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Member Avatar for Xianders

I want to order a website for my online shop, but I have a question: who is better to hire, a freelancer or a company? I can't make the site I want alone because I don't have much experience in creating sites. I think hiring companies is expensive. I don't …

Member Avatar for ZoyaHall
Member Avatar for Dani

How can I use jQuery's [.stop()](https://api.jquery.com/stop/) to stop *all* animations and not just for one specific selector. In my use case, I don't know the element being animated. Does this function bubble? Can I do something like `$(document).stop(true, false);` ??

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Zinavo
Member Avatar for Barbra_1

Hi there i need help on how I am supposed to do this ER Diagram based on this question. I need to have entities, attributes, relationships and primary/foreign keys. here is the question You are given the following business scenario. SmartService is a newly setup car repair and servicing workshop …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Radroad

I made a 3x3 connect 4 board game now I want to expand it so Its an actual connect 4 game and not tic tac toe. I want to make the board 5x7 please help from random import randint def initialiseBoard(): print('Following is the board and the respective positions.\nEnter the …

Programming python
Member Avatar for Violet_82

Hi guys, I was trying to test a method which takes a user input, does something and then returns that input but I'm having some issues with it. I've attempted a few solutions, mostly described in SE, I will leaave them out of this post and discuss instead the one …

Member Avatar for Violet_82
Member Avatar for Demetrius

[COLOR=Indigo]Hey I'm pretty new to C++. I'm taking a class on it now but I don't know how to make sounds in C++... I've done QBasic so I have a little programming background. I'm right now thinking of what to do for a program, and it largely depends on if …

Member Avatar for k191376
Member Avatar for Lev_3

Hello people! :) I'm quite new in the programming world. I'm really interested in programming from the time I found that there's coming a game called Hytale, and **I would love to be able to make mods for it**. So basically I have a book that should introduce me to …

Programming c++ java javascript python
Member Avatar for hussainmujtaba
Member Avatar for phirux

Hi everybody. I'm trying to print all sub-category items using my own defined PHP function. The purpose of this function is to print all items, which parent value is $parent. There is some thing wrong with this function why it doesn't show information as I wish. To make you understand …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Can anyone help me explain what is Machine Learning? I have been googling for the subject and still do not understand what it is. Please help. 1) How could a Machine learn about information? By finding an equation of a pattern? or by having the user inputing a new information …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for rebootnewbie

Hi, everyone: I am having trouble with a javascript and would greatly appreciate any help. The script is supposed to select a random video on page load, then continue to play a video that follows it when it ends. When all the videos have been played, it is supposed to …

Member Avatar for larry29936

I'm creating a report page and can't figure out how to convert the array (row) to just get the ip_address. I'm a newbie to php and can't figure out how to accomplish this. Here's the code that I have so far: <?php $filename = NULL; session_start(); // start of script …

Member Avatar for larry29936
Member Avatar for Alyana Diao

my system is savings account system, in which i tried to redirect to another php page with the same user id that i want to manage his/her account yet , when i deposit all of the users have the same fk, here is my code, hope you help me with …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Andrew_63

I'm doing a small antivirus software in VB.NET, which uses MD5 hashes to scan through the files from a computer. However, I noticed if I add more hashes into the text file which is used for the scan process, the form becomes unresponsive and crashes afterwards. I've tried doing this …

Member Avatar for Andrew_63
Member Avatar for Nishant_8

it come to my email id but i am getting this error...Syntax error '$names' 9T_VARIABLE) plz help me here is my code <? php $names = $_POST['name']; $visitor_email = $_POST['email']; $visitor_phone_no = $_POST['phone']; $message = $_POST['Message']; $email_from = "rkenterprises9083@gmail.com"; $email_subject ="New Form Submission"; $email_body ="User Name: $names.\n". "User Email: $visitor_email.\n". …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for macfan

What about mobile crossapps? Im willing to code one if Dani is busy. What you all think

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Passy

<?php $sql =" SELECT * FROM `comments` "; $result = mysqli_query($db, $sql); while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)){ $comment_id = $row['comment_id']; $comment_company_id = $row['comment_company_id']; $comment_name = $row['comment_name']; $comment_content = $row['comment_content']; $comment_email = $row['comment_email']; $comment_status = $row['comment_status']; $comment_date = $row['comment_date']; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td>$comment_id </td>"; echo "<td>$comment_name </td>"; echo "<td>$comment_content</td>"; echo "<td>$comment_email</td>"; echo "<td>$comment_status …

