304 Topics

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Member Avatar for mazeroth

I thought I would share with you all a tutorial I just posted on creating a Facebook app using the Facebook Graph API and their PHP SDK. It's a very easy to follow tutorial and by the end you'll have your own app reading and writing posts to your wall …

Member Avatar for SiobhanyScot

Looking to do a similar map. Can anyone give me the basics/tips? [url]http://omalley-supporter-map.heroku.com/[/url]

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for jeffcogswell

The other day Google announced a new API console to simplify working with their various APIs. These APIs are basically REST-based calls into the Google servers where you connect through a URL, passing different parameters in the URL itself, and get back a response. The response comes back as either …

Member Avatar for 360anish
Member Avatar for ChaosKnight11

So I started with C++ recently, and it's still very new and difficult for me but I think I'm starting to get the hang of it. Now I want to start making my first real-world app. I downloaded an SDK for a mobile application API and I want to make …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for eovogt

Hey Guys! Wondering if maybe someone can help me out! I'm trying to do something with API and i dont know why my code isnt working basically i want the function to grab the user's ID# and then find them in the database. Now the only way that I can …

Member Avatar for eovogt
Member Avatar for navi17
Member Avatar for TechySafi

Wait you don't need to read the whole things :) Just scroll down, and see what I've asked :) [CODE]stdClass Object ( [friends_count] => 54 [description] => i'TS THE digiTAL vERSiOn 0b devilZ! tECH & mUUsic fReak. sImpLE buT.......! [screen_name] => 2020Volt [profile_sidebar_border_color] => 181A1E [status] => stdClass Object ( …

Member Avatar for TechySafi
Member Avatar for navi17

Hello friends, I need your ideas on my new project in word press. How should i approach that. what i want to achieve is that Client will have library of word press themes called wps themes on his server. I need to create a plugin which when install 1)- The …

Member Avatar for kasim.badami

Hi, Please help me if anybody has found PHP code for implementing Reddit.com API. I want API that can post on reddit.com through php code. Thanks in advance :)

Member Avatar for kasim.badami
Member Avatar for kasim.badami

I am developing a PHP sript that uses delicious API, i have almost done with it but while making a request to API (after creating oauth signature) i am getting following response. I am following the steps described on delicious support site. [url]http://www.delicious.com/help/oauthapi/[/url] [QUOTE]Please provide valid credentials. OAuth oauth_problem="unable_to_determine_oauth_type", realm="yahooapis.com" …

Member Avatar for SnowyCloud

Hi, I'm reasonably new to assembly, but now that I have mastered the basics, I would like to start using something a little more fun. Can anyone tell me where I can find a book on Assembly for building GUI interfaces. Because this is nice and low level, I don't …

Member Avatar for mathematician
Member Avatar for Morbane

I have a basic knowledge of C++ but mostly in a limited fashion. I am building an API and I need to send the resulting string to a text box in a Modal Dialog. I will not need to manipulate the string beyond sending it to the text box. The …

Member Avatar for Morbane
Member Avatar for unclenath

Hi everyone, I need a script that will redirect an excel API from one database to another using VB.net. I am still a novice. I need your help. Thank you.

Member Avatar for pssubash

Hai, how to write code to work with google apis in core PHP. I found the code only in ZF. Have any one have sample in core ?

Member Avatar for CBResources

Hi there, I'm new here so please forgive me if I'm posting in the wrong area or something... I am helping a friend setup a website and on this website we are having daily horoscopes. We have a provider for this service, and they have provided us with some info. …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for vibhaJ

Hi All, I am having one php website. where user register and add android application id from android market.e.g. com.GalleryXYZ... I just have to check that whether this id is valid or not on android market? I found below link: [URL="http://developer.android.com/guide/publishing/publishing.html#marketintent"]http://developer.android.com/guide/publishing/publishing.html#marketintent[/URL] But it doesn't help me. Is android provide any …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for vibhaJ

