Bomb timer and secret code in shell Programming Software Development by frankycool … password to dis-activate the timer-bomb.If the user fails to enter … displayed as Bomb Exploded else a message should be displayed as Bomb Defused.Beneath … "boom" ]; then echo "Bomb Disactivated" else echo "Bomb Exploded" fi [/CODE] Bomb Disposal Unit 54 for the iPad Hardware and Software Hardware Mobile and Wearables by happygeek … from exploding" that's the premise of Bomb Disposal Unit 54, a new game that I … have to undo the outer casing of a bomb without too much of a shaky finger lest … game is accessed by choosing to defuse a 'bomb' from a schematic of the city you are meant…Click here to watch a video trailer of Bomb Disposal Unit 54]( Re: Bomb timer and secret code in shell Programming Software Development by cfajohnson [code] password=boom n=0 for n in 1 2 3 do read -ep "Code: " code [ "$code" = "$password" ] && break done if [ "$code" = "$password" ] then echo "Bomb Disactivated" else echo "Bomb Exploded" fi [/code] fork bomb Programming Software Development by ub007 Hello, I came across the fork bomb : ( ) { : | : & } ; : ,and wondering if anyone could suggest a way to …),and wish to test my ubuntu server using a fork bomb from a ubuntu client.I've installed LAMP server and… the server,like wise,how do i use the fork bomb to spawn child processes on the server using python? Cheers… How to create email bomb from table email data? Programming Web Development by silent lover … list of emails. i want to get that email and bomb it. somekind of marketing email. please help me to solve… type="submit" name="emailbomber" value="Bomb!" onClick="document.bomber.submit()"> </td… Re: How to create email bomb from table email data? Programming Web Development by LastMitch … list of emails. i want to get that email and bomb it. somekind of marketing email. please help me to solve… HTML popup bomb Digital Media UI / UX Design by scrypt3r Freeze your computer with this window bomb!! What the heck is this 'decompression bomb'??? Hardware and Software Information Security by stereotypical … file could not be scanned because it is a 'decompression bomb': C:\Program Files\Nero 7\Nero BackItUp\BackItUp_ImageTool\root.img… Re: What the heck is this 'decompression bomb'??? Hardware and Software Information Security by jholland1964 A decompression bomb is a file that unpacks to an enormous amount of … Al Quaeda Hit List and Bomb Tips Allegedly Linked to Shut Down of Blogetery Digital Media Digital Marketing by Niki_Fears …]enforcement agency that “revealed a link to terrorist material, including bomb-making instructions and an al-Qaeda “hit list"”. They… Re: Bomb timer and secret code in shell Programming Software Development by frankycool thanks it helped Re: Bomb Disposal Unit 54 for the iPad Hardware and Software Hardware Mobile and Wearables by ChrisHunter You should try SAD: Zombie Assault 3. it's addictive and you can play it online in public games or in private matches with friends. i stole my girlfriends iPhone while she watched her soaps and needless to say she wasn't best pleased when i run her battery down. Re: Bomb Disposal Unit 54 for the iPad Hardware and Software Hardware Mobile and Wearables by happygeek Angry Birds is pretty much my only readl iPad game addiciton I guess. I have everything and always play as soon as any updates appear. It's pretty Pokemon-esque for me: gotta get 'em all... Re: Bomb Disposal Unit 54 for the iPad Hardware and Software Hardware Mobile and Wearables by ChrisHunter Yeah I was addicted to Angry Birds untill my phone broke and i had to start again. I don't know if it's already available but Pokemon on smart-phones would be excellent! i spent weeks of my life on that game when i was younger. Re: Bomb Disposal Unit 54 for the iPad Hardware and Software Hardware Mobile and Wearables by Daniel Jones Truely speaking they have tried to make the game intresting but have not succedded. Re: Should the U.S. Bomb Countries Harboring Hackers? Hardware and Software Networking by roblimo What about all the U.S.