Programming php
Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for iraberyl

Hi, its me again. I've seen the other code for looping textbox but it goesn't seem to apply in our script. What we need is a specific text box that loops when the user inputs a certain number of textboxes that he want to put. Example: there's a text box …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Tonny_3

I want to create a triangle with Windows Form in Visual Studio (c# code). In Form1 I have 3 textboxes that the user enters the lengths of the sides of the triangle and 1 "Enter" button. When the button is pressed, Form2 is opened and a triangle is drawn when …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for ppel123

Hello everyone, I have a problem with my app when closing the gui-UI, that is developed in PyQt5. In my app I have 3 discrete threads and one of it using slot-signals for communicating with the gui. The problem I have is that when I close the gui, and the …

Member Avatar for TIffany_2

#include<iostream> #include<conio.h> //using namespace std; int main() { char name[30], pizza1[]="Chicken Fazita" ,pizza2[]="Chicken Bar BQ" ,pizza3[]="Peri Peri" ,pizza4[]="Creamy Max", roll1[]="Chicken Chatni Roll", roll2[]="Chicken Mayo Roll", roll3[]="Veg Roll With Fries",bur1[]="Zinger Burger",bur2[]="Chicken Burger",bur3[]="Beef Burger"; char sand1[]="Club Sandwich", sand2[]="Chicken Crispy Sandwich", sand3[]="Extream Veg Sandwich"; char bir1[]="Chicken Biryani", bir2[]="Prawn Biryani", bir3[]="Beef Biryani",gotostart ; int …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for Andrew_62

When i run my code i get this error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: How do I fix this? this is my code so far: import java.awt.Font; import javax.swing.*; public class Program7 public static void showOutput(String output) { JTextArea jta = new JTextArea(output); jta.setFont(new Font("Consolas", Font.PLAIN, 60)); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, jta); } …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for JamesCherrill

Hi Guys. I'm getting bored, and so I'm looking at Python for a new challenge. I hoped to be able to use my Java NetBeans IDE to avoid an IDE learning curve, but it seems that NetBeans support for Python died years ago. So, all you Python gurus... what do …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Pirakavi

How can I add href link inside the eventRender and redirect another page with id? function calender(data) { if (0 !== $("#m_calendar").length) { spinner.hide(); var e = moment().startOf("day"); e.format("YYYY-MM"), e.clone().subtract(1, "day").format("YYYY-MM-DD"), e.format("YYYY-MM-DD"), e.clone().add(1, "day").format("YYYY-MM-DD"), $("#m_calendar").fullCalendar({ header: { left: "prev,next today", center: "title", right: "month,agendaWeek,agendaDay,listWeek" } , editable: !0, eventLimit: !0, …

Member Avatar for Jiwe

Hi everyone! I created a Sudoku game and want to share it with all of you so you can tell me what'y think about it :). I've got 1 year of C++ experience. Game is based on coordinates to put the numbers. --------------------------- List of Commands: --------------------------- When asked to …

Member Avatar for Dwi_3
Member Avatar for Patiodude

I've just started working with PHP and MySQL, and I'm trying to create a table in MySQL. If I've got this right, I'm trying to do so by going to my host's SQL MyAdmin page and typing in mysql_query("CREATE TABLE example( id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY(id), name VARCHAR(30), …

Member Avatar for surveypacific
Member Avatar for may5457

I keep getting CircleInformation.java:13: error: cannot find symbol float circumference = 2 * (PI * radiusF) ^![Screen_Shot_2020-04-20_at_2_19_38_PM.png](/attachments/large/4/dc19daf5031100026891115972a1d2a2.png)

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Tim_22

I have an issue within my program where it sas the struct I have created is not initialized. Any suggestions? The lab I am working on is Write a program to help a local restaurant automate its breakfast billing system. The program should do the following: Show the customer the …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for littlepr

Guys, What is wrong with my compution here when "hrs" entered is 45? The end result expected si 498.75 but it keeps failing to compute second portion correctly (please see below and attached screenshot). hrs = input("Enter Hours:") h = float(hrs) OvrTimehrs = float(hrs) - float(40) HourlyRate = input("Enter Hourly …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for ThaboTS

A teacher wants the program to: show a visual representation of a multiplication ask the child to key in an answer E.G 3 x 4 **** **** **** What is the answer? This is as far as I can go Please help. I can't go horizontal. I only go vertical …

Programming vb.net
Member Avatar for ThaboTS

The End.