akashsinha23 0 Newbie Poster

Hello everyone.. i am quite new to TASM.. i desperately need help with a few programs.. will rilly be grateful if u can provide me the code for them...

Using 32-bit processor and assembler develop programs:

1) WAP to read a 32-bit interger, store that number in EAX register and display it digit by digit.

2) Repeat 1) for 64 bit number using 2 32-bit registers.

3) WAP to find factorial of a number where result does not exceed 64 bit. Use procedure to calculate factorial and pass parameters.

4) Write modular program to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of 2 32-bit numbers.

5) Sort n 32-bit numbers using modular programs.

i really need the coding desperately..if anyone can help

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