-based hackers? Are we going to bomb Maryland, California, Washington, Oregon, and New Jersey? These are all well-known hacker hotbeds, plus New Jersey is home to that awful Jersey Shore TV show and those horrid Real Housewives. Even so, is bombing a country over the sins of a few of its citizens morally justified? Re: Should the U.S. Bomb Countries Harboring Hackers? Hardware and Software Networking by slfisher Yeah, that would be interesting, if Russia or China were to bomb *us* for what it perceived as hacking coming from the U.S. Re: fork bomb Programming Software Development by jlm699 I've used a module called paramiko to open a tunnel into another machine and execute commands remotely. It worked very nicely. Re: How to create email bomb from table email data? Programming Web Development by silent lover this is not issue about the form but about php to send it, because my syntax did not work. here is my example : <?php if(isset($_REQUEST['emailbomber'])){ if (mysql_connect('localhost','username','password') && mysql_set_charset('utf8') && mysql_select_db('my_database')) { $errors = array();… Re: How to create email bomb from table email data? Programming Web Development by pritaeas What exactly does not work? Do you get errors? If so, show them. Re: How to create email bomb from table email data? Programming Web Development by silent lover there are no errors but it did not work. i think php syntax that capture how many checklisted checkbox, php syntax that want to get table names (checklisted checkbox name) are the source of the fail. how to count dynamically checklisted checkbox, and get the checklisted checkbox name? so i can get the email field data from table names (checklisted … Re: HTML popup bomb Digital Media UI / UX Design by nav33n Why would somebody want to do that ? Re: Al Quaeda Hit List and Bomb Tips Allegedly Linked to Shut Down of Blogetery Digital Media Digital Marketing by Major Variola The Inspire magazine is all that was present. It has a "hit list" associated with the Mohommad cartoons, and pipe bombs from matchheads (chlorate) and sugar. Also bin Laden on global warming. If you haven't examined the mag first hand, do so. Its fascinating. Check out the "sneakers" page for US blacks. http://… Re: Change-a-Letter-or-Two-Game Community Center Geeks' Lounge by mitrmkar bomb problem in game Programming Software Development by jasmin_java … { JButton table[] []; //Array of Buttons boolean bomb[] []; //array true if bomb is present on button [x][y] boolean flag[]… randx = but_randx.nextInt(row); randy = but_randx.nextInt(col); if (bomb [randx] [randy] == false) { bomb [randx] [randy] = true; checkwinbool [randx] [randy] =… levels problem Programming Software Development by ulrik04 …(bomb(0,2)); bombs.push_back(bomb(0,4)); bombs.push_back(bomb(1,3)); bombs.push_back(bomb(2,2)); bombs.push_back(bomb(2,1)); bombs.push_back(bomb minesweep game Programming Software Development by bluesmiley …new InputStreamReader(; static private Bomb[] bmbArry1 = new Bomb[5]; static private Bomb[] bmbArry2 = new Bomb[5]; static private char matrix[][]; …:49: cannot find symbol symbol : method GetXpos() location: class Bomb[] if(bmbArry1.GetXpos() == X) ^ F:\JavaAssignments\Minesweep\MineSweep1.… tk inter minesweeper reset/newgame function Programming Software Development by G33KKitty … def click(self, i): r,c=i bomb=self.under_vals[r*3+c]=='1' #Evaluates whether there is… to edit else: if tkMessageBox.askyesno("error", "BOMB- Try Again?"): return newGame() else: quit() tc = BoardGame()… Re: tk inter minesweeper reset/newgame function Programming Software Development by JasonHippy …;BOOM!") if tkMessageBox.askyesno("error", "BOMB- Try Again?"): self.parent.newGame() else: quit()…for b in self.under_vals: # determine if this is a bomb isBomb=False if self.under_vals[count] == '1' : … Expression must have pointer-to-function type Programming Software Development by mke48 … int LaserPrice() {return LPrice;} string GetBomb() {return Bomb;} int BombPrice() {return BPrice;} string GetPropulsion() {return…(BombChoice) { case 0: Bomb = "Cluster Bomb"; BPrice = 600; break; case 1: Bomb = "Concrete Bomb"; BPrice = 700;…