While i do a lot of google searching for answers to tech questions, http://www.experts-exchange.com/ comes up more often than not with the question i am looking for. But, there is a big ass red button that says view solution here, and asks you to join, and has different payment plans. I can't stand for that. But what i did notice is that if you cleared out your cookies, and went to their site for a question, if you scrolled all the way down past all of the adds, the peoples responses were visible. However, they are only available once, and if you leave the site and go back, the answers will be hidden.
Solution to this: either click the view cached button on the google search, or disable all cookies from the terrible website in your web browser. (In internet explorer, go to tools, internet options, privacy tab, sites, and enter the site into the box and hit block.
Now you have endless answers from a terrible website.