257 Topics

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There's a new campaign on [URL="http://twitter.com"]Twitter[/URL] about fixing [URL="http://www.microsoft.com"]Microsoft[/URL]'s flagship email program, Outlook. Outlook 2010 will be coming out next year (just say if I'm going too quickly) and it renders emails oddly if they're in HTML. There are details [URL="http://fixoutlook.org/"]here[/URL]. Let's ignore the fact that the Fixoutlook page is …

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Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

Twitter was all a-twitter overnight (UK time) about the iPhone version 3.0 software upgrade. It was falling over, people weren't able to download, it was agony and then it wasn't working apparently. I hope you don't enjoy reading that sort of stuff. I'm not able to write it, you see; …

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UK iPhone 3G users hoping that the network operator with the exclusive contract on the new iPhone 3GS might see sense and let them upgrade have been dealt a body blow as O2 confirms they can go and swivel on Twitter. The iPhone 3GS will be upon us in a …

Member Avatar for newsguy

Gamers have got to love the E3 Expo, especially Microsoft gamers who are into the social side of the Xbox experience. If they happen to be obsessed with Twitter as well as Xbox Live then Microsoft had some good news to announce for them at E3: a [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4249.html"]Twitter[/URL] client for …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Here is an interesting dilemma: if 99 percent of Generation Y consumers have an active social networking profile, why do only 22 percent of them use Twitter? Could it be that celebrities are killing the micro-blogging service? A newly published study by the Participatory Marketing Network and Pace University reveals …

Member Avatar for JamesAven
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

[URL="http://twitter.com"]Twitter[/URL] has struck again according to reports. The German elections had their results leaked online, both on Twitter and over the open Internet. In the same week that the UK heard that it was going to have insufficient broadband bandwidth to meet the needs of the [URL="http://www.culture.gov.uk/what_we_do/broadcasting/5631.aspx/"]Digital Britain[/URL] initiative, critics …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

I have to admit that [URL="http://www.twitter.com/happygeek"]I Tweet[/URL] from pretty much anywhere and everywhere, the beauty of the medium is that you don't know if I am on the toilet or in the theatre, at my desk or naked in my bed. Or, for that matter, even on holiday. A survey …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

Yet another report suggests that marriages are splitting up and people are blaming the Internet or Cyberspace for their real-life troubles. There's an account on British newspaper the Guardian's website [URL="http://www.guardian.co.uk/money/2009/may/27/divorce-cyber-affairs"]here[/URL], at the end of which there is a reasonably comprehensive listing of actual incidents reported in the press of …

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There is something of a media fuss going on over here in the UK thanks to the fact that Ivy Bean is using Twitter. No, she is not some soap star or a topless glamour model and does not have a famous footballer as a boyfriend. In fact her claim …

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Member Avatar for slfisher

People are continuing to find new and interesting things to do with Twitter. One is [URL="http://www.we-love-the.net/Stweet/"]Stweet[/URL], a combination of Twitter and Google Map's Streetview that uses georeferencing. Select a city from the picklist (or enter another city at the bottom of the screen) and it'll show you the most recent …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

So I get up to work first day after a hard time relaxing over the public holiday weekend and guess what - the web's full of rumours that [URL="http://www.apple.com"]Apple[/URL] is about to swoop and buy [URL="http://twitter.com"]Twitter[/URL]. The value being put on the deal by anyone wanting to tout the story …

Member Avatar for newsguy

Well thank goodness that silliness is all over: Ashton Kutcher is the first user to hit a million followers on Twitter. The actor come TV presenter narrowly beat off the challenge from the frontrunner, the CNN account, not least because of a big publicity drive which included the likes of …

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Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

The [URL="http://www.twitter.com"]Twitter[/URL] controversy rages on, by the looks of things. In the UK the latest influencer to condemn the micro blogging service is one Matthew Gwyther, who edits Management Today, one of our major management sites. He's written about how useless the service is because, among other things, you can't …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton
Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Google stock was up yesterday, down this morning and everyone has an opinion for the yo-yo effect currently frustrating Google investors. At the top of the list of issues is actually a projected issue – Google’s first quarter earnings which come out on Thursday. The sentiment is a downward one …

Member Avatar for happygeek

It has not exactly been the best of weekends for [URL="http://www.itpro.co.uk/blogs/daveyw/2009/04/03/google-to-buy-twitter/"]Twitter[/URL], and for those whose tweeting has been hijacked by not one but two worms it could easily be considered the worst of times. It all started when people noticed that a lot of their followers seemed to be recommending …

