15,540 Topics

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Member Avatar for Dreamer_1

I want to remove elements from struct array. I have tried many different versions of my remove()function, but no of them work. This last deletes the element that user spcified and copies onther element to its place. in main() i have n=remove(a,n) int remove(Vegies a[], int n){ int i,input,j; while(1){ …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Sofia Ann
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Member Avatar for Senzo_1

find the sum of numbers until the number itself, the factorial of the number, and the ratio of the factorial to the sum with 1 fractional number. by using functions in the C language. For example, if the student enters 10, the program should display: The sum of numbers until …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Martin_53

How can I write in C++ a code in which a user select multiple similar names from a list of names.

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Member Avatar for olong tea

This questions contains probability and I dont know how to work with it in Java import numpy import random def cup_game(): cashprice = [0.5, 1.0 , 2.0 , 5.0] n_turn = numpy.random.randint(5,11) n_mult = numpy.random.randint(3,6) cups = list(range(0,15)) x = numpy.random.choice(cashprice, 15, p=[0.3, 0.4, 0.2, 0.1]) x = list(x) turn …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Mallika_1

// Texture segmentation using Uniform Local Binary Pattern #include<iostream> #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<malloc.h> #include<math.h> struct cluster { /* data */ float i[10]; float cumi[10]; int memcount; }; //variable declaration unsigned char **allocateMem(int,int); void applyKmeans(unsigned char **,int,int, unsigned char **); void calculateTexturevector(unsigned char **, int,int,float *); void initializecluster(unsigned char **, struct * …

Member Avatar for Maria_36
Member Avatar for darshanghorpade

For a given array of integers, reach to the end of the array from the 0th index with minimum number of moves. Moves possible at each index: Move from index i to index (i+1) Move from index i to index (i-1) Move from index i to index j, if a[i] …

Member Avatar for Fifth Horseman
Member Avatar for Afonso_1

Does someone know how to download a file in c++? A simple way. i just need it to download and save it to a specific directory.

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for dimitrilc

I came across this [article](https://developer.ibm.com/articles/messaging-protocols/) from IBM. It states that a **protocol** describes the **format of the bytes** that are transferred over the wire. > A protocol is sometimes referred to as the wire protocol, and it describes the format of the bytes that are transferred over the wire, and …

Member Avatar for Ben_913

I am a novice in assembler programing, I will will appreciate if someone could review these NASM assembler code for me. Is about encoder decoder. The encoder performs the following: 1. pads the shellcode with NOP opcodes so it is 4 bytes aligned 2. a random byte is generated for …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for aimannafis12333

Can you guys help me to convert this C++ to C https://padlet.com/aimannafis12333/el9ytegudkw69o8e

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Member Avatar for jnbgames.dev

The program below is written in **C** and is used to convert numbers to words. These operations are beneficial during the development of word processing applications. The program takes the **input** file that contains the number and **outputs** the results in an output file. Let me know if you find …

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Member Avatar for jnbgames.dev

The program below is written in C and creates a structure that holds the values of a text editor. This structure is beneficial during the development of text editor applications. Let me know if you find the code below helpful and if you have any additional suggestions: /*----------------------------------------------------------- * Description: …

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Member Avatar for jnbgames.dev

The program below is written in C and creates a stack that holds the values of a maze. This structure is beneficial during the development of a desktop game that uses a maze. Let me know if you find the code below helpful and if you have any additional suggestions:

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Member Avatar for jnbgames.dev

The program below is written in C and is used to perform fast number operations. These operations are beneficial during the development of spreadsheet applications. Let me know if you find the code below helpful and if you have any additional suggestions:

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for MD SAIFUL_2

Write a menu driven c program to create an integer array and populate it with some data. Then perform the following operations with user choice: a) Insert an element at beginning, at end, at any position of the array. b) Delete an element at beginning, from end, from a given …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for babar125

Hey guys I managed to get some code what works fine but it uses console application I have tried to convert it by hand and change things around to get it to work but with no avail! I'm certain it should be simple but I may be wrong :( Thanks …

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Member Avatar for Braxy

Jaluh is making a room inventory in the Hostel where she is working. They have 16 rooms labelled as A-P. She is doing this manually that it will consume more time. Make a program that will automatically be identified if the room is taken or not. An array code.. ANYONE …

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Hi … wen I launch turbo c window for the first time it opens only status window… can someone help me on tis

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Member Avatar for masal_

Guys can you help me with this pls. I need a C program that read a binary file and search the word "MALWARE" in the file. If there is "MALWARE" then prints out its offset value. Output should be like: "MALWARE" expression found in address location 4096.

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for kamaid

Hi, I'm new here and pretty new to c++ and programming in general. During one of my first excercises I tried to work with classes but I don't know how to output an class object in another class. Here is my Code with the text in [] (Circle.cpp) where I'm …

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Member Avatar for Snehashish Das

## Traversal In Binary Tree : ## **Preorder traversal (NLR) :** 1. Visit the root(N) 2. Traverse the left subtree of root in preorder(L) 3. Traverse the right subtree of root in preorder(R) **Inorder Traversal (LNR) :** 1. Traverse the left subtree of root in inorder(L) 2. Visit the root(N) …

Member Avatar for althaf_3

Write a Program to Delete an Integer from an Array of random numbers? Please reply anyone

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for althaf_3

Any one please help me to understand this question . Write a Program to Delete an Integer from an Array of random numbers. Please reply Asap

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Vmr_574

Hello all, I have a question I have a list view in eg and there are songs in it now I want when I click on a button that he plays all the music in succession but I can't get that done can someone send me an example? Thank you

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Member Avatar for Hanz Jude

I am writing this program for our activity, but I have Problem at the end line, because whenever I input 'Y' when asked do you want to solve another set, the do repeats but the statement "Do you want to try again is flashed along with the question "Which shape's …

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The End.