Auto-Populate Based on Text Box Programming Software Development by ahudson …-only. How do I type in the Account Number and auto-populate those two fields based on the acct. number. If no… How to Auto-populate text field(s) based on dropdown list selection Programming Web Development by mmc2 …States” drop down list, but could not get it to auto populate the text field. I got some assistance from a friend… and was able to get the text box to auto populate with its corresponding price, however when the page was submitted… xmlHttp.responseText; (I think that this line of code is auto filling the “price” text box with the value that was… Re: How do I auto-populate form fields with data in a MySQL table? Programming Web Development by mexabet …'ve used that exact same function in another script to auto-populate a form input and edit it. The only difference was… logged in as a regular user and was able to auto-populate my account and edit it. But in this case, I… site's admin and I need to be able to auto-populate any user's account I select its ID and edit… Re: How do I auto-populate form fields with data in a MySQL table? Programming Web Development by mexabet …-user.php. I want the selected user's data to auto-populate form inputs on modify-user.php, so the admin can… Populate multiple select boxes Programming Web Development by ZzyzX … found here: [URL=""]…/auto-populate-multiple-select-boxes/[/URL] Yep, another question on this topic … Auto-populate textbox question Programming Software Development by renzlo … and 1 textbox and an excel file. I need to populate the combo box through the data from my excel file… the EMP_ID in my combo box, the textbox will be auto-filled up with the corresponding SPIDOM of the EMP_ID, how… Auto populate php form array from database? Programming Web Development by JadeaDragon … then tells the second row "who" what to populate it with. I found several help areas on making a… Re: How to Auto-populate text field(s) based on dropdown list selection Programming Web Development by AirKevin Hello Airshow, Your script works perfectly and I was easily able to populate it from mysql, add more fields and more rows of items, editing your line 32. I'm stuck subtracting lines, however. When I drop to one line item (only productSelection_0) it breaks. Suggestion? Re: Auto-Populate Based on Text Box Programming Software Development by Jx_Man Use Select Statement. e.g : `"Select Holder_name, Balance from Account where Account_Number = '" & Textbox1.Text & "'"` Re: Auto-Populate Based on Text Box Programming Software Development by mridul.ahuja you can use **MySql Server** and as Jx Man has said , the query goes like "Select Holder_name, Balance from Account where Account_Number = '" & Textbox1.Text & "'" Re: Auto populate select boxes Programming Web Development by dan_ord …("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } return null; } [/CODE] PHP Code to populate the other select box (update_engine.php): [CODE] <select name… Re: auto-populate php field with mysql Programming Databases by smantscheff … user data are stored and only then to display the auto-generated number to the user. PHP and AJAX: Auto-Populate SELECT BOX Programming Web Development by klemme … xmlhttprequest, and get the corret data from the DB, to populate the other select box, which is this one: ([I]I… in the js.file?[/I] So I need to somehow, populate the second select box, and go around my database to… How do I auto-populate form fields with data in a MySQL table? Programming Web Development by mexabet … a MySQL table, and I want to use them to populate form fields, so the site's admin can edit them… Re: How do I auto-populate form fields with data in a MySQL table? Programming Web Development by mexabet @pritaeas, Thanks for replying. I need the form fields to populate with data from database table named "users". But unfortunately, they're not populated when the page (modify-user.php) loads. Re: Auto-populate textbox question Programming Software Development by kingsonprisonic In ComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged use a SqlCommand to find the SPIDOM. Like "Select SPIDOM from table where EMP_ID='"+ComboBox1.Text.Trim+"'" Now Execute the Command As Scaler If you Execute it as Scaler you will get the SPIDOM of corresponding EMP_ID.. Now Display it in TextBox.. Simple... Re: Auto-populate textbox question Programming Software Development by Reverend Jim The combobox will be populated with the data in column 1. When an item in the combobox is selected, the corresponding value from column 2 will be displayed in the textbox. [code] Private Sub ComboBox1_SelectedValueChanged(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles ComboBox1.SelectedValueChanged txtExcel.Text = ComboBox1.