Re: blur Digital Media UI / UX Design by kevin_smithers … flash.Had one problem though,how do you create a blur effect in flash?[/QUOTE] That depends on what type of… blur a general blur like a photo out of focus or a motion… blur? But both can be done in flash. I was told … Re: blur Digital Media UI / UX Design by Soral 3.0 … you REALLY have to have a blur in your animation, I mean, DRAW out the blur --kinda like what they do in… at other flash animations. Do any of them have a blur? Sorry I couldn't help, -Soral 3.0 blur Digital Media UI / UX Design by linarchy I have been doing 3d but I'm intrigued by flash.Had one problem though,how do you create a blur effect in flash? Re: blur Digital Media UI / UX Design by Soral 3.0 I found this site: [url][/url] It stated that the easiest way to make a blur was to use photoshop. -Soral 3.0 Blur Image Programming Software Development by xanawa … getImage() { return image; } public abstract BufferedImage execute(); }[/CODE] [B]Blur Class[/B] [CODE]import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java….image.ConvolveOp; import java.awt.image.Kernel; public class Blur extends Effect { public Blur(BufferedImage image) { super(image); } /*public BufferedImage execute (… Blur Function for Program Programming Software Development by robbins88 …= 255; else dest[i*cols + j] = 0; } } /** blur ****************************************************************** * @params - src, in any units, @pre=>0 * …- returns the array dest * @returns - nothing **************************************************************************/ void blur(int src[], int rows, int cols, int dest[]) {… blur, change, keyup Programming Web Development by filch …} else { removeFields(n); } } }); $('#mc_qty').bind('blur keyup change', function() { var n = this.value ||…} else { removeFieldsNonMember(n); } } }); $('#aw_qty').bind('blur keyup change', function() { var n = this.value ||… Re: Blur Function for Program Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon … to make more generous use of { and } [code=cplusplus] void blur(int src[], int rows, int cols, int dest[]) { int count… Re: Blur Function for Program Programming Software Development by dougy83 …) * cols + (X)) int pixelVal = src[pixelRef(x, y)]; [/code] The blur is supposed to set set each destination pixel (xi, yi… Blur Effect Banner Programming Web Development by davy_yg Hi, I am looking for a blur effect banner/ header script. Can anyone help me? Something like: [URL=""][/URL] Automatically it should change the header every 3 seconds with blur effect. However the user can change it manually if they press certain areas. Re: Blur image Programming Web Development by Taywin After I searched and looked at their github, I don't see anything that talks about blur effect. I am guessing that the library does not support blur effect at the moment. You may have to deal with it using regular HTML5 (without the library). Blur to the right Hardware and Software Hardware by heycrumb …, because sometimes the screen is perfectly fine. Anyway, when the blur problem happens basically everything on the screen blurs to the… blur image Programming Web Development by nikita.chandra hello anyone can tell me how to blur image using javascript. Re: blur image Programming Web Development by Graphix You mean blur = make more light? See the following link: [url][/url] ~G Blur image Programming Web Development by techyworld Hi am using Ocanvas Javascript Library, i need to blur an image. how can i do this? Re: blur Digital Media UI / UX Design by yni420 Hi There is flash effects program called Koolmoves [QUOTE]hxxp://[/QUOTE] Another one is swishmax [QUOTE]hxxp://[/QUOTE] I dont know how to do it in flash but it can be done :cool: Re: blur Digital Media UI / UX Design by Soral 3.0 whoa, how did you make the browser window shake? Re: blur Digital Media UI / UX Design by kevin_smithers [QUOTE=Soral 3.0]whoa, how did you make the browser window shake?[/QUOTE] The line pf code in your flash movie is getURL("javascript:shake_x(5)") place this when you want the browser to shake. basicly this activates Javascript in the HTML page, have a look at the javascript at the top of the HTML page without this it wont work. … Re: blur Digital Media UI / UX Design by Soral 3.0 cool -- I'll check it out Creating blur effect animation using flash Digital Media UI / UX Design by rajesanthu …stage(any picture on which you wanna create blur effect) STEP 3.Now the pic is…image into a symbol.and name it as blur. Select Movie clip from the radios appear…[B]+[/B] that and select blur from the popup that give the… This is like [B]FILTER-> + -> BLUR -> X & Y =100 ->ENTER[/B… Creating blur effect in flash Digital Media UI / UX Design by rajesanthu … stage(any picture on which you wanna create blur effect)[/B]STEP 3.Now the pic is …the image into a symbol.and name it as blur. Select Movie clip from the radios appear in…will see a + that and select blur from the popup that give the value… ENTER. This is like [B]FILTER-> + -> BLUR -> X & Y =100 ->ENTER[/B]… CSS Blur Overlay Programming Web Development by James_43 …rgba(255,255,255,0.5); } div.overlay-blur { left:0; right:0; filter:blue(4px); …blue(4px); -moz-filter:blue(4px); -webkit-filter:blur(4px); } nav.navbar-default { background-color: … } I think perhaps the nature of the blur is that it only blurs certain object - and… Re: Box Blur Theory Programming Software Development by sirlink99 …image, and tmpBuffer is a temporary buffer to apply the blur. void MyFilter(pixel* Im, int myIm_Width, int myIm_Height…[] = { 0, 0, 0 }; // {r, g, b} values for blur //gets the pixels in the matrix for (blurX = -((int)blurRad… I am wondering if you can see why my blur seems to be moving rather than staying in the same… jQuery child window focus/blur with iframe Programming Web Development by secretply …); $(anotherwindow).focus(function() { focuscheck = setInterval(focuswindow, 1000); }); $(anotherwindow).blur(function() { clearInterval(focuscheck); $("iframe:first", anotherwindow.document).on…first time. Only way it works is to purposely blur the window by switching to another tab, then … Monitor blur problem, PLEASE help. Hardware and Software Hardware by haloevo … hard is it, if at all possible, to remove the blur from large CRT monitors? [/B] I currently have a 19… me can fix a monitor blurring problem? What causes the blur? Please note, that I am not using them side by… jquery focus and blur not working in chrome Programming Web Development by VenusCrystal Hi, Can anyone tell me alternatives to focus() and blur() events in jquery as they dont work in chrome? On focus I am adding a div and on blur that div is being removed. Thanks, VC set focus to textbox on blur validation Programming Web Development by korathualex set focus to textbox on blur validation...I am doing character strength validation on the blur event of textbox..How to set focus to it... Re: jQuery child window focus/blur with iframe Programming Web Development by LastMitch … the first time. Only way it works is to purposely blur the window by switching to another tab, then go back… Can't get blur to work Programming Web Development by Lonestar Jack $("#phone").blur(function () { alert('on blur'); }); form code: <form id="input_form" action="&… Re: Can't get blur to work Programming Web Development by JorgeM …;text" > <script> $("#phone1").blur(function () { alert('on blur'); }); </script> </body> </html…