117 Topics

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Okay, let the finger-pointing begin. Should Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer take the heat for the proposed Microsoft-Yahoo merger falling apart? After all, didn't he say that Microsoft wouldn't raise its $45.7 billion bid for Yahoo, then weeks later, say he'd raise the bid, from $31 per share to $33 per …

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I’ve never liked Steve Ballmer very much as president of Microsoft. I don’t know the man personally, of course, and I could never quite put my finger on my reasons for disliking him. Until today, that is, when I read an [URL= http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5hlWMAaojPTn9VWib6NSyXZ5A3ntQD90F02SO0]Associated Press story[/URL] that included allegations that the …

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Despite insisting that its proposed acquisition of Yahoo! "made sense for Microsoft, Yahoo! and the market as a whole" Steve Ballmer, Microsoft CEO, has admitted defeat and withdrawn its proposal to purchase the Yahoo! business. "Yahoo! has not moved toward accepting our offer. After careful consideration, we believe the economics …

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I don’t know about you, but I’m glad the Microsoft bid to acquire Yahoo was a bust—and I hope it stays that way. I shudder to think of the consequences of a company like Microsoft acquiring Google-like power. Microsoft already has too much power and control over my life. I …

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Yahoo Inc., the apple of Microsoft’s eye in recent weeks, has unveiled improvements to the [URL=http://developer.yahoo.com/] Yahoo Development Network[/URL], Web-service capabilities and advertiser opportunities. The moves could be seen as an attempt to show Yahoo’s value is greater than the US$40 billion acquisition bid of the Redmond giant. Most recent …

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The roller coaster ride for tech stocks grew even wilder today, but in a good, adrenaline-rush kind of way. The news is mostly all good, with Banc of America Securities issuing a report that boosted semiconductor companies, stating that "a modest inventory build-up has eased". That's all investors needed to …

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According to the [URL="http://online.wsj.com/article_email/SB120776803032602423-lMyQjAxMDI4MDA3OTcwNjk4Wj.html"]Wall Street Journal today[/URL] Yahoo could be talking Google about the outsourcing of search advertising sales. This comes as, so the report suggests, as part of two pronged strategy to fight off the Microsoft acquisition threat. The other prong being a deal with AOL to combine Internet …

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Surprising news from the Yahoo camp late this afternoon, with Yahoo announcing that it will begin a limited test of Google Inc.'s AdSense for Search service, which will deliver relevant Google ads alongside Yahoo’s own search results. According to a statement from Yahoo, the test will apply only to traffic …

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Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Today's trading was flat, with most of the tech news coming from the Yahoo & Microsoft camps. Microsoft seems to be getting all Tony Soprano-like on the Yahoo board, issuing a pointed letter that emphasized an April 26 deadline for accepting its $44.6 billion takeover bid for the mega-web portal. …

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Information Week is out with a new story ranking the top Internet search firms (by number of searches) for the month of February, 2008. The results may indicate why Microsoft wants a piece of Yahoo so badly, even though Bill Gates & Co. seem unwilling to up their share-per-price bid …

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Kind of a quiet week in the technology corner of the stock market. That's not so bad, as people can exhale and figure out if the latest Federal Reserve move to cut the Fed Funds rate by .75 points signals the bottom (finally) of the bearish stock market. if so, …

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Nobody has ever accused Microsoft of not knowing how to play hardball. From its history of monopolistic practices, of elbowing competitors out of the marketplace (hello, Netscape!), or lifting ideas it likes from adversaries like Apple without shame, Microsoft is more than ready to throw the first punch. With that …

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An update on the Microsoft & Yahoo merger comes today in the form of an email from a member of the Yahoo board of directors to shareholders. The email, which was published on Todd Bishop's Microsoft Blog earlier this morning, gives a good inside account of why Yahoo shareholders may …

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Microsoft’s CEO has a message to Google: watch out. In a wide-ranging phone meeting with analysts and business journalists this morning, Steve Balmer, Bill Gates’ right-hand man and the chief executive officer at Microsoft says that the company’s recently-announced deal with Yahoo would foster stronger competition with industry leader Google. …

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Lots to talk about today. You've probably already have read about Microsoft's $45 billion buyout of Yahoo. Obviously, Microsoft is giving up on its MSN web portal and throwing it's weight and capital behind Yahoo. For Yahoo, which has seen its stock slide precipitously in the last year, the deep …

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One of the biggest takeovers that the corporate world has ever seen could be on the cards now that Microsoft has confirmed an acquisition bid for Yahoo! According to various reports online it had already made what moves towards what it says were negotiations for a 'friendly takeover' late last …

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Yahoo! has complained to the [URL="http://ec.europa.eu/comm/competition/mergers/cases/index/m94.html#m_4731"]European Commission[/URL] that Google's $3.1 billion acquisition of Doubleclick, the online advertising business, could reduce competition and ultimately push up pricing for European customers. The fear, naturally enough considering that Google has always been in the advertising business just as much as it has the …

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Romanian security developer [URL="http://www.bitdefender.com"]BitDefender[/URL] has issued a warning about a fast spreading Trojan dubbed Spammer.HotLan.A which is using Hotmail and Yahoo accounts to send spam. According to BitDefencer some 15,000 accounts have already been compromised and the situation is likely to get much worse over the next few days. Viorel …

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Ever since I interviewed Bradley Horowitz, Head of Technology at Yahoo!, 18 months or so ago I have been keeping a keen eye on pretty much everything the company does in the search realm. Not least because Bradley is a man with a real vision for the future of social …

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Starting May 2007, Yahoo is going to offer unlimited inbox storage. That's right, to celebrate their 10th anniversary, [URL="http://yodel.yahoo.com/2007/03/27/yahoo-mail-goes-to-infinity-and-beyond"]there will be absolutely no limit on the number of messages you can hold in your mailbox[/URL]. This is obviously to compete with Google's Gmail and other similar providers, which are offering …

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Here at DaniWeb I have always been rather proud of the fact that not only is member feedback encouraged, but the powers that be read what is being said, participate in the debate and sometimes their minds, and system policy, are changed by it. For any real community this feedback …

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Webmasters are becoming increasingly aware of the power of the sitemap as an SEO tool, enabling search spiders to crawl more pages in less time with the end result of getting more or your links indexed faster. Because sitemaps require only those pages that have changes to be visited, valuable …

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For the longest time, the Children’s Online Protection Act, signed off by President Clinton way back in 1998, has been a contentious issue in the US. It was originally kicked out of town, well Philadelphia anyway, after a federal district court banned the enforcement of the law, and a federal …

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File Sharing site Kazza is now to become a legal downloading service after a lot of legal battles. The company will also be paying $100mill to the record industry. Over the past year 20 million music songs have been downloaded illegally and many company's are losing a lot of money …

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This week [URL="http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/spry/"]Adobe [/URL]released the Spry toolkit that finally allows web designers to join the, until now, programmer led world of Ajax development. At the same time, [URL="http://www.backbase.com/"]Backbase [/URL]introduced an Ajax development tool for Java applications. But what use is an Ajax powered website when search engines such as Google …

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Files, emails, and folders. Even the best of us sometimes misfile or loose things. Then, we need to locate that document in a hurry. Where did it go? Does this sound familiar? Microsoft launched this week a new tool called Windows Desktop Search ([url]http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/web/desktop_search.mspx[/url]) and it works to help you …

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Today, Yahoo! introduced their new Publisher Network, a "new self-serve platform that will provide small- and medium-sized web publishers with easy access to yahoo! advertising and content." In other words, it's a direct alternative to Google AdSense. The program, which the webmaster community initially caught wind of nearly a year …

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The End.