19,729 Topics

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Member Avatar for cfonseca

Hi, example of an application that executes a demo of a game and counts how many frames per seconds had been opened. Thanks

Member Avatar for Zachery
Member Avatar for cfonseca

Hi, Example of application that counts the frames per seconds. Thanks.

Member Avatar for erikkl2000

Hello All, :rolleyes: I found this code from and artical posted back in may and i had a newbie question that i would like to add to it. 1. Is this the proper all around method to pass values? 2. How would i capture these values? Could i do it …

Member Avatar for ikkyusan

Hello.... I currently use a login script to change specfic HKCU values for each user. This is for use of a piece of software which requires unique serial numbers per user. I use 1 script per user & this is increasing daily is it possible to consolodate these scripts into …

Member Avatar for zaphod2003

I have programmed a web application using classic ASP and MSSQL, but our company is upgrading to ASP.NET and for my next project I thought I would the application in pure VB.NET. However, I am struggling to get my application to talk correctly to the MSSQL tables. I know my …

Member Avatar for zaphod2003
Member Avatar for baba0880

Hi All, I am developing an application using vb.net 2002. For example, I have a combo box, in there I have list of items. Let’s say: One Two Three Four Five And I have a label. In the label I’m setting the text to “Three

Member Avatar for w00dy
Member Avatar for cfonseca

to kill the process after 30 seconds If MyProcess.TotalProcessorTime.Seconds >= 30 Then MyProcess.Kill() End If is correct ?

Member Avatar for w00dy
Member Avatar for cfonseca
Member Avatar for cfonseca
Member Avatar for sara

Hi everyone.. I have problem here.. i want to calculate total days using vb.net..this calculation not including public holiday. i have calendarstartdate, calendarenddate and txttotalabsent. my problem here how to capture public holiday and how to calculate total days. please help me :sad: ..

Member Avatar for techniner
Member Avatar for PROFF.VB.NET
Member Avatar for dzzsky

Hi, this is my first post in this site. I am having trouble with a hangman program that I've writen. I have got allmost every thing working fine, but I am having trouble ensuring that a word is not used twice. The way in which, my program works is that …

Member Avatar for srikkanthan
Member Avatar for majackson

I'm trying to bind a radio button's checked property to an Access field defined as Yes/No and am having no success. I can programmatically read the dataset field and set the radio button, but I than have difficulty adding a new record and setting the dataset field to be updated …

Member Avatar for Toulinwoek
Member Avatar for augie0216

Hello I have created and built a deployment project I would like to add on a launch condition the requires internet explorer be installed. I added the launch condition and rebuilt the project the text I put in the message property appears but when I hit next the screen it …

Member Avatar for Robert Walker

when running program I can see all 9 items of data are loaded into myComboBox, but when it displays on the screen all I get is 9 instances of "Test1.Global+ListCodes". What do I need to use in the DisplayMember spot? I've tried original field name of "Name1", "test.codeName" PublicStructure ListCodes …

Member Avatar for jasworld
Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for fischerj

Would someone point me to some code to silent print a pdf from VB.NET or C#. I have the Adobe SDK Thank You for any help toward this end.

Member Avatar for vrushalinz1

I have a Contextmenu which dispalys a file name.it has submenus that provides 2 options:Open;Open With... Open opens the file normally. i want "Open With" dialogbox to open wen user clicks the second option. How do i do it.

Member Avatar for cpopham

I have created a program to monitor a network folder for file additions based on this link: [url]http://abstractvb.com/code.asp?A=1081[/url] It works fine on my local drive, but does not work for a Novell Server. Does anyone have any ideas of how to get it to monitor a Novell folder? If not, …

Member Avatar for papaja

Hi, I'm comming from country without paymen gateway. I would like to create one using vb.net. Could someone direct me to some resources concepts or similar open source projects?

Member Avatar for larry78

Hi :) I'm new in this forum and new in VB .NET. I'm trying to do a little mp3 player using mciSendString. I can start, playing and stopping a mp3 file, but I don't understand how can I get the end of mp3 and close it after finish without press …

Member Avatar for elephant

I'm very new to to VB.net but have worked in vb6, I have recently tried to install vb.net standard edition. It installs fine with no errors but I am unable to make the content display in either msgboxes or listboxes. here is a sample of the code I am trying …

Member Avatar for elephant
Member Avatar for Geek-Master

Are there any functions that can interact with the desktop like if I create a windows service? I'm guessing that requires some shell programming. I haven't found any documentation on the desktop, should I be looking at explorer instead? I'd like to play a prank on a few of my …

Member Avatar for grc1uk

Hello I now have a working script that displays a .htm file when a user logs on to their computer. (thanks to alot of help from a member at this site!!). My next issue is that because a lot of my users are using CITRIX for work, then they are …

Member Avatar for grc1uk
Member Avatar for chami

:sad: I need to read a zipped xml file by using vb.net Actually what I'm trying to do is take the data from staroffice spreadsheet and save in a Oracle database. As Staroffice save its data as 5 zipped Xml files, I need to unzip them before read.

Member Avatar for grc1uk

Hello I have not had much programming experience especially with VBS. I have been asked to write a script which checks what AD group a user is in and then runs a specific drive mappings for that group and user, also i need the script to check the date. This …

Member Avatar for grc1uk
Member Avatar for yba

Hi All, Can any one explain me what application block ? and how to code in web application using vb.net, please send me a sample if u have experience in programming application block, i have a web application which is intranet i need to pass the username and password thro …

Member Avatar for Khishin

When using the Form1.KeyDown, keystrokes don't seem to register. For example, the Click works fine: [code] Private Sub Form1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Click MsgBox("Hello") End Sub[/code] That will display the message box when the form is clicked, but if you change it to: [code] Private …

Member Avatar for makatzena
Member Avatar for Robert Walker

I have set up a form that I can load a Datatable in, but how do I return the index number so I know what the user selected. If possible I would rather not use a global variable.

Member Avatar for Robert Walker
Member Avatar for hippychic43

Hi, I want to create a conduit to transfer files between a PDA and a PC in VB .NET, I've found something that teaches me how to do it for the Palm OS but I want to be able to do it on the Windows CE OS as well. Would …

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The End.