538 Topics

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Member Avatar for poisonousgu

I am currently working on my assignment about a simple text editor that can open, add line and delete line and so and so... I designed an algorithm to add new line to the doc and it works for the first time but didnt work after it, I dont know …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for amnakhan786

Hi, i have this piece of code, the encoding function creates a file of binary 1's and 0's but since i am getting output in a text file, the result is shown as ASCII characters which appear as garbage. can anyone please tell me what should i add in the …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for mrbungle

In my app, I have a text box that takes the text and transfers it to w Word doc for printing. It does this with the bookmark feature in Word. On the Word doc, I only have "X" amount of space. The bookmark in Word will auto size and fill …

Member Avatar for ponkhiraj
Member Avatar for G_Waddell

Hi All, In my opinion, this is the best way to read in text from a csv file. Take for example if you are importing addresses: "1 Main Street","SmallTown","SmallCounty" The above is fine and easy to parse in BUT what if an address like this was entered: "App 1A, Tall …

Member Avatar for Nutster
Member Avatar for FALL3N

I could probably/def read a text file with javascript by embedding some ruby in there but I want to know how to do it with javascript. My code follows: [CODE] <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>"Text File"</TITLE> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE = JAVASCRIPT> function handleFile() { var myFile = document.getElementById('txtF') var fileContents = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(myFile); document.form1.textfield.value=fileContents; …

Member Avatar for L0st
Member Avatar for r0cks

Basically I want to develop a Address lookup(part of my project) using C# (and I can use SQL if necessary). I have a very large text file which have all the UK address and postcodes. Addresses needs to be looked up from this text file. For example, as soon as …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for greatman05

So, I'm trying out a project on my own because I have no real clue how to do anything complex or useful in C++ (applications for example). This project calls for creating a simple console text editor with basic functionality (buffer, command set, redisplay). The problem is that I don't …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for danibecse

How to print a sentence (including white spaces) from a file ? Or How to print entire text file which has a paragraph? I have tried a lot and the final programs is shown below.. but it can't print sentences exceeding certain length... it shows unwanted ASCII characters :( How …

Member Avatar for Daniel BE
Member Avatar for magord86

I'm trying to switch "M" to "Mr." and "F" to "Ms." when the last name is selected in the listbox. When I clicked on the first name it worked, but when I clicked on anyother name, I got this error message: --Additional information: Index was outside the bounds of the …

Member Avatar for magord86
Member Avatar for firras

If someone could help point me in the right direction, it would be much appreciated. My problem is merge sorting a list from a text file and outputting the sort into a different text file that the user chooses. The text file that's inputted is about a 20 item list …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for woah123

I'm given a text document with marks and course codes, and I need to create a function where you input the directory of the file, and the course code. Doing so, the code will return the average mark of all the marks in the text with that course code. Any …

Member Avatar for woah123
Member Avatar for georget1011

This is my Java code at the moment (using netbeans IDE), I have tried to set th value of cell 4,4 to A in the following code, `outputCadence.getModel().setValueAt(items.A[5], 4, 4);` , however this does absolutely nothing, I'm a bit of a noob so I'm not sure if I'm missing something …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for angelali2013

Hi, I am new here. Well, I made a rich text editor using IFrame and document.execcomand. All is ok, except I want to add something like displaying the HTML code of the text written in the IFrame to a div or a textarea. For example, if someone has typed "Hello", …

Member Avatar for angelali2013
Member Avatar for mchung90

Hello! I am currently attempting to read all the lines from a text file, and append them to one long string. At the moment, it seems that the line that is read in keeps overriding the string, instead of appending it. I think it has something to do with the …

Member Avatar for nullptr
Member Avatar for bigwill2010

Write a Python program that draws a circle with radius 50 pixels and centered at the center of the canvas. Give the canvas white background color and make it expand with its frame whenever the user resizes the frame. The program will respond to some mouse and keyboard events as …

Member Avatar for bigwill2010
Member Avatar for eburlea

Hello. I want to get data from a table. I wrote the folloing JavaScript code: var homeTeam = document.getElementById('home').firstChild.data; The html code for the table is: <table> <tr> <td id="home"><span class='yellowcard'></span>Tottenham</td> <td id="away">Chelsea</td> </tr> </table> How is it possible to get the word 'Tottenham' in this case? My JavaScript code …