Hi All, I am having one php website. where user register and add android application id from android market.e.g. com.GalleryXYZ... I just have to check that whether this id is valid or not on android market? I found below link: [URL="http://developer.android.com/guide/publishing/publishing.html#marketintent"]http://developer.android.com/guide/publishing/publishing.html#marketintent[/URL] But it doesn't help me. Is android provide any …

Member Avatar for kswsk

I want to matching addresses, without necessarily displaying them on a map by using Google MAP. For example : [CODE]<input type="text" name="drop-off" id="drop" style="color:#666666"/>[/CODE] the customer will enter like this in the texe field : 10 Abbe......., then autmatically the address appear like this for example 10 abbey st and …

Member Avatar for =OTS=G-Man

Hello everyone, I am working on a C# app that uses the YouTube .NET API but have come up with an issue, and I'm not sure if its the .NET Wrapper or just something I'm Doing. Ok heres the problem, I request the list of videos the logged in user …

Member Avatar for =OTS=G-Man
Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky

Anyone played with the jxl API before? It's a tool for read/write access to Excel spreadsheets - a little bit dodgy, but it works. I wrote a piece of code for my brother using this a few months ago, and now he's starting to see a warning message, which is …

Member Avatar for CatRambo

[ATTACH=RIGHT]16394[/ATTACH]Developers downloading the third beta of [URL="http://developer.apple.com/technologies/iphone/whats-new.html"]Apple's iOS 4.1[/URL], which became available yesterday evening, were disgruntled to find that in this release, Apple's dropped support for both the iPhone 3G and the second generation iPod Touch. The changes were made to Apple's Game Center, a social network centered are iOS …

Member Avatar for nodoso

Hello everybody, I have some trouble with the google maps api. I want to add markers from a xml file to my map but it seems that the function is not parsing my xml file and I am clueless. Any ideas here is my code: [code] <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> …

Member Avatar for SolidSolutions
Member Avatar for TeBone

at a current project I was ask to provide a native access using Visual Basic and the Btrieve API. Since there isnt any actual sample at the website availabel ([url]www.pervasive.com[/url]) I thought posting it might help some of you. You can find sample code but almost all of them using …

Member Avatar for leiger

I am attempting to access an XML-RPC API method using a Java client. I'm fairly certain that the server is written in Python. The API is part of the wiki farm Wikidot.com API info: [url]http://www.wikidot.com/doc:api[/url] API method info: [url]http://www.wikidot.com/doc:api-methods[/url] Does anyone here know what the equivalent of this statement is …

Member Avatar for leiger
Member Avatar for bitsynthesis

Upflickr is a ruby gem that makes it easy to add basic image uploading and organizing functionality to ruby scripts or apps. For installation and usage documentation, please visit the project homepage: [url]http://bitsynthesis.com/upflickr[/url]

Member Avatar for cecp

Is it possible to use child window created in Win32 API as a container for another windows (controls - buttons, edit fields etc.)? Or is there any other way how to use container in Win32 API? The goal is to create a simple user interface for application?

Member Avatar for cecp
Member Avatar for lich

i want to use google map api for my desktop application. the application will be totally connected to internet. while i was searching some research notes about this implementation. i found a ideal site with the configurations. but it has some java files to be downloaded. but when i tried …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for raseru

There's mountains of guides for learning C++ and they all cover from hello world to pointers, but I never see any of them make a peep about making an actual window. They all stay in consoles and that's that. Why is this? Do most people never mess with API and …

Member Avatar for Frederick2
Member Avatar for MiamiPPCPro

I apologize if I didn't post this in the right forum, but I did a search on this site and couldn't find anything on this topic... So, here is the deal...I am not at all a programmer, and have no knowledge of it whatsoever...As such, I am working on a …

Member Avatar for music_est_vie
Member Avatar for Diamonddrake

This simple class encapsulates the exAnimatewindow api call. I got tired of adding all the jazz to every form I need to use as a pop up, or any borderless forms I used. (Windows 7 and vista don't animate windows with no border by default) This class could easily be …


The End.