Virgin Chases the iPad Market Digital Media Digital Marketing by CatRambo … iPhone and Android versions to follow. Previously Virgin has outsourced any consumer magazine publications, including …Electric!, a promotional publication for Virgin. [I]Maverick[/I] will cover "entrepreneurial…28-year-old Holly Branson, daughter of Virgin founder RIchard Branson overseeing it. Branson left… virgin optical Hardware and Software Networking by GREENHOUSE HI , i just got virgin broadband optical well so i thought then they give me a cable modem. Why would they give me a cable modem if i asked them for optical?? confusing. Any help on this matter will be greatly appreciated. greenhouse Virgin Mobile Overdrive Hotspot - Port Forwarding Hardware and Software Networking by jayl935 I'm using the Virgin Mobile Overdrive Hotspot as a temporary setup for now until … Re: Virgin Mobile Overdrive Hotspot - Port Forwarding Hardware and Software Networking by JorgeM Are you sure that you are checking the correct public IP address? On the device on your private network (, did you verify that the target port (80) is listening? In addition, make sure that the local firewall on that target computer is not blocking port 80. Re: Virgin Mobile Overdrive Hotspot - Port Forwarding Hardware and Software Networking by jayl935 Yep, I did that. I opened port 80 just to see if it were the ports, but 80 isn't open on the port checker, but is enabled on the device. Re: Virgin Mobile Overdrive Hotspot - Port Forwarding Hardware and Software Networking by jayl935 My service got turned on today and the port forwarding worked on it. There is still no answer for the hotspot device, but at least I found some type of answer. Do tangled cables slow down the Internet? Hardware and Software Networking by happygeek …this research has been published alongside an announcement that Virgin Media is to start opening a number of [URL…credibility of it all a tad. Sure, we have Virgin boss and well known British billionaire Richard Branson admitting … by a media friendly marketing comment of "At Virgin Media we want everyone to feel comfortable asking questions,… Virgin programmer Programming Software Development by L. Shelby I'm spankn' new to java with no previous computer programming experience and I need help with an assignment. The assignment is to write a Java program to direct a cashier how to make change. Input guidelines: 1) Number of dollars due 2) Number of cents due 3) Number of dollars received from the customer 4) Number of cents received … Re: Virgin programmer Programming Software Development by nanosani Atleast show some effort here ... typing a question is no effort ... atleast start writing the program ... you'll certainly be able to start it ... Its not a very hard program. Show some effort and post again .. you'll certainly be helped. Re: Virgin programmer Programming Software Development by Brent_Ritterbec Use the modulus. Re: Virgin programmer Programming Software Development by L. Shelby That's the problem. I'm completely clueless where to start. I mean, I'm just really lost and don't know what all this means. I just scheduled an appointment with my instructor two days from now though any additional help or any suggestions of some good reading material/websites that can help me out would be [B]greatly [/B] appreciated. And … Re: Virgin programmer Programming Software Development by CodeMasterFlex To start you'll want to script out the flow of your program. Maybe with a drawing. You have to get a feel for how the block structure will go. For instance: >variables >ask user for dollar input - store dollar input as type double >ask user for cents input - store cents input as type double .... etc. That should give you a … Re: Virgin programmer Programming Software Development by Banderson [COLOR=Blue][FONT=Comic Sans MS] Hi L. Shelby, JAVA contains a pre-built class named Math. To use it insert this statement at the top of your program => import java.lang.Math.