); fseek (stream , 0 , SEEK_END); lSize = ftell (stream); rewind (stream); cout<<"Dati numarul de caractere:"; cin>>n; while(!feof(stream) && i<lSize) …

Member Avatar for Sokurenko
Member Avatar for vegaseat

In today's environment where just about anyone can snoop around your e-mail, it is prudent to securely encrypt your more private writings. This little Python program will make it easier to do so.

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for danielsikes

I am new to python. Is there any way that python can detect when a field is focused in an external program? The script would just need to know when a text input field was selected. Thanks,

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for stealthless

Hello, I'm a starter in Python and I need help. I'm trying to ask the user to input as much text as he/she likes until he/she types EOF (end of file) on a separate line. Once he/she does, the program should end. I started on my code and below is …

Member Avatar for slate
Member Avatar for klemme

I have inserted a rich text editor to an textarea, but I get the following error after submitting my form: [CODE] Notice: Undefined index: msgpost in C:\wamp\www\mycms\administrator\page_new_parse.php on line 15 [/CODE] I have changed the textarea name, and the id to "msgpost" as explained on their website. I have also …

Member Avatar for Qaalid
Member Avatar for Matthew_2

I have posted this on GBA temp ([here](http://gbatemp.net/threads/garbage-on-top-of-screen-when-displaying-text-over-background.350999/)) without any replies: Another newb question.. I am currently using the 16-bit libnds example (Located within [here](http://sourceforge.net/projects/devkitpro/files/examples/nds/)) as a basis and am trying to display text and the png background image on the same screen (in this example it is the top …

Member Avatar for Matthew_2
Member Avatar for java_help

Firstly, I am a beginner in Java, and I have never been into any programming before, so it seems like I need a little help to solve a task. The task is "I've a text file with the size of more than 5 MB, & I need to clear the …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for nit8899

I have a table with 29 columns and each column with a big title. Is there any way to rotate the header of the table. Thanks.

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for jesskavidja

I have a bit of a baffling problem! I'm writing a tag matcher in XML and whenever I run the below procedure, I get a garbage value after the name of every tag **except for the first one**. When I add the array text to the parameters list, the garbage …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Tiger1

How do i implement levenshtein disance on records in a database table using python? I know how to connect python with database, coding in python may not be problem, and I also have the records in a database table. The problem is how do i make it work. Below is …

Member Avatar for Lucaci Andrew
Member Avatar for AppleR

So basically im creating this python adventure text game. And so far its good. But i have this problem with class instances(Is that the right term?) Say for example i have this class, class monster(object): def __init__(self,health,attack): self.damage = damage self.health = health So then I create a class object(again, …

Member Avatar for AppleR
Member Avatar for Ritesh_4

Hello, anyone can help me with centering the text content attached below so that it centers in height as well in the container div? The css for the div is below: div.level-1-menus { background: url("background_menu.png") no-repeat scroll 0 0 transparent; display: table-cell; float: left; height: 45px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; …

Member Avatar for Ritesh_4
Member Avatar for kumar89hitesh

I am making a user account. i want that by default the name and password should be written in the boxes and when user put their name and password in it then it should be unvisible like the facebook. how can i do that? please give me a suitable example.

Member Avatar for JorgeM

The End.