
I am a newbie of SEO, I have learnt some keywords technique to put in my website, however, it doesn't help much in ranking. Can i ask what else should i do for increase the ranking?


Hi,... however, it doesn't help much in ranking. Can i ask what else should i do for increase the ranking?


Well. You. Should. Maybe. Start. By. Oh Ok I Know.

Two Steps to Mastering SEO

1. Learning about the on-site and the off-site ranking factors that the search engines use to determine the best web pages for a search. Study and lightly apply the popular methods of optimization for both sets of ranking factors.

note: on-site optimization requires a sound knowledge of the optimizable web page/web site components.

note again: off-site optimization is generally considered link strategizing or link building but essentially it involves deploying any number of linking schemes that by the very nature of link popularity manipulation renders their effectiveness sporadic, if at all.

2. Mastering the English language in order to use its intelligence to influence the search engine's perception of your uniquely important web content. The attainment of language mastery will catapult your SEO capabilities, especially when it comes time to work the on-site ranking factors.

I would think that'd be enough to get a fella' started in the right direction.

Happy SERPs (search engine results pages)!

sounds good to me.

Iam absolutly aggre with canadafred opinion...
You can get information about seo by reading about seo techniques ...

Thanks, hope it help

Optimization and high quality backlinks. Simply.

I think you have just mentioned the on-page issues for SEO. Of course, keywords on pages are really important for SEO but it is not enough! For a detailed reference, I would recommend you to read "search engine ranking factors" from seomoz. :)

Have a nice day,

thank you..


In my opinion you are talking about the to increase the keyword rank for your website. So first of all you have to use ON Page optimization and then off page optimization. Keywords you have to target for individual web apge.

You have to make sure that your are fine with your onsite seo, that means, with your keywords, meta tag info, meta desc and etc. As well as you have to have fresh and unique content too.

Apart from these, you have to concentrate more on OFFSITE SEO, that means on getting quality backlinks. There are many ways to get backlinks, in this forum itself you can find more ways. :)

Get more inbound links.

What is inbound link? the link from another website to my website? or the other way around?

What is inbound link? the link from another website to my website? ...

Right.. an "inbound link" is a link pointing to your website.

sounds excellent to me. Important Factors for ranking in 6 days :
* Relevant content
* Search engine submission
* Use short tail keyword
* you should be catche for all page
* you put robust.txt file.
Then you easily get Ranking.


Fred has good opinion about increase your ranking with little supplement promote your site with article marketing and blog commenting.you also can build your link with link profile building plus being active in legal file sharing website like scribd, or docstoc

if you keep around the thread, you will find the answer.

To increase ranking please build authority links from website in your niche. this will definitely increase your rank


I am a newbie of SEO, I have learnt some keywords technique to put in my website, however, it doesn't help much in ranking. Can i ask what else should i do for increase the ranking?


Do On-Page Optimization (done within your site) first then next is Off-Page Optimization (done outside your site).

Easiest way is to pay a company to accomplish the search engine optimization (SEO) on it for you.

I agree with Canadafred
He explain very well how to start SEO.

try to get some quality backlinks to your webstie

with SEO method ...
on page optimization : choice, improve, and modification keyword in URL, Title, Content, Keyword Tags..
off page optimization : social bookmarking, social networking, forum submission. article submission, press release submission, ect..

thanks and hoping can helps


I am a newbie of SEO, I have learnt some keywords technique to put in my website, however, it doesn't help much in ranking. Can i ask what else should i do for increase the ranking?


you can do link posting, bookmarking, blog submissions, forum submissions, link exchange to increase your site's ranking.

To improve ranking, you have to get more backlinks to your website. To get backlinks, you can do more blog comments, forums postings, social bookmarks and etc.

thank you guys! the number of visit has increased, but the PR still in 0.... is that backlink so important?

To increase ranks you have to get more backlinks at the same time, you have to make sure that you have unique and fresh content on your site too. To get backlinks there are so many methods are being used by SEO guys, Such as article submission, social bookmarks submission, forums posting, blog commenting, profile links and etc. You can follow those ways and get more backlinks & traffic to your site.

Thank again guys.... i will make this question closed for now.

New inbound in content links will do wonders.

First you select important keywords than wrtie a article per day and submit in article directory. it will be continue three months than see your page rank. it is good ways try you by Expert SEO Services

Link building helps your site get higher rankings. It is the process of creating inbound links by means to ones own website. To create links, engaging on the techniques like social bookmarking, link exchange, forum posting, article submission, link wheel, squidoo and blog commenting helps. Just make sure to create links from relevant and DoFollow sites because Google gives more value on them.

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