*; This class is static which means it is class variables and class methods. This class is very useful to caculate simple mathematical problems. [/FONT][/COLOR] Re: Virgin programmer Programming Software Development by L. Shelby Thank you for the help CodeMasterFlex and Banderson. It really did help me get started so I didn't go in cold turkey when I went to visit my instructor. So again, I really appreciate it everyone! Also the other reason why I'm posting here is I need some help, again. So after slaving away for a week, day and night (ignoring my other classes), … virgin cable modem Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by chrisgjudd hi all, can we share our thinking on how to trouble shoot the following. I have only come across 2 cases in several years. The cable modem works ok but either only on its own i.e no router or on a laptop and not a desktop. My conclusion was that the output signal some way was degraded by the input impedance of the thing connected to, so new mode … Re: Connection problem Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Tracy2105 Virgin have installed cable, so i have my broad band from them. Re: Help please Hardware and Software Information Security by Beetlebum …\currentversion\runonce] "IndexCleaner"="C:\Program Files\Virgin Broadband\PCguard\IdxClnR.exe" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\microsoft\windows\…currentversion\runonce] "IndexCleaner"="C:\Program Files\Virgin Broadband\PCguard\IdxClnR.exe" [HKEY_USERS\.default\software\microsoft\… Re: Help please Hardware and Software Information Security by Beetlebum …currentversion\runonce] "IndexCleaner"="C:\Program Files\Virgin Broadband\PCguard\IdxClnR.exe" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\microsoft\windows…currentversion\runonce] "IndexCleaner"="C:\Program Files\Virgin Broadband\PCguard\IdxClnR.exe" [HKEY_USERS\.default\software\… Re: Help please Hardware and Software Information Security by Beetlebum …\rpsupdaterR.exe O23 - Service: PCguard Firewall (RP_FWS) - Virgin Media - C:\Program Files\Virgin Broadband\PCguard\Fws.exe O23 - Service: ServiceLayer - Nokia…windows\currentversion\runonce] "IndexCleaner"="C:\Program Files\Virgin Broadband\PCguard\IdxClnR.exe" [HKEY_USERS\.default\software\microsoft\… Re: A rundll32 problem Hardware and Software Information Security by Merordith …Driver./AVG Technologies ) ZwTerminateProcess [0xB902B520] SSDT \??\C:\Program Files\Virgin Media\Security\AVG\Identity Protection\agent\drivers\AVGIDSShim.sys (IDS… scanning enabled* (Updated) {5B5A3BD7-8573-4672-AEA8-C9BB713B6755} FW: Virgin Media Security Firewall *enabled* {80593BF4-D969-4EC5-ADAE-A22F2DFC7A22} ============== … Suspect Malware/Virus Hardware and Software Information Security by Markmuk …WINDOWS\system32\nvsvc32.exe D:\Program Files\Virgin Media\Security\RpsSecurityAwareR.exe D:\Program …HKLM\..\Run: [VirginMediaHUB.exe] "D:\Program Files\Virgin Media\HUB\VirginMediaHUB.exe" /AUTORUN O4 - HKLM\..\…exe O23 - Service: Virgin Media Security Firewall (RP_FWS) - Virgin Media - D:\Program Files\Virgin Media\Security\Fws.exe… A rundll32 problem Hardware and Software Information Security by Merordith …\iTunes\iTunesHelper.exe C:\Program Files\Virgin Media\HUB\VirginMediaHUBComHandler.exe C:\Program …O23 - Service: Virgin Media Security Firewall (RP_FWS) - Virgin Media - C:\Program Files\Virgin Media\Security\Fws.exe…: ServicepointService - Radialpoint Inc. - C:\Program Files\Virgin Media\HUB\ServicepointService.exe O23 - Service: Ulead Burning… Re: Help please Hardware and Software Information Security by Beetlebum …\VS7DEBUG\MDM.EXE C:\Program Files\Virgin Broadband\advisor\BroadbandadvisorComHandler.exe C:\Program …- HKLM\..\Run: [-FreedomNeedsReboot] "C:\Program Files\Virgin Broadband\PCguard\ZkRunOnceR.exe" O4 - HKLM\..\RunOnce…- Service: PCguard Firewall (RP_FWS) - Virgin Media - C:\Program Files\Virgin Broadband\PCguard\Fws.exe O23 - Service:… Help please Hardware and Software Information Security by Beetlebum …: [Broadbandadvisor.exe] "C:\Program Files\Virgin Broadband\advisor\Broadbandadvisor.exe" /AUTORUN O4 …HKLM\..\Run: [-FreedomNeedsReboot] "C:\Program Files\Virgin Broadband\PCguard\ZkRunOnceR.exe" O4 - HKLM…Service: PCguard Firewall (RP_FWS) - Virgin Media - C:\Program Files\Virgin Broadband\PCguard\Fws.exe O23 - … slow pc virus? Hardware and Software Information Security by 04ayasin …Run: [Broadbandadvisor.exe] "C:\Program Files\Virgin Broadband\advisor\Broadbandadvisor.exe" /AUTORUN O4 -… C:\WINDOWS\system32\HPZipm12.exe O23 - Service: Virgin Broadband PCguard Update Service (RPSUpdaterR) - Radialpoint Inc…Service: PCguard Firewall (RP_FWS) - Virgin Media - C:\Program Files\Virgin Broadband\PCguard\Fws.exe O23 - … Re: A rundll32 problem Hardware and Software Information Security by Merordith …access scanning enabled* (Updated) {5B5A3BD7-8573-4672-AEA8-C9BB713B6755} FW: Virgin Media Security Firewall *enabled* {80593BF4-D969-4EC5-ADAE-A22F2DFC7A22} . … 21:08 668912] R3 RadialpointIDSDriver;RadialpointIDSDriver;c:\program files\Virgin Media\Security\AVG\Identity Protection\agent\drivers\AVGIDSDriver.sys … Non working windows explorer - hijack log file please help Hardware and Software Information Security by Mezza180 …Ahead\Lib\NMIndexStoreSvr.exe C:\Program Files\Virgin Broadband\advisor\BroadbandadvisorComHandler.exe C:\Program …HKLM\..\Run: [Broadbandadvisor.exe] "C:\Program Files\Virgin Broadband\advisor\Broadbandadvisor.exe" /AUTORUN O4 - … (RP_FWS) - Radialpoint Inc. - C:\Program Files\Virgin Broadband\PCguard\fws.exe O23 - Service: Spyware Doctor … Re: Non working windows explorer - hijack log file please help Hardware and Software Information Security by Mezza180 …0\Reader\reader_sl.exe C:\Program Files\Virgin Broadband\advisor\BroadbandadvisorComHandler.exe C:\Program …HKLM\..\Run: [Broadbandadvisor.exe] "C:\Program Files\Virgin Broadband\advisor\Broadbandadvisor.exe" /AUTORUN O4 - … (RP_FWS) - Radialpoint Inc. - C:\Program Files\Virgin Broadband\PCguard\fws.exe O23 - Service: Spyware Doctor … Re: Non working windows explorer - hijack log file please help Hardware and Software Information Security by Mezza180 …IST\bin\mpbtn.exe C:\Program Files\Virgin Broadband\advisor\BroadbandadvisorComHandler.exe C:\WINNT\…HKLM\..\Run: [Broadbandadvisor.exe] "C:\Program Files\Virgin Broadband\advisor\Broadbandadvisor.exe" /AUTORUN O4 - HKLM… (RP_FWS) - Radialpoint Inc. - C:\Program Files\Virgin Broadband\PCguard\fws.exe O23 - Service: Spyware Doctor Auxiliary… Re: Non working windows explorer - hijack log file please help Hardware and Software Information Security by Mezza180 …Ahead\Lib\NMIndexStoreSvr.exe C:\Program Files\Virgin Broadband\advisor\BroadbandadvisorComHandler.exe C:\Program …HKLM\..\Run: [Broadbandadvisor.exe] "C:\Program Files\Virgin Broadband\advisor\Broadbandadvisor.exe" /AUTORUN O4 - … (RP_FWS) - Radialpoint Inc. - C:\Program Files\Virgin Broadband\PCguard\fws.exe O23 - Service: Spyware Doctor …