… Re: Auto-populate textbox question Programming Software Development by renzlo [QUOTE=kingsonprisonic;1764034]In ComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged use a SqlCommand to find the SPIDOM. Like "Select SPIDOM from table where EMP_ID='"+ComboBox1.Text.Trim+"'" Now Execute the Command As Scaler If you Execute it as Scaler you will get the SPIDOM of corresponding EMP_ID.. Now Display it in TextBox.. … Re: Auto-populate textbox question Programming Software Development by renzlo [QUOTE=Reverend Jim;1764036]The combobox will be populated with the data in column 1. When an item in the combobox is selected, the corresponding value from column 2 will be displayed in the textbox. [code] Private Sub ComboBox1_SelectedValueChanged(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles ComboBox1.SelectedValueChanged … Re: Auto-populate textbox question Programming Software Development by Reverend Jim I ran it here and the values matched exactly. No extra values that were not in the table. You might want to ask a moderator to remove the Excel table that you attached. It looks like it contains actual user data (names etc) and they might not appreciate having their data posted. Even just posting a list of names might be an oops. Next time you … Re: Auto-populate textbox question Programming Software Development by renzlo [QUOTE=Reverend Jim;1764225]I ran it here and the values matched exactly. No extra values that were not in the table. You might want to ask a moderator to remove the Excel table that you attached. It looks like it contains actual user data (names etc) and they might not appreciate having their data posted. Even just posting a list of names … Re: Auto-populate textbox question Programming Software Development by Reverend Jim Windows 7 Pro, Visual Studio 2010 and MS SQL Server. I didn't intend to rag on you about the names. I just thought I'd mention it. I see it wasn't necessary. If there is the possibility of duplicate entries in the spreadsheet you might try "select distinct" and see if you get the same number of records returned. Although, as I said, I … Re: Auto-populate textbox question Programming Software Development by renzlo I have run again my program but GU58 and GU67 is in the combo box but not in excel file, it's kinda weird, what went wrong? Please see attached image. Thanks for usual support Jim. Re: Auto-populate textbox question Programming Software Development by Reverend Jim GU58 and GU67 do not appear in my copy of tnt.xls or in my combobox. Re: Auto-populate textbox question Programming Software Development by renzlo thanks, I've rewritten my codes and it's now fixed. Thank you very much Jim. Re: How to Auto-populate text field(s) based on dropdown list selection Programming Web Development by Airshow MMC, You can certainly use AJAX to get prices but another approach is to serve all price information within the page in a form that allows javascript to access it with ease. Hence you have a fast, wholly client-side application from the point the page has been served right up to when the order form is submitted. Consider this: [CODE] <!… Re: How to Auto-populate text field(s) based on dropdown list selection Programming Web Development by mmc2 Thank you for your quick response. I will work through your example, and let you know how I go. Re: How to Auto-populate text field(s) based on dropdown list selection Programming Web Development by Airshow Good luck - it's bed-time here so I'm off for some shuteye. [B]Airshow[/B] Re: How to Auto-populate text field(s) based on dropdown list selection Programming Web Development by mmc2 Hi Airshow, My name is Michael. I have copied the code that you have pasted in the post, but there seems to be some errors as the calc() function is not executing. the drop down list works correctly, but no pricing or total information displays. please review line 39 of your code. [CODE] totalcell.onnerHTML = 'Error';[/CODE]. Should the "C&… Re: How to Auto-populate text field(s) based on dropdown list selection Programming Web Development by Airshow [QUOTE=mmc2;1066785]Should the "C" in totalcell be a capital, and should onnerHTML be innerHTML. please forgive me if I am wrong, as I am only fairly new at this. [/QUOTE] Well spotted Michael. Line 39 is a heap of ****. It should read [ICODE]totalCell.innerHTML = 'Error';[/ICODE]. I included it to cater for an error condition that …