Member Avatar for Jimnto
Member Avatar for pattmorter

Hey everyone. So I'm trying to create a siple text editor for handling HTML. I got the majority of the program written to where when you click the toolbar the text is inserted. The only problem is that it only inserts it at the end. So Now I'm trying to …

Member Avatar for pattmorter
Member Avatar for AndreRet

I am totally stuck here and found tens of samples on posting to get and set values. What I am trying to do is - 1) Let a user enter a vehicles year model into a textbox in my form (set to post) 2) I then need to get this …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for udaraps

i hv the same problem with [B]VB 6.0[/B] & im using [B]MS ACCESS[/B] for the database. Pls help me to code my program as im unable to pass the values display in the text boxes to the data grid in the same form thnx in advance regards uda

Member Avatar for akgs
Member Avatar for vbenthu

Hi there Im trying to write up a code where two txt files are being compared to each other. One text files has the answer like "TFTTFFT" and the other txt files has the result including id like "1234 TT-FFT" The crazy part is that for each correct answer, the …

Member Avatar for vbenthu
Member Avatar for guiburi

find and delete specific line from text file ==== cart.txt (tab delimated) ---------------------- guiburi PID001 KARLSTAD Sofa 2348 2 4696 guiburi PID002 BESTA Cabinet 1656 32 52992 guiburi PID009 PAX Wordrobe 1794 2 3588 deleteitem.php ---- if(isset($_GET['pname'])) { $pname = trim($_GET['pname']); } Info -- pname is sent from a another …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for gotto

I am currently making a game and am working on the town code right now. I have booleans for the areas in and out of the town, but when I go to leave an area it resets me back at the beginning of the program. I have it set to …

Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for branding4you

Ok so now I am stuck, I looked at the http://www.daniweb.com/web-development/php/threads/326436/php-read-text-file-and-save-into-databse page and understand some of it, Yet it is not what i require, substring does not count like I thought it would, like the left, right mid commands in excel. I want to count to the data I want …

Member Avatar for branding4you
Member Avatar for amit.chaudhari.71

i want to create a text report and i have use this coding:- <?php $f=fopen("c:\amit.txt", "wb"); // adding header $text="\n Your text to write \n ".date('d')."-".date('m')."-".date('Y')."\n\n"; fputs($f, $text); fclose($f); ?> which results me some thing like when i open it in windows [i.e my computer->c drive->mit.txt] :- > []Your text …

Member Avatar for amit.chaudhari.71
Member Avatar for SH3H@N

Hello everyone. I am making a game trainer in vb.net. and want to know how to write a "TEXT" wherever your cursor is. I have already found shortkey mechanism but still looking for this one. Example: I am playing game. I pressed Shift+f3 and no matter which windows is focused …

Member Avatar for SH3H@N
Member Avatar for mgn2683

I am having trouble getting a section of my footer to center. The site can be seen at [Click Here](http://ushousingco.com/index.htm) I need the bottom text to be centered, what am I doing incorrectly? Thanks in advance!

Member Avatar for otengkwaku
Member Avatar for sundog1

Hi Guys, I've been working on a little something where details get put into an XML File and then squirted into another form which has been working fine. I've now added another section to the XML file to hold the Company Name and it gets written to the XML without …

Member Avatar for sundog1
Member Avatar for Satu0King

I want to make a button in my page "click here" when i click the page should fade and show some text.then u can close the text box. thanks please keep it simple i am 14 years old <URL SNIPPED>

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for ar123

Hi there! I am new to daniweb.com and C++ CLI. I am trying to make a program that will tell the user the text for the ListItem number they type in. The ListItem information is stored in a text file with my custom file formatting, which is: <~ListItem 1> text.... …

Member Avatar for ar123
Member Avatar for branding4you

Hi I read a text file using PHP, the file gets uplaoded, and what I want to do is read the file take some information out of it and post it to mysql. Problem is that when reading the file it removes the spaces, I cannot count where the data …

Member Avatar for branding4you

The End.