47 Topics

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Member Avatar for Dean_Grobler

Hi there, I've installed the Android SDK on my Linux (Ubuntu 10.04) machine. I don't have internet connection on my machine so I couldn't simply go download and install the required stuff through Eclipse. Everything worked out pretty well, I'm able to run a virtual device, and I'm also able …

Member Avatar for bbriniotis

Almost 4 months after the previous release, WebSEOAnalytics.com launched the next version of the SEO toolbox. The new version includes 4 new professional SEO Tools: the Keyword Research, Keyword Difficulty, Aged Domain Finder & WuzzRank Calculator. Moreover 8 of the previous tools have been updated and now provide new features …

Member Avatar for pgmco
Member Avatar for flagstar

Hi, and I need some help... I'm not remembered much what happened before I got this problem but now I can't access to any of the mmc files in the administrative tools folder currently. Registry Editor and Task Manager still working normally, only the tools in the Administrative Folder... I …

Member Avatar for flagstar
Member Avatar for inblues

I've tried some SEO tools. There are some formula and logic need to follow like keyword in the content page at least 3%, H1 tag should only appear once in a page. I wonder where is this logic come from? Can anyone point out the source? Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for AirForceOne
Member Avatar for Shinedevil

I'm working on getting my Security+ certification from CompTIA. Right now I've got these study materials: Testout's Security+(Labsim) Video, Demos, and Exam prep questions [url]http://www.testout.com/products/securityplus/[/url] and CompTIA Security+ Study Guide Fourth Edition by, Emmett Dulaney [url]http://www.bookbyte.com/1/1/27711-comptia-security-by-dulaney-4th-edition-study-guide.html[/url] I was just wondering if anyone would have any suggestions on any more books/study …

Member Avatar for wrightwilliam94

SEO cannot be done in single day and the process never ends. You must work regularly to get best SEO results. I am going to share some important SEO tips to grow your online business. On-page content changes for search engine crawling You need to include keyword in your title …

Member Avatar for Lecee Lery
Member Avatar for nikelin

Simple package loader to load all packages contents from directory-based or from JAR-compressed class path entry.

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for nikelin

Helps to filter objects by interfaces and annotations their contains/implements with respect to parental relations.

Member Avatar for sushant_gupt

There is a good tool for pcap base protocol testing. You can modify the pcap by using this tool. [URL="http://www.packetsquare.com"]http://www.packetsquare.com[/URL] packetsquare is a open-source packet modification tool. It is used for protocol testing and hacking. This tool is capable to parse and modify Ethernet II, VLAN(802.1Q), MPLS, ARP, IPv4, ICMP, …

Member Avatar for vijaymohan
Member Avatar for b1izzard

Hi i wrote the following script in winrunner to check the boundary range: [B]1. VB Program contains (text box,Calculate and clear button) Calculate button Coding:[/B] [CODE] Dim a As Integer a = Val(Text1.Text) If (a > 100) Then MsgBox ("value exceeds the maximum range") ElseIf (a < 50) Then MsgBox …

Member Avatar for YottaFlop

So, after a couple years of carrying an awful "starter phone", as they are called by some, I'm upgrading. These are my preferences: -transfer of media such as .jpg, .png, .mp3, .gif, and possibly office files -a free SDK for developing applications (preferably Java syntax, and that I can post …

Member Avatar for MktgRob

I had this question put to me by a friend who is building a website and he does not know a lot about SEO. As I do most of my SEO tasks tool-free (I find it is the best way to learn), I am not certain so I am coming …

Member Avatar for Nichetraffic
Member Avatar for khess

I'm having a rather traumatic experience with certain [URL="http://www.microsoft.com"]Microsoft[/URL] products lately. My problem is that I'm trying to "get to know" Microsoft's Hyper-V for my virtualization column over at [URL="http://www.linux-mag.com"]Linux Magazine[/URL]. The problem is, that to manage a true Hyper-V system remotely, you must have a Windows Vista or Windows …

Member Avatar for dandart
Member Avatar for khess

Someone commented on one of my posts the other day, stating that Linux is a tool and not a religion. Can this be true? I would hate to think that for the past 15 years that I've invested in Linux, it would turn out that Linux is merely a tool, …

Member Avatar for saadsaidi
Member Avatar for Dani

A recent visit into Google's [URL="http://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/"]Webmaster Tools [/URL]has brought a new section to my attention which I would imagine would be of much interest to SEOs: Internal and External links. The table of Internal links seems interesting - a listing of pages on your domain that have links pointing to …

Member Avatar for toseo
Member Avatar for happygeek

Thursday 24th August could be a date for your diary if you happen to be in the market for compilers and development tools for the high-performance computing arena. Especially that which nods towards parallelization and optimization functionality in order to squeeze multi-core processors to the max. The [URL="http://www.pgroup.com/"]Portland Group[/URL] have …

Member Avatar for Danny

A group of high school students from Kutztown, PA who were charged earlier this month with felony computer trespassing and computer theft have been offered a deal to drop charges. They have agreed to do 15 hours of community service, write letters of apology, and attend a class on personal …

Member Avatar for mmiikkee12

The End.