111 Topics

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Member Avatar for vb_newbie

hello, this is my first post here. I'm working on my movie library project now in vb2008. I have a form with 3 listboxes, a remove button and find button. Listbox1 is populated with names of actors from a table in the mysql database and selection mode = one. User …

Member Avatar for vb_newbie
Member Avatar for mohan564

i want to select values from database.that values should be displayed in listbox. <Thanks in Advance >

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for guilherme.carvalho.9250

Hello everyone, I'm new to php and i'm developing a website for a school project. I need to implement a combobox with some options, for exemple, if I choose "Alimentation" it appears a table with the specific fields for this option and If I choose other option it appears a …

Member Avatar for guilherme.carvalho.9250
Member Avatar for poojavb

Hello, I am stuck with this problem.... I have few folders that contains a filename as **registration.txt** --- note the folder names are different since as and when a new user will register a folder gets created with its name and then the text file with the details of the …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for tiggermesho

I am trying to get at least 5 minimum values from an array of integer my code attached works but it skips few values public static void main(String[] args) { int array[] = {0, 1, 2, 1, 4, 5, 1, 7, 8, 1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 1, 15, 16, …

Member Avatar for jalpesh_007
Member Avatar for Ayinainsoph

So i figured out how to embed drop down menu option on the table feature in dreamweaver, HOWEVER, when i go to remote view to see if all fields are working the dropdown box which I labeled package is now showing up in the email. How can I get this …

Member Avatar for Ayinainsoph
Member Avatar for pipelian

Hi, i have been trying to combine data from 2 different sources, to make unique rows: here it is my situation Data in DGV already in dgv, Unbound: column1 | Qty "Sugar", 100 "Salt", 100 "Color", 200 "Malto", 150 Data in datatable: column1 | Qty "Sugar", 80 "Salt", 60 "Apio", …

Member Avatar for cussel

> hey guys, how to make bold values array building key array below to data1 and data2? if each index [0] => Array ( [0] => 0 [1] => 2 ) bold array data1 if each index [1] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 4 ) bold array …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for pratik65

i have a database table and it has some column with duplicate values , and i want to get that column value of the table in a combobox, but i want every value single time not repeatedly ... i tried but it is still giving me all values in the …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for mmcdonald

Hi all, I have a very nasty issue here where SQL values are changing but I haven't been hacked because the changes are just too abnormal. People vote for their servers and every so often the top few servers values roll back. For example at 03:00 a server has 66 …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for pallavi_panalia

I have application in which i pass project id from one form to anothe form. but then it shows blank.

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for John B.

I assume this is simple enough, when you know how :) I retrieve 2 files, pricelist with multiple information such as number, price, desciption and so on, the 2. file is discount file, with 2 fields : discountcode;discount like G30;48 which means discountcode = G30 which equals 48% I have …

Member Avatar for John B.
Member Avatar for tapuwa2002

I would to add row values in an array each column will be an array value. echo '<table>' . "\n"; for ($row = 1; $row <= $highestRow; ++$row) { echo '<tr>' . "\n"; for ($col = 0; $col <= $highestColumnIndex; ++$col) { $values = '<td>' . $objWorksheet->getCellByColumnAndRow($col, $row)->getValue() . '</td>' …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for O_mini

Hello, thanks for taking the time to read this. I'm working on (what should be) a simple, simple java program, I am very new to java so please bear with me. I'm writing code with a method that takes an array of int values and determines if all the numbers …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for yindra.puentes

hello! I'd like to rank a numpy array without getting the number positions changed. I was able to do it using the numpy function below but it keeps ranking the 'NaN' values as well, how can I get it to ignore them and just rank the real number values instead. …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for sunil1239

Hello Every one..... I'm developing a web page to generate 2 random numbers and prompt the values to the user and they need to add those numbers and give the result. I tried it a lot but the values are not passing to the prompt window... can anyone help me... …

Member Avatar for LaxLoafer
Member Avatar for Prisms

Hello everyone I'm having a bit of trouble with C. Its been awhile and I was wondering if I'm on the right track I'm trying to read from a file and manipulate the data with a structure I created. The problem is the first two values in the text document …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for rfrapp

Hello, I am trying to fill an array with 20 unique random values between 1 and 60. I know what I need to do to get this to work, but I'm not sure how to do it. Here's what I've got: void fillArray( int arr[], int size) { int arr2[20]; …

Member Avatar for RainbowMatrix
Member Avatar for userIT

Given the trace program below. I basically need to store a 1 or a 0 to the corresponding `a[r[i]]` the problem is I need to be able to keep track of the index of vectors zero and one to check the last index that was used for each vector. For …

Member Avatar for userIT
Member Avatar for ratanji

dude anyone knw how to create to assign height and width dynamically in web page for images? like this site http://muslider.musings.it/

Member Avatar for Traevel
Member Avatar for userIT

I have this code that supposed to display the values from an array to a text file #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <fstream> #include <vector> using namespace std; int array[7][4]; fstream file2; template< typename T > void display( const vector< vector<T> >& matrix ) { for(int i = 0; i …

Member Avatar for userIT
Member Avatar for sofien.fkih

Hi, I am trying to read a value which is in a class (in a public void) in anothe class and I couldn't do that, so please can someone reply me and tell me how to do that using these code. public class CDB { public static String main(String[] args) …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Octet

I am creating my purchasing system for my game at the moment, but I am struggling on a part of it and wondered if any of you could offer me some guidance? The problem I am facing is adding X amount onto a value but if that means it goes …

Member Avatar for blocblue
Member Avatar for jpadgett230

Hello, I can't figure out how to pass the values from dojo to a new php page. This is the meat of the dojo code that I did not write, I don't know dojo. I have another page that includes libraries and has the code that creates a form for …

Member Avatar for raviaaaa

HI Could yu please tell me how to get previous values from current iteration in the below example : public void parseDtoCollection(Collection dtos) contains list of dtos in private AssetClassVersion createNewAssetClassVersion(AssetDTO dto) method i am iterating but i want to get to get previous itearation values in current iteration if …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for GlenRogers

Hey all I need a bit of help if someone can! im writing(trying to!) a small application for a friend who owns a computer repair shop. Its a 'booking in' application. Someone brings a computer/device in and whover is on the front desk takes some details. Name, Street, Town, Postcode …

Member Avatar for GlenRogers
Member Avatar for renzlo

Hi All, I hope someone can help me. I have loaded a page in my webBrowser control, the page has a table, please see attached for screenshot and partial page source code. I want to load specific column of that table to datagridview, how can I do that? Thanks in …

Member Avatar for renzlo
Member Avatar for dendenny01

How can I transfer the values inserted in <input type="text" name="num1"> to radio button <input type="radio" name="rep_num1" value="">On submit of form. Actuall when user insert the value or text in the textbox the value of the text box should replace or transfer to the value in radio button when user …

Member Avatar for Topi Ojala
Member Avatar for thehunk

i have a combobox i want to show all the student name in it , i am using mssql database , and when we select student a textbox will show the rollno of that student , please help me

Member Avatar for thehunk
Member Avatar for leechang.kevin

Hi, I am building a room availability form that contains a foreign key 'roomNumber' that references the multiple dropdown list that contains the data time starting from 07:00 AM to 09:00 PM from monday to saturday, i can already store the data into the database but my problem now is …

Member Avatar for Biiim

The End.