best way to promote a product if you have a small budget is honestly to say is myspace. i has over 300 million registered users. you just have to contact the right people :). It is pretty tricky thing to get into but if you have right software and course it is pretty easy ounce you get started. i started myspace until i invested in Jv deals promoting affiliate products

best ways to get into the myspace world of marketing would be with the course of myspacecashmaker dot com ofcourse since as you can see he has been getting alot good reviews on the net about how his is only proven system to work. and to use the program buddpromoter dot com to boost it up a tab. since most programs now do not manage more then one account at ounce when buddy can manage 500 accounts at same time.

I will do a follow up when i find out more info on promoting but i hope this helps you newbies out there.

Take care

Myspace can be a good form of advertising but I wouldn't even consider calling it the best way to advertise. Traffic from myspace advertising tends to be poor as they don't hang around for long and isn't very targeted.

Myspace was good, but now in these days a lot of spammers are busywith account creators and stuff like that, so off the 300 million registered users, i think that almost a 3rd are fake accounts.

yeah, fake accounts and spammers are now dominating the space of tom...tsk tsk...almost 75% of my messages, bulletins and comments came from spams...

Myspace was good, but now in these days a lot of spammers are busywith account creators and stuff like that, so off the 300 million registered users, i think that almost a 3rd are fake accounts.

yeah, fake accounts and spammers are now dominating the space of tom...tsk tsk...almost 75% of my messages, bulletins and comments came from spams...

Yes, it's really turning into a disaster. I always get fake friend requests and messages. I hope Tom does something about it.

I'm confused. Anyone can just create a MySpace account and send mass messages?

Only if you are on their friends list. That's why friend list bots were so popular.

I hate myspace,bebo facebook etc...

I'm confused. Anyone can just create a MySpace account and send mass messages?

Only if you are on their friends list. That's why friend list bots were so popular.

Yeah, but you don't have to be on a person's friends list to send them messages. I get spam from all kinds of people that I've never added before.

Sounds like a good place to never visit :-O

Myspace can definitely bring in lots of traffic but it will most likely end up being undesired traffic for most companies but can work well for those offering services targeted towards the myspace audience, that's my personal opinion ;)

I don't use MySpace but this genuinely fascinates me. Are there bots that can send out these messages just like mass emails? Or does MySpace have bot protection in place (that works) and it's all just contacting person after person manually?

I'm beginning to think that some of them are bots.
There's not really a way to tell; they have normal display pictures, normal profiles, normal names, but weird messages and a lot of spam.

There a a zillion bots out for myspace. No doubt most of the spam is from them.

There some product endorsers that creates fake accounts then use it to promote their products by spamming you gazzillions of bulletins and comments. I have a friend that uses a bot that is in charge of adding friends to spread the name of their band. tsk tsk.

So Tom posted a blog about how he is fixing the spam problem.

We've also been working really hard to cleanup the spam problem. In december, Myspace passed Yahoo to become the #1 website in terms of page views. Myspace has become so huge it has attracted the attention of professional spammers. We have been working on blocking them for months and things have greatly improved since our latest code release on Wednesday. On the legal front, we won another case against a spammer. By a combination of legal action and anti spam filters, we hope to put an end to this all and put things back to normal!
You can fight the spam problem by educating yourself about phishing and not falling for their tricks. If you see a friend who is sending spam bulletins or comments, be sure to explain to them how they got phished and how to avoid it. We all work together to keep myspace spam free!

Kind of oftopic but OMG christina. 6000 posts? in under a year? :0

Kind of oftopic but OMG christina. 6000 posts? in under a year? :0

Yeah I know, I should probably stop being so addicted.

I am jealous of your superior post count ;)

Christina is a spammer :P

People are selling (yes selling) myspace accounts with thousands of friends for people that want to explore myspace marketing.

There is a program out there, I won't mention it, That automatically scans the my space search page (the page where you can search for friends based on age, sex, relationship type, and what not. ) while logged in to your account. If you buy the full program you can request up to 2000 friends a day, the program recommends to limit the friend request to 400 a day, for a while it was even bypassing the captcha codes. It also has the feature to mass message people who were not even in your accounts friends list. The program is a spammers dream. Every message that you get that is very vague, is probably from this program or one like it. I love it when they think I'm cute, I already know this, the only problem is that I don't even have a profile picture of myself.

Face book is good as it not as childish as myspace.

the problem with myspca is that not all products can be promoted.
there is a spcecific products that you can promote them and you will get a huge traffic.
It is the same problem with others social networing web sites. The best way to use myspace or others social web sites is to study this community and to identify the real needs of these people and try to offer their solutions relatyed to their needs.
Music, women clothers or page design can be the most important niche market to use myspace and to make money.

Christina is a spammer :P

Never! :)

There is a program out there...... If you buy the full program you can request up to 2000 friends a day, the program recommends to limit the friend request to 400 a day, ....

Myspace allows sending only 300 friend requsts per day. So how can you send 2000?

Marketing on myspace is very much time consuming. You have to first create a nice profile then you need to make a lot of targeted friends.

Craigslist is better for a newbie. Just you can start posting few ads daily on most popular craigslist cities. But the site doesn't allow all kinds of ads.

In general, for the items allowed by craigslist (services & tangible items) craigslist is better than myspace. But for intangible items like ebooks, websites, software (which are prohibited on craigslist) myspace is better than craigslist.

Myspace allows sending only 300 friend requsts per day. So how can you send 2000?

How do you know this?

Search google with "myspace friend request daily limit" (without quotation).
There is limits of sending friend requests or making comments on myspace although the limits are not publicly announced.
Sending 2000 friend requests per day is impossible. 300 per day is safe.

Search google with "myspace friend request daily limit" (without quotation).
There is limits of sending friend requests or making comments on myspace although the limits are not publicly announced.
Sending 2000 friend requests per day is impossible. 300 per day is safe.

I only read what was on the program I got rid of I didn't really go all in depth about it.

It said 500.

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