Hello dear ,
I have a gift related site and want to rank all keywords in USA Google ip. so somebody have some more tips in off page or on page so please give me. I am already doing "link building , directory, blog commenting , classified, forum, social book, press release etc...I am waiting for positive reply.


This is good questions. i also know about that.

Hi, richard

I think no site could rank for all keywords in real world. :)
You should choose some low competitive niche relative money keywords as a beginning and perform your SEO jobs according to guides for on-page and off-page issues.

I would like to recommend social networking sites and blogging for this traffic and backlink purposes respectively. :)

Have a nice day,

Use long tail keyword phrases and exercise patience. Everybody who puts up a website wants to rank fast, but you can only do your part and let the search engines do the rest.


I would suggest to go with document sharing sites like docstoc, scribd, slidheshare, etc...

These are great websites for content sharing and pages from those sites are loved by Google.

Build quality backlinks with the keywords through web submissions,forums,blogs and the likes.

Actually many SEO is good in linkbuilding but poor in on-page try to have a good content.

On-Page Optimization - it deals with the proper use of title tags, meta tags, alt attributes (use when describing images), keywords, description, sitemap, robots.txt and h1/h2 tags (heading).

Off-Page Optimization - it deals with building links. Hub page, link wheel, squidoo lens, article submission and classified ads are just some of the techniques that falls under Off-Page.

try to create quality backlinks to your website

all with time, do lots of backlinks and try to aviod sites with low PR

As you said you are doing right for backlinks, you must analize you onpage optimization and competition.

When it comes to link building, create links from relevant and DoFollow sites. Google gives more value on the quality compared to those irrelevant sites that you are getting.

From all that you've been done for your sites to rank fast but it's still not. I guess somehow it answers your question - there is no easy way to rank your site fast. Oh, yeah you could do black hat but this is suicidal to your business.

I suggest that you continue your link building campaign - don't stop! As your competitors might doing 2x continuous link building campaign as yours.

and the most horrible thing is that u musr wait ages for index your sites now if it a new one

Article marketing and bookmarking, but is important to analyze your competition.

I accept stef69 comments. Article marketing and bookmarking is good. Better to concentrate low competitive keywords in the beginning.



As far as you have done more link building techniques and working on it, Your site should get more backlinks. Now, It is better to do lots of article marketing & publishing content on web properties 2.0 sites. Make sure all the articles are unique and do not use the same article more than one time to make sure that you are getting backlinks from your niche releated content. I am sure that will help you to get more increment in your serp on Google, as well as try to get more backlinks from profile creation under high PR domains..... :)

On-page SEO
See what your competitors are doing to get on top. Each and every detail counts.

Off-page SEO
See how many links your competitors have for that particular keyword. You need to achieve at least that no. of backlinks for your page.

you have to get more unique pr US and com domain backlinks. and creat blog, forum link. and use low competitor links.


Choosing the right keywords and keyword phrases is the first and the most important step on a way to a successful website and use them in title tag and meta description. Keyword relevant title tag is important to improve search engine ranking.I would suggest you the best way to push your keyword can be done by submitting social bookmarking and include a signature link with targeted keywords in various forum sites.

the best way to do is make good content and quality Link placement with relevancy.

Create backlinks using the desired keyword as the anchor text.

Increase the density of keyword in the content.

SERP position for a keyword wont come over a night, you need to work hard and to create more relevant back links to your keywords. Also analyze your competitor to find new methods.

You then want to use long tail keywords that are relevant to Your search like " advanced seo with Jonathan Sweeting". Then You want to create other content online , with articles and videos and link back to Your main keyword site. I hope this has given You a basic understanding of competitive keywords and how to get high search rank for them.

Build a quality links for your website, in this link place your main keywords as a anchor text.

Use your keywords in the meta-tags, web page title,sub-headers and web content.Make your web content unique.A keyword density of 1-3% and word count of more than 400 words is ideal for on-page optimization.Create a sitemap page to make search engines spiders love your web pages.This helps in indexing the internal pages fast.

If you are new in SEO I suggest you to do few things. Read the Google Webmaster guidelines, read blogs and article in seobook.com, seomooz.com and join digitalpoint.com forum you will find more useful tips than you expected.

its the long process, not an easy way to rank your keywords high in short period, if this happen than every site will be on the top. you have to work hard on seo via white hat techniques than you can be on the top, but sorry there is no short way to rank high.

Get more quality and high page rank back links on your keyword.

you should plan the on page first before you do the linkbuilding.

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