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It is official, Britain has gone Twitter mad. No really, totally insane in fact. First there was the [URL="http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/education/7962912.stm"]story[/URL], which I am assured is not some badly timed April Fool gag, that reveals the government is contemplating adding Twitter skills to the primary school curriculum while at the same time …

Member Avatar for slfisher

The non-technical world is starting to understand the concept of Twitter -- which means that they're starting to try to control it. Courtrooms have [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4148.html"]already begun dealing[/URL] with jurors Googling, Facebooking, and Twittering their way through the case. Now, some courtrooms are starting to set regulations ahead of time. The …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Not as though it's ever going to happen, but suppose I were at a party one night and [URL="http://www.businessweek.com/it100/2005/executive/GOOG.htm"]Eric Schmidt[/URL], CEO of Google happened to be there. I would love to corner him and get him a glass of wine or scotch or whatever it is that CEOs at large …

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Member Avatar for Brian.oco

There’s a lot of talk about ‘dead cat” bounces in the financial markets these days. Nobody really knows if the stock market has hit bottom, but last week’s rebound continues into Monday, after Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke went on “60 Minutes” and said that the recession could abate if …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

One of the major problems with social networks - hey, one of the major problems with any new trend - is that so many people spend so long trying to persuade themselves that they're actually looking at just another version of an existing thing. So if I'd been around when …

Member Avatar for Lisa Hoover

There's an interesting article over at [URL="http://www.pcworld.com/businesscenter/article/161270/social_networks_risks_for_business_security.html"]PCWorld[/URL] this week suggesting that social networking Web sites are putting businesses at risk for security breaches. Author Howard Price says now that it's possible to link personal accounts like Twitter and Facebook to accounts at career-oriented sites like LinkedIn, a single status message …

Member Avatar for slfisher

It wasn't that long ago that we were thrilled when politicians started using Twitter. Now we kinda wish they'd stop -- except for the one who has, it seems, actually stopped. President Barack Obama, who [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry2689.html"]began Tweeting[/URL] during his campaign last summer, has fallen silent since Jan. 19 -- the …

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It is about time, but Twitter has now announced that it is rolling out a real time search function for users. Unfortunately the 'Search and Trends' feature is currently only available for a "limited set of accounts" [URL="http://blog.twitter.com/2009/02/testing-more-integrated-search.html"]according to[/URL] Twitter founder Biz Stone who adds that most people "will not …

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His Holiness the Dalai Lama has been booted from Twitter after the social networking service said an account set up in his name was by an impersonator. The account, @OHHDL -- for The Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama -- launched over the weekend and gained more than 20,000 …

Member Avatar for newsguy

Who would you back in a fight? Barack Obama or Stephen Fry? When it comes to being popular on [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/22533/53/"]Twitter[/URL] these two are the only real contenders for the title if you discount news organisations and the like. Currently, of course, US President Obama has the size advantage with an …

Member Avatar for slfisher

Long, long ago, when the net was flat and only geeks knew how to register domain names, a few savvy people started signing themselves up to own domain names like "www.mcdonalds.com," with the thought that, someday, McDonald's Corp. might want to be on the Internet and would offer them oodles …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

[URL="http://www.webinknow"]David Meerman Scott[/URL] (who is also a fellow contributing editor at [URL="http://www.econtentmag.com"]EContent Magazine[/URL]) is an expert in social networking and using the internet as a marketing tool and speaks frequently on the subject. His best selling book, [URL="http://www.davidmeermanscott.com/books.htm"]The New Rules of Marketing and PR[/URL] was published in 2007 and was …

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As a sign of how mainstream social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter are, people are starting to wring their virtual teeny hands about the proper etiquette around various situations. Do romantic partners get veto power on Facebook and Twitter friends? What's appropriate fundraising behavior for politicians? Should you …

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Member Avatar for Lisa Hoover

Early this morning, people using the Google search engine got a strange surprise. Nearly every result for every search was marked with the alert message, "This site may harm your computer." If you clicked on a search result, instead of being directed to a Web site, you were automatically taken …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

It's true, Elvis Presley's birthplace and I are complete strangers. But if I had been there, or better still if I were planning to visit, I hope I wouldn't say anything overtly insulting about the place. Unlike, say, James Andrews, VP of Ketchum PR. He seems to have [URL="http://mumbrella.com.au/2009/01/16/two-digital-blunders-pr-man-disses-his-clients-city-on-twitter-radio-trade-bodys-rogue-email/"]embarrassed himself[/URL] …


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