653 Topics

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Member Avatar for g(valve)

Visual Basic 2008 Hey i was wondering if it was possilbe to change the colour of text in a textbox through a button in a simple text editor that i am working on any help would be appreciated. cheers

Member Avatar for g(valve)
Member Avatar for ndeniche

Hello mates I've got a database with tables for Job Department and Job position. Every Positions has a respective Department assigned by the id. So, when the user selects a Department, the program deploys into the combobox the values of the Positions assigned to that department. The thing is, the …

Member Avatar for rahul8590

[URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread305436.html"]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread305436.html[/URL] accidentally i posted in the wrong forum.

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for lanitooot

help anyone! i can add records to mysql database but it won't appear in the listview. can you check out what's wrong with my code. pleeaaasssee.. help needed badly.. :( [CODE] Imports System Imports System.Windows.Forms Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient Public Class bookForm Dim myconn As New MySqlConnection Dim sqlQry As String = …

Member Avatar for crapulency
Member Avatar for anlmember437

I am having problems installing VB 6.0 (Enterprise Edition) in my laptop(Vista) it says "compatibility issues". Can I install VB 6.0 in vista?

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Jollyyy100

Hi, can anyone help me with the code for a print button in vb.net. I tried researching on the code but could not find it, can anyone help me out. PLease and Thanks...

Member Avatar for afireinside

Hi, Im new to VB, but and pretty famliar with python. I have some code I need to change from python to VB, to run in an access database. Problem I am running into is I can't slice up my string as I need to. [code=vba] someString = '12ABC1234512345' numberString …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for lanitooot

help guys. im having this error.. i don't know hat to do.. please help..thankss #Region "FillListView" Sub FillListview() lvList.Items.Clear() sqlQry = "SELECT * from book ORDER BY book_id ASC" Dim mycmd As New MySqlCommand(sqlQry, myConn) Dim dReader As MySqlDataReader = mycmd.ExecuteReader() <---- this is the error im getting it says …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for silvertooth07

we were asked to input a number and display the sum of the odd and even integers. eg. number: 10 sum of odd: 25 sum of even: 30 [code]intnum = CInt(txtnum.Text) Dim counter% = 1 Do Until counter = intnum intcompare = counter Mod 2 If intcompare = 0 Then …

Member Avatar for Jollyyy100

Hi, i'm developing a project on employees. I have added a list box and now i need help to display the data about my employees in the list box. How am i supposed to do that, do we have to put in codes or need to use that small arrow …

Member Avatar for Naushad Malik
Member Avatar for CarlMartin10

I have a program in which a user enters a sentence in English into a text box, then the sentence is translated into French and German based on words in an array of structures that gets its values from a text file. I have almost all of the program written, …

Member Avatar for jleonardo
Member Avatar for jonniebl

I am writing a program that sends an email with attachments. I need to send it as HTML but I can not find any reference as to how to do this. My code follows: [ Private Sub sendMail(ByRef Message) Dim Attach As Attachment Attach = New Attachment("c:\Project\Articles1\Article.txt") 'create the mail …

Member Avatar for jonniebl
Member Avatar for Jollyyy100

Am working on a project using vb.net and i have connected a database to it. I have an employee table within that and now i want to create a search box in vb.net where by if i type the employee-number of the employee i can get access to his or …

Member Avatar for Jollyyy100
Member Avatar for emsd123

Hello, everyone. I have generated a treeview loading from database, learned from a book. But I have no idea how can I save the view state of my treeview, I have tried the following code to do, through it, I can only keep expanding the first layer of treeview, but …

Member Avatar for jwelch

I'm fairly new to VB Scripting, i have written a vb script that will check to see if out look is open and it is not it will open it. i want to a some code in that script that will allow it to run every 5 minutes un till …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Jollyyy100

Hi, am working on my assignment, i wanted to know whether there could be a way in which if i click on sign in on my vb.net button, i could get a pop up or a dialog style message asking me for the username and password. Is there any way …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for Jollyyy100

Hi, i want to know if its possible to bring upon many pictures in a single picturebox and navigating it. So far i have done the coding but when i run the program i cant see the picture being displayed following are my codes, and please help if theres any …

Member Avatar for navingupta52

Hello everyone, I m Navin Gupta and i m doing a project where webcam is used to display all the customers details in any field....I want if a customer comes on the Desk then the webcam of PC will scan the persons face and will display his or her Details...my …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for Jollyyy100

Hi, would u please help me with the buttons i use on my vb.net forms. I want a way in which if i drag my mouse onto a particular button it would increase its size and if i click onto it, it can respond to the codes. May be like …

Member Avatar for Jollyyy100
Member Avatar for TeBone

at a current project I was ask to provide a native access using Visual Basic and the Btrieve API. Since there isnt any actual sample at the website availabel ([url]www.pervasive.com[/url]) I thought posting it might help some of you. You can find sample code but almost all of them using …

Member Avatar for patrickm129

Hello, I am making a *.vbs file and I need help putting two codes in. The first code is to make a .txt file named "Hello World", with the text in the .txt file "Time ... (your time)-Test123" Code: [CODE]myfilename = "\Hello World.txt" MakeHelloWorldFile myfilename Sub MakeHelloWorldFile (FileName) 'Create a …

Member Avatar for patrickm129
Member Avatar for emsd123

Hello everyone, I am currently doing a treeview control in asp.net. I want to [B]load the database from MS Access into my treeivew[/B], but I don't know what should I type in my .apsx.vb file. [B]Please help me with the codes [/B]to make my treeview connect to the MS Access! …

Member Avatar for kheyzee

how can i move images? and then if the image i move is not equal to the other image it returns back to its place?thanks.!

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for timwilliams77

Hi Can anyone tell me where I can get good free downloads for some of the below? 1) Code Analyser (memory Leaks, Dead Code, Loops) 2) Generate Flow Charts from Source Code 3) Version Control Software Many thanks Tim

Member Avatar for altXerror

hey guys! i decided to make my own programing language. it is called tempestX. the beta is not ready yet but when it is, i will provide a link for any one who wants to try it. here is a brief explanation: i was used to programing in windows batch, …

Member Avatar for avarionist
Member Avatar for RMelnikas

Im trying to make a little program that gets the computers IP address i have got it to do all of that and have got it to use the default email program to add the email address, subject and body but i cannot get it to add an attachment. [CODE]Imports …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for heavens_cloud

I've been working on getting a SQL DB to return records through an ADODB.Connection object and have had zero luck getting it to work in VB6. Whereas I created an ASP form using VBS to produce the exact same functionality with no issues. In VB6, I've included the following references: …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for convectus28

Hi I have an ActiveX component (docview.dll) with executable path in project file pointing to a dir but registered for a different directory. When deployed on the web server a C++ COM component won't load anymore even it does NOT reference the dll. I modified VB project so the path …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for dionisov

I'm developing chat program. I have database on my webhosting where I store rooms and memebrship tables... I created the client, but I still cant do the server side of the program. It must be in win forms app.(I use .Net 3.5)Every tutorial\Sample of server side is for Console app. …

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Member Avatar for katmai539

Hello, yesterday, a friend of mine who develops in all kinds of languages but mostly VisualBasic.NET, told me he only listens to the regular kind of pop and rock, and sometimes to heavy metal kind of things. But -he told me- when he had something to do in C-style code